Chapter 4 - Russification - Poland Flashcards
Chapter 4 - Russo-Polish relations
Russo-Polish relations
Alexander II:
What were many Poles hopeful of?
Many Poles were hopeful that A2’s reformist attitude would lead to an improvement in their position after decades of repression
Who became Prime Minister of Poland in 1862?
Aleksander Wielopolski
What did PM Aleksander Wielopolski want for Poland?
Partial independence
Why did the Polish Revolt happen?
Wielopolski forced people to be conscripted into the army
When was the Polish Revolt?
January 1863 to Spring 1864
Who stopped the Polish Revolt?
The Russian Army
Political Impacts of the Polish Revolt:
Who was Poland put under the control of after the Polish Revolt?
Russian War Minister Dmitry Milyutin
What happened to the Polish nobility after the Polish Revolt?
They were exiled to Siberia
What was set up in rural areas after the Polish Revolt?
Rural district councils, similar to the Zemstva
What did Poland become officially known as after the Polish Revolt?
The ‘Vistula region’ of Russia
Social Impacts of the Polish Revolt:
What became the official language in Poland after the Polish Revolt?
Russian, taught in schools
What was the Catholic church not allowed to do after the Polish Revolt?
Communicate with the Vatican
What happened to Polish serfs after the Polish Revolt?
They were emancipated
Impacts of WW1 on Russo-Polish relations:
What was Russia forced to give up jurisdiction over after WW1?
Warsaw and Vilna (the centres of the Vistula region)
What granted Poland independence from Russia after WW1?
The signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk in 1918
Impacts of the Russo-Polish War on relations:
What happened in 1920?
The Red Army suffered a major defeat when attempting to recapture Polish territory
What did Lenin believe would happen when the Red Army entered Poland in 1920?
That the Poles would welcome the Red Army and would be freed from their tyranny
When was Polish independence confirmed?
16th October 1920 - armistice between Russia and Poland signed
Impacts of WW2 on Russo-Polish relations:
What did the signing of the non-aggression pact between Russia and Germany mean for Poland?
It meant that the USSR would not intervene in any attempt by Germany to invade Poland
What did the Polish government do during WW2?
They fled to London
What two things suggested that Poles would be excluded from post-war settlements?
- Russian offensive in 1944
- The formation of the National Liberation Committee (NLC)
Impacts of the Wartime conferences: Yalta, Potsdam and the Polish Question:
Where did Stalin demand the Russo-Polish frontier be established at the Yalta conference in February 1945?
Along the Curzon line
At the Yalta conference, what did Roosevelt and Churchill reluctantly agree to in regards to Poland?
That the whole of Poland would be governed by a Soviet-backed Lublin-style regime
What was introduced in February 1947?
A provisional constitution
What did the provisional constitution in 1947 set up?
A Council of State
How much power did the Council of State set up in 1947 have?
The Council had almost total legislative and executive power
Who dominated the Council of State?
The Stalinist-influenced Polish Workers’ Party
When was a one-party state in Poland established?
August 1948