Chapter 4 Muscles of the Face Flashcards
(Muscles of the Face): Orbicularis oris
closes and protrudes lips
(Muscles of the Face): Risorius
retracts lips at the corners, aids in mastication and smiling
(Muscles of the Face): Buccinator
compresses the cheeks, moves food onto surface of molars for mastication
(Muscles of the Face)
(Elevators): Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
elevates upper lip
(Muscles of the Face)
(Elevators): Levator labii superioris
elevates upper lip
(Muscles of the Face)
(Elevators): Zygomatic minor
elevates upper lip
(Muscles of the Face)
(Elevators): Zygomatic major
elevates and retracts the angle of the mouth
(Muscles of the Face)
(Elevators): Levator anguli oris
pulls corners of mouth up and medially
(Muscles of the Face)
(Depressors): Mentalis
depresses lower lip, pulls lower lip out
(Muscles of the Face)
(Depressors): Depressor labii inferioris
depresses lower lip
(Muscles of the Face)
(Depressors): Depressor anguli oris
depresses the corners of the mouth and helps compress the upper lip against the lower lip
(Muscles of the Face)
(Depressors): Platysma
depresses mandible