Chapter 25- The Roaring Twenties Flashcards
one of the chief concerns in the US following WWI was
elected as President in 1920
Warren G Harding
Harding’s campaign platform called for
“return to normalcy”
sharply opposed Booker T Washington’s belief that black AMericans could advance themselves faster by working hard than by demanding equal rights
W. E. B Du Bois
Du Bois cooperated with several other liberal-minded whites in founding
National Association of the advancement of Colored People
the most notorious gangster of the decade was
Scarface Al Capone
an organization dedicated to worldwide Communism revolution
Third International
became a key figure in the American Communist movement,
planned and led the violent steelworker’s strike of 1919
William Z Foster
President Wilson’s attorney general who took action to stop such violence
A. Mitchell Palmer
headed Palmer’s General Intelligence Division
soon to be head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Division
J Edgar Hoover
scoffers called the incident of 500 deportations
the Red Scare
as a result of the Red Scare, the ___________________ court case came to national prominence
Sacco-Vanzetti court case
won the election of 1920
Republican Warren G Harding
those who wanted to maintain world peace were especially concerned about the actions of
hoping to encourage disarmament and to ease tensions in the Far East, President Harding called the
Washington Conference for Limitation of Armaments
the Washington Conference resulted in the drafting of three treaties:
- The Five Power Treaty (stop build battleships 10yr)
- The Four Power Treaty (island possessions Pacific)
- The Nine Power Treaty (respect China indep.)
the covenant of the League of Nations provided for the establishment of the
established in Hague to settle disputes between member nations
Permanent Court of International Justice
the process of _______________________ the country had begun before President Harding took office
raised tariff rates from an average 27% to 38.5%
provided that with the advice of the Tariff Commission, the President could raise or lower tariff rates as much as 50%
Fordney-McCumber Tariff
adopted by Congress which provided for a unified yearly budget for the federal government
National Budget Act
the National Budget Act created a ____________ within the Treasury Department
Bureau of the Budget
created by the National Budget Act to audit federal accounts
General Accounting Office
created by Congress in 1921 to build hospitals, begin vocational rehabilitation programs, and to help disabled veterans
Veterans’ Bureau
founded by Teddy Roosevelt and soon became known for its patriotism, conservatism, and anti-Communism
also aggressively lobbied for veterans’ benefits
American Legion
Congress limited the total number of immigrants from all parts of the world to _________________________ per year
one of the notable men that Harding appointed to his cabinet position
a former Supreme Court justice, became secretary of state
Charles Evans Hughes
multimillionaire businessman that Harding appointed as the secretary of the treasury
Andrew Mellon
former director of the Food Administration that Harding appointed to serve as secretary of commerce
Herbert Hoover
became Secretary of Interior under Harding
Albert B. Fall
the biggest series of episodes with Harding’s “friend” Albert Fall concerning oil was known as the
Teapot Dome Scandal
man who led the nation through most of the Roaring Twenties was
Calvin Coolidge
became President when Harding died in 1923
said “There is no right to strike against the public safety by anybody, anywhere, any time.”
the first Vice President to attend cabinet meetings
the first Presidential campaign in which the radio was used extensively
three-way election of 1924
one of the biggest issues regarding foreign affairs during the 1920s was the
war debt
established by the US to deal with the war debt issue
World War Foreign Debt Commission
two plans that were devised in the 1920s to help Germany pay its war debts
Dawes Plan
Young Plan
plan to help Germany with its war debts which said that the total German debt remained the same, but payments were temporarily lowered to help Germany through economic hardship
Dawes Plan
plan to help Germany with debts which proposed that Germany’s total debt be reduced and that the payment period be extended over an even longer time span
Young Plan
the most astounding attempt at achieving permanent international peace in the twenties was the signing of the
Paris Peace Pact
within a few years, a total of 62 nations, including major powers, had signed the ______________________________ also known as the Kellogg-Briand Pact
Paris Peace Pact
President Coolidge’s major achievement in Latin American affairs was the
establishment of a more cordial relationship with Mexico
worsened relationships with Mexico
Mexican authorities trying to nationalize the oil-producing properties of American citizens in Mexico
sent as ambassador to Mexico by President Coolidge
succeeded in working out a compromise with Mexico whereby American investors were able to keep certain oil rights
aided Morrow in his mission of peace in Mexico
Charles Lindbergh
wages in relation to buying power
real wages
industry that grew increasingly more important with the boom in industry and production
the taking of their land by mortgage holders
what many farmers had to do when pressed hard financially in the years following WWI
organized by US senators and representatives from rural areas to promote government policies beneficial to agriculture
“farm bloc”
proposed the establishment of a government agency to buy the AMerican farmers’ surplus crops and then resell them, at a loss, on the world market
McNary-Haugen Bill
act which established the Federal Farm Board
Agricultural Marketing Act
was allotted $500 million with which to make low-interest loans to help cooperative farm groups pay the cost of storing crops
attempted to raise prices by buying up surplus crops
Federal Farm Board
the explosion of the auto industry was due mainly to the development of the
assembly line process and mass production by HENRY FORD
year Ford developed that mass production and assembly line
the rapid growth of this industry exemplified the expanding prosperity of the 1920s
signed Five Power Treaty
car in whose production time was greatly reduced by the assembly line
made Ford Motor Company the largest auto manufacturer in the world
Model T
car in which Ford shut down all operations for 18 months in order to retool for production of
Model A
made the first solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean
Charles Lindbergh
year Lindbergh made the first solo flight
flew over the North Pole a year before Lindbergh made his historic flight
Admiral Richard Byrd
the first commercial radio station
year the KDKA went on air in Pittsburgh
the first national radio NETWORK
NBC (1927)
swam the English Channel
Gertrude Ederle
the heroes of boxing
Gene Tunney
Jack Dempsey
the first-great home-run hitter
George Herman (Babe) Ruth
the champion golfer of the era
Bobby Jones
the big name in football was
Red Grange
the big name in horse racing was
Man O’War