Chapter 10 Flashcards
the spirit of nationalism generated by War of 1812 would hold the United States together during
Nationalist Era
year the Republicans issued the second Bank of the United States to Congress
who had opposed rechartering the first national bank but said he was willing to sacrifice “the pride of consistency” rather than to jeopardize the interests of the nation
Henry Clay
protective tariff that placed a higher duty on many imported goods to protect American manufacturers from foreign competition
Tariff of 1816
who would eventually become a bitter enemy of protective tariffs but symbolized the spirit of the Nationalist Era when he defended the 1816 tariff law
John C. Calhoun
his election was described as the beginning of an “Era of Good Feeling”
James Monroe
election in which Monroe was elected with all but one vote
buying land with the intention of selling at a profit when the market price rises
the landmark case in which John Marshall wrote on the most important decisions in America’s judicial history
McCulloch vs. Maryland (1819)
wrote one of the most important decision’s in America’s judicial history in the McCulloch vs. Maryland
John Marshall
by supporting the decision that establishing a national bank was “necessary and proper”, Marshall upheld the doctrine of __________________
implied powers
case in which the high court ruled that the state of New Hampshire could not change the old charter of Dartmouth College
Dartmouth College Case (1819)
case in which the Supreme Court ruled against a transportation monopoly granted by the New York state legislature to Robert Livingston and Robert Fulton
Gibbons vs. Ogden (1824)
number of years that Marshall served on the Supreme Court
34 years
Marshall took every opportunity to ___________ the power of the national government
factors that contributed to the westward movement in early 1800s
- European immigrants looking for homes
- Indian threat eliminated
- hoping to excape economic depression in East
- rapid expansion of cotton production in South
- desire to own land
four states added to the Union between 1816-1819
road constructed by federal government
Cumberland Road (National Road)
where the Cumberland Road started and ended
Cumberland, Maryland
Wheeling, Virginia
plan which proposed to set aside the bonus of $1.5 million for internal improvements
Bonus Bill
proposed the Bonus Bill
a plan to tie the Western demand for internal improvements to demands in the East for a protective TARIFF
The American System
proposed the American System
Monroe’s secretary of State
John Quincy Adams
the greatest progress in improving foreign relations came in 1817 with the signing of the
Rush-Bagot Agreement
who signed the Rush-Bagot Agreement
Great Britain and US
treaty which agreed to total disarmament on the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain, except for a few small gunboats that each nation kept on patrol duty
Rush-Bagot Agreement
sent by Congress to stop the Indian and white renegades that attacked American settlements then fled back into Spanish territory
hero of the Battle of New Orleans
General Andrew Jackson
treaty in which Spain ceded all the Florida to the US; in return, America agreed to pay claims against Spain, not exceeding $5 million
Adams-Onis Treat
year of Adams-Onis Treaty
another name for Adams-Onis Treaty
Transcontinental Treaty
who were especialy resentful of the strict Spanish government
Indians and Creoles
heroic figures in Latin America wars for independence
Simon Bolivar
Father Hidalgo
Jose de San Martin
congress in which nations vowed to put down a revolutionary uprising in Spain and threatened to help Spain reconquer its New World colonies
Congress of Verona
attended Congress of Verona
claimed the Oregon country
year in which Monroe included a statement of foreign policy in his annual message to congress to avoid needlessly offending Eruopean nations
Monroe’s statement to Congress became known as
Monroe Doctrine
Monroe Doctrine consisted of ________ parts
the first part of the Monroe Doctrine pledged
the US would not interfere in European affairs that did not concern it; America would also stay out of the affairs of Europe’s existing colonies in the New World
the second part of the Monroe Doctrine
warned Europe that the American continents were not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European power
several important issues which brought renewed division to the country
- land policy and westward expansion
- Bank of the United States
- tariff issue
- slavery
the Northeastern industrialists opposed easy land policies for two reasons:
- saw federal domain in the West as a national asset which should be sold only at prices high enough to make a profit for the federal government
- feared that cheap land in the Wear would drain the supply of industrial workers in the Northeast
greatest supporters of the National Bank of the US
Northeastern industrialists
the __________ stood in favor of high protective tariffs
Northeast industrial
opposed the high protective tariff because of the invention of the cotton gin
the issue which eventually created the greatest sectional conflict
document that said that Missouri could become a state if “ involuntary servitude be prohibited… children of slaves born within state shall be free, but may be held to service until 25 years”
Tallmadge Amendment
did Missouri come into the Union under the Tallmadge Amendment (aka. did the document pass both the House and the Senate?)
no (passed in House; not in Senate)
the admission of this state would have threatened to upset the balance of free states to slave states
what document admitted Maine as a free state and Missouri as a slave state but said that slavery would forever be prohibited in the rest of the Louisiana Purchase north of the 36*30` line
Missouri Compromise
year of the Missouri Compromise
the forces of sectionalism were evident in the Presidential election of
before the Missouri Compromise, there were _______ free states and _______ slave states
name for the people that state legislatures promoted in the Presidential election of 1824
favorite sons
temporarily avoided the trouble of slavery issue
Missouri Compromise of 1820
the favorite son of New England
John Quincy Adams
the favorite son of the Southern states
William H. Crawford
the two candidates that the West promoted
Henry Clay of Kentucky
Andrew Jackson of TN
the result of the political bickering over the favorite sons election
Republican party split
the Adams-Clay supporters took the name ________________ because they supported policy of nationalism
National Republicans
the Jackson group called themselves __________ _________
Democratic Republicans
Democratic Republicans later were called
won the election of 1824
John Quincy Adams
one of the best-qualified Presidents ever to be elected
John Quincy Adams
made Adams many enemies in a Congress that was clearly dividing along sectional lines
who started the beginning of the modern day Democratic party?
Andrew Jackson
when Congress adopted higher tariffs to protect the Northeastern industrialists, and the South planters and New England shippers cried out in protest
Tariff Controversy of the 1820s