Chapter 28- Years of Strength and Stability Flashcards
succeeded FDR as President
enacted in 1944 to provide discharge pay, hospitalization, government loans for purchasing homes, farms or businesses and educational benefits for veterans.
G.I. Bill of Rights
wartime measures upset the natural cycles of
supply and demand
ended the Great Depression
postwar economic boom
the erosion of the value of money
replaced the Wagner Act
removed certain labor abuses and to curb the growing power of labor unions over individuals and employers
Taft-Hartley Act
passed to ensure that future Presidents would be limited to two terms in office
22nd Amendment
won election of 1948
Truman’s public support program of socialists legislation
Fair Deal
provided military aid to European allies and other friendly nations
North Atlantic Treaty
Truman’s programs designed to give assistance to underdeveloped countries
Point Four Program
eleven members of the Communist party were tried and convicted under the
made it a crime to advocate the violent overthrow of the US government of belong to group dedicated to that purpose
Smith Act
designed to bring the activities of the Communist party under closer surveillance and control
Internal Security Act
a State Department official that was convicted under the Smith Act
Alger Hiss
the husband and wife team that was executed for selling secrets to Russians
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
former Communist party member and spy that helped investigators find and convict Communist supporters
conducted investigations into the Communist associations of employess of various departments of the federal government
Joseph McCarthy
increases Soviet espionage at home and additional friction abroad were part of the
a conflict of two opposing ideologies: Capitalism vs Communism
Cold War
set up by UN to meet the threats to world peace
International Atomic Energy Authority
Churchill’s name for eastern Europe
Iron Curtain
stated that the US would employ its resources to prevent the overthrow of any democracy through outside interference
Truman Doctrine
the European Recovery Plan that extended credits amounting to as much as $20 million to accelerate Europe’s economic renewal
Marshall Plan
established by Americans all through the winter of 1948-1949 to aid the West Berliners from starvation
Berlin Air-Lift
an association of nations established in 1949
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Russia countered by denouncing the past as aggressive alliance against the Soviet union, and by forming a defensive association of its own, the
Warsaw Pact
appointed by Truman as Supreme Commander in the Allied occupation of Japan
General Douglas MacArthur
treaty that officially ended the Allied occupation of Japan
Japanese Peace Treaty Conference
named by Truman as Supreme Allied Commander in EUROPE
General Dwight D Eisenhower
gave the President the authority to fix wage and price ceilings
Defense Production Act
Korea was partitioned along the
38th parallel
Chinese Communist leader
Mao Tse-Tung
Chinese Nationalist Leader
Chiang Kai-Shek
traveled to China and attempted to persuade Chiang Kai-Shek to form a coalition government which would include both Communists and Nationalists
General George Marshall
North Korea invaded South Korea on
June 25, 1950
North Korean forces continued their advance and reached the South Korean capital
The outnumbered and outgunned South Koreans and Americans withdrew to a battle line called the
Pusan Perimeter
in April 1951, Truman shocked the nation by
abruptly removing General MacArthur from command
won the election of 1952
Republican Dwight D Eisenhower
Eisenhower’s VP
Richard Nixon
became Secretary of State under Eisenhower
John Foster Dulles
President Eisenhower transformed the Federal Security Agency into the
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
Ho Chi Minh drove the ___________________ out of their colony in Indochina
the Red Chinese seemed intent on “liberating” _______________ from Nationalist Chinese rule
an organization formed by Eisenhower and Dulles to resist Communist aggression and expansions
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)
weakened the SEATO alliance
absence of three of the largest non-Communist nations in Asia– India, Indonesia, Japan
West Germany became known as
German Federal Republic
two men who helped make West Germany one of the most prosperous nations in the world
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer
Ludwig Erhard
the whole trend of the Eisenhower Administration was
away from the government participation in business and economy
the CIO and AFL united to form
became the first president of the AFL-CIO
George Meany
Congress provided for the construction of the _______________________________ in partnership with Canada
St. Lawrence Seaway
cleared the way for private, commercial development of atomic power
Atomic Energy Act
the world’s first nuclear-powered merchant vessel
used to demonstrate one of the peaceful uses of atomic energy
under which President did Congress enact legislation to construct a national interstate highway system and provide low-rent public housing
Marxist leader of East Germany who attempted to increase working hours while retaining low wages
Water Ulbricht
the greatest resistance to Communist tyranny occurred in
throughout the Cold War, _________________ was gripped by tension
Middle East
year the US and Great Britain helped sponsor the establishment for the nation of Israel as a haven for Jews from around the world
Egyptian President_____________________ was especially vocal in his condemnation of the new state of Israel
Gamal Nassar
Claiming to be primarily interested in the peaceful development of his country, Nasser sought financial assistance from both the US and the USSR for his project of
Aswan High Dam
while an appeal to the UN was pending after Nasser’s closing off the Suez Canal, __________________ suddenly invaded Egypt in October, responding to stepped up terrorist violence against Israel and Nasser’s declaration that Israeli ships were barred from canal
the drive toward Arab unity had climaxed with the union of Egypt and Syria to form the
United Arab Republic (UAR)
country President Eisenhower sent US Marines in 1958 to protect AMerican lives and prevent an Arab revolt
Nationalist Chinese Islands bombarded by Communist CHina and protected by American naval and air forces
Quemoy and Matsu
doctrine expressed the President’s determination to use force, if necessary, to stop Communist aggression in the Middle East
Eisenhower Doctrine
the first artificial satellite to orbit the earth
Sputnik I
Congress responded to Sputnik I and II by appropriating $40 billion for defense, authorizing the President to reorganize the Defense Department, and creating this for further US space research and development
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
the US first man-made satellite
Explorer I
in the 1950s and 1960s, black Americans made considerable gains through the
civil rights movement
court case that made the landmark decision of “separate by equal”
Plessy vs Ferguson
declared racial segregation in public schools unconsitutional (1954)
Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka
Supreme Court Justice that struck down the former decision (Plessy vs. Ferguson) by ruling in Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka
Chief Justice Earl Warren
black American woman that got arrested for sitting in “white seat” on a bus
Rosa Parks
a young black American minister that stepped forward to help Rosa Parks by helping to organize a boycott of the city bus system
Martin Luther King, Jr.
formed by Luther King and pledged itself to nonviolent resistance in the struggle for civil rights
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
the first American President to face three Congresses controlled by the opposite party
in 1958, Congress provided for the admission of ________________ into the Union as the 49th state
The 86th Congress passed bills in march 1959 providing for the admittance of the 50th state, _____________
after the 1955 summit, Russia moved more from aggression to
peaceful coexistence
became premier of Soviet Union after Stalin’s death
Nikita Khrushchev
the pilot of the reconnaissance plane shot down over Soviet Russia in 1960
Francis Gary Powers
the African country that was not prepared for self-government
Belgian Congo (later became Republic of the Congo)
two important figures who died during the civil way in the Congo
Patrice Lumamba (assassinated)
Dr Paul Carlson (murdered when Belgian paratroopers dropped in by US Air Force)
Cuban dictator who was ousted by Communist revolutionaries in 1959
Fulgencio Batista
led the Cuban revolution that ousted Batista
Fidel Castro
after his release from prison, castro established this in Mexico
named after his aborted attempt to seize Cuban government in 1953
26th of July Movement
the major medical development during the fifties
public introduction of the polio vaccine
introduced polio vaccine
Jonas E Salk
perfected another polio vaccined that could be administered by the mouth
Albert Sabin
the world’s longest suspension bridge that connected the Upper and Lower Peninsulas of Michigan
Mackinac Straits Bridge
signaled the beginning of the largest domestic building program in the history of the country
Federal Aid Highway Act
Highway Revenue Act of 1956
linked one end of the country to anothers
Interstate Highway System
synonymous with football in the fifties
Jim Brown
leading male golfers in fifties
Arnold Palmer
won every important women’s golf title
Babe Zaharias
heavyweight boxer that retired undefeated
Rocky Marciano
middleweight champion flawless boxing style
Sugar Ray Robinson
baseball heroes in the fifties
Joe DiMaggio
Ted Williams
the first black American ballplayer to play for a major league team
Jackie Robinson
won the election of 1960
John F Kennedy
the youngest elected President
said, Ask not what your country can do for you– ask what you can do for your country
JFK’s liberal program that laid the foundation for the greatest growth in government welfare and regulatory agencies since the New Deal
New Frontier
JFK’s government ran large
by living beyond its means, borrowing large amounts of money, foolishly expanding credit, and printing excess money, the government created a
false prosperity
the major domestic issue during the Kennedy years was the demand for
equal rights for black Americans
black college students began to stage ________________- at lunch counters reserved for whites
black and white group that provoked riots in Anniston and Birmingham, AL, while riding buses
freedom riders
the first black American man to make an attempt to enroll in the all-white University of Mississippi
James Meredith
case in which public schools were forbidden to require the recitation of prayers
Engel vs. Vitale
court case that banned school prayers and Bible reading even if they were voluntary
Abington School District vs. Schempp
the most dramatic moment of the civil rights movement was when
Martin Luther King, Jr. addressed 200,000 people from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial
atheist and Marxist who was brought to national attention through a court case in Maryland
Madelyn O’Hair
pioneer American astronauts during the Kennedy Administration were all part of the _________________ program of single-manned space flights
Project Mercury
first American in space
Alan B Shepard
first American to orbit the earth
John Glenn
the first two American communications satellites that were placed in orbit in 1962:
Telstar (relayed transatlantic television broadcasts)
Relay (replay worldwide radio, television, and telephone communications)
where did American-trained Cuban freedom fighters attempt to invade Communist Cuba
Bay of Pigs
when Russia sent missiles to Cuba in order to attack America
Cuban Missile Crisis
built on August 13, 1961 to keep East Berliners from escaping to freedom in the south
Berlin Wall
three countries of Southeast Asia that were formerly known as French Indochina
Vietnam that was Marxist
North Vietnam
called for democratic elections in 1956 to unite Vietnam under on government, whether Communist or free
Geneva Accords
Communist guerillas in Vietnam
Viet Cong
special force group that was sent to South Vietnam by Eisenhower and later Kennefy in order to aid the South Vietnamese in their struggle against communism
Green Berets
suffered similar Marxist terrorism and subversion
assassinated Kennedy
Lee Harvey Oswald
when and where Kennedy was assassinated
November 12, 1963
Dallas, TX