chapter 4 Flashcards
collectivist cultures
cultures that emphasize group over individual. the focus is on the interconnectedness of individuals, particularly the interdependent nature of their social relationships and identities
contigencies (of self esteem)
characteristics of self or categories of outcomes on which a persom stakes their self esteem
game stage
mead’s second stage of social experience, in which children enter organized activities and learn to imagine the viewpoints of several others at the same time
generalized other
a conception of the attitudes and expectations held in common by the members of the organized groups with whom one interacts
the categories people use to specify who they are-that is, to locate themselves relative to other people
identity control theory
proposes that an actor uses the social meaning of their identity as a reference point for assessing what is occurring in the situation
individualist culture
cultures that emphasize the individual and value individual achievement
looking glass self
the term coined by cooley that describes the self schema we create based on how we think we appear to others
play stage
mead’s first stage of social experience, in which young children imitate the activities of people around them
the relative importance of a specific role identity to the individual’s self schema. the salience hierarchy refers to the ordering of an individual’s role identities according to their importance
self awareness
a state in which we take the self as the object of our attention and focus on our own appearance, actions, and thoughts
self discrepancy
the state in which a component of the individual’s actual self is the opposite of a similar component of the ideal self or the ought self
self esteem
the evaluative component of the self concept. the positive and negative evaluations people have of themselves
self schema
the organized structure of info that people have about themselves; the primary influence on the processinf of info about the self
situated self
the subset of self concepts that constitutes the self people recognize in a particular situatuon. selected from the person’s various identities, qualities, and self evaluatjons, the situated self depends on the demands of the situation