Chapter 21- Politics in the Age of Industry Flashcards
an employee of the Department of Agriculture who founded a national association of farmers called the Patrons of Husbandry
Oliver H. Kelley
the Patrons of Husbandry is better known as
the Grange
the best known Granger law which regulated railroad freight rates, but was declared unconstitutional, which resulted in the
Interstate Commerce Act of 1887
a business operated for the benefit of its members
organized by Grangers to try to reduce their costs and increase their income
cooperatives of co-ops
the process in which the supply of money is increased, the value of the dollar declines, and prices go up is called the
paper money not backed by gold which was originally issued during the Civil War
advocated that the federal government increase the number of greenbacks in circulation
Greenback Labor party
the call for unlimited coinage of silver was called the
Free Silver Movement
passed by Congress in response to the free silver movement
provided for the government to purchase and coin at least a limited amount of silver each month
Bland-Allison Act
Sherman Silver Purchase
in the 1880s, farmers began organizing into politically active regional groups called
Farmer’s Alliances
encouraged by their success, the Farmer’s Alliances merged with several labor groups to organize the
Populist Party
the Populist party platform included
- call for free coinage of silver
- increase in paper money
- graduated income tax
- government ownership and control of transportation election of senators by voters - adoption of initiative, referendum, secret ballot
- immigration restrictions
- fewer working hours for laborers
the Populist Presidential candidate who wone a considerable number of popular and electoral votes but did not win the election
James B. Weaver
concocted a scheme that to buy up all the gold
most damaging scheme to the nation
the end result of the Gould and Fisk scheme that was a stock market crash which became known as
Black Friday
Democratic representative for election of 1876
Republican representative for election of 1876
the apparent winner of the election of 1876
the actual winner of the election of 1876
year of the removal of the last federal troops in the southern states
President Hayes is best remembered for
his attempts to reform the civil service program
a German immigrant who was a strong advocate of civil service reform who encouraged Hayes in his attempt to reform civil service
Carl Schurz
nickname for Mrs. Hayes because of her refusal to have alcohol in White House
Lemonade Lucy
the two groups the Republican party was divided into during the election of 1880
the Republican group who opposed legislation to altar the civil service
Republican group which were more congenial to the alteration of civil service
elected as VP in election of 1880
the last President to be born in a log cabin
Republican candidate for election of 1880
President that began the development of the modern US Navy
the best-remembered achievement of the Arthur Administration was the passage of the
Pendleton Act
the basis for the modern civil service program
Pendleton Act
the Pendleton Act designated federal jobs to be awarded on the basis on
established by the Pendleton Act to administer examinations to applicants in the different states and to fill the positions on the basis of proven qualifications
Civil Service Commission
the ________________________ of awarding government jobs began in the customs service and the postal system
merit system
Democratic representative for election of 1884
nickname for independent-minded Republicans that refused to accept the party nominee
Democratic politcal machine in NYC
Tammany Hall
first Democrat to win the Presidency after the Civil War
important piece of legislation to be passed during Cleveland’s first term
marked the beginning of federal regulation of transportation facilities
Interstate Commerce Act
brought reform to veteran’s affairs (pension bills)
President Cleveland
passed by Congress which provided that if both a President and VP should die in office or resign, the member of the cabinet should succeed to the Presidency in the order in which Congress had created their offices
Presidential Succession Act
adopted to prevent another disputed election like that of 1876
Electoral Count Act
industrialists said that high rates would
- encourage development of new industries
- help US become self-sufficient nation
- encourage high wages fro American factory workers
campaigned for Cleveland
Garfield’s assassin
Charles Guiteau
won the election of 1888
General Benjamin Harrison
one of the most prominent congressional leaders during this era
Speaker of House during the Harrison administration
Thomas B. Reed
nickname for Speaker of the House Thomas Reed because of his aggressive leadership
Czar Reed
new protective tariff adopted by Congress which gave a higher degree of protection to American industry than any tariff passed up to that time
McKinley Tariff
unique feature of the McKinley Tariff which set an important precedent for later trade policies
offered a reciprocal trade agreement to foreign nations and allowed certain raw material to be shipped to the US duty free and granted the President authority to impose duties on these products whenever the countries exporting to AMerica placed high duties on American products being imported to them
reciprocity clause
important piece of legislation adopted during the Harrison administration which provided for the government to purchase and coin at least a limited amount of silver each month
Sherman Silver Purchase Act
important legislation from the Harrison administration which broke up monopolies
Sherman Antitrust Act
won election of 1892
Grover Cleveland
precedent set by Cleveland
only President to serve two terms not in direct succession to one another
the stock market panic before Cleveland’s second inauguration was
The Panic of 1893
name for 500 unemployed men that were led by Jacob Coxey to the Capitol to protest lack of jobs
Coxey’s Army
Republican candidate for election of 1896
William McKinley
Democrat candidate for election of 1896
William Jennings Bryan
won election of 1896
William McKinley
one of the greatest orators of all time
William Jennings Bryan
something unique that William McKinley did that added to the excitement of the 1896 election
front-porch campaign
adopted by Congress in 1900 which made gold the standard of monetary value
Gold Standard Act
President assassinated in 1901 by and anarchist
William McKinley