Chapter 3.1 Flashcards
Define niche.
Biotic and abiotic resources species uses. what, when, why, where, and how a species uses them.
Realized vs. Fundamental Niche
Realized - the actual resources; the reality
Fundamental - the potential;the possibility of if a species uses it and how.
What is mutualism?
When two species benefit each other in some way. (+/+)
When something benefits one species while not affecting another.
What is predation/herbivory/parasitism?
Predation is when another animal hunts to eat other animals.
Herbivory is when an animal eats different plants.
Parasitism is when parasites gain food harming other animals. These are negatively affecting a species while benefitting another.
Falcultative vs. Obligatory
F - When species recieve benefits but can survive without others.
O - species are enitrely dependent on each other.
What happened when two species overlap a little?
They will specialize/focus on something that they have different from each other.
What about when they overlap a lot?
One species will win over the resources most likely leaving the other extinct.
What are some examples of intraspecific interactions?
Mutualism - flowers and pollinators
Predation- Cat and mouse