chapter 10 Flashcards
attitude change
a change in a person’s attitudes about some issue, person, or situation
attitude inoculation
a process that helps a target person to resist persuasion attempts by exposing them to a weak version of the arguments
the capacity of one group member to issue orders to others- that is, to direct or regulate the behaviour of other members by invoking rights that are vested in their role
communication- persuasion paradigm
a research paradigm that conceptualizes persuasion attempts in terms of source, message, target, channel, and impact- that is, who says what to whom by what medium with what effect
communicator credibility
in persuasion, the extent to which the communicator is perceived by the target audience as a believable source of info
in social influence, adherence by the target to the source’s requests or demands. compliance may occur either with or without concomitant change in attitudes
discrepant message
in persuasion, a message advocating a position that is different from what the target believes
moral foundations
targets vary in their perceptions of what distinguishes right from wrong
an effort by a source to change the beliefs or attitudes of a target person through the use of info or argument
an influence technique that is a communication taking the general form, “if you do X (which I want), then I will do Y (which you want)
resistance to persuasion attempts that occurs when the persuasion attempt threatens the independence or freedom of the target
social impact theory
a theoretical framework, applicable to both persuasion and obedience, stating that the impact of an influence attempt is a function of strength, immediacy, and number of sources that are present
social influence
an interaction process in which one person’s behaviour causes another person to change an opinion or to perform an action that they would not otherwise do
in social influence, the person who intentionally engages in some behaviour (persuasion, threat, promise) to cause another person to behave in a manner different from how they otherwise would
in social influence, the person who is affected by a social influence attempt from the source. in aggression, the person toward whom an aggressive act is directed