Chapter 23- The Progressive Era Flashcards
was the center of life for most Americans
although most homes were still heated by fireplaces, some homes in large cities had
central heating systems
kerosene lanterns were gradually being replaced by
gas lights or
electric lights
three major inventions by 1900 that greatly aided the medical field
did more than any man to revolutionize transportation in America
Henry Ford
the most famous automobile ever built
Model T
year Ford introduced the Model T
introduced the assembly-line process of automobile production
Henry Ford
established by Ford to promote the history of man and America
Greenfield Village
Ford Museum
together with his son, Ford financed the largest philanthropic organization in the world
Ford Foundation
made the first successful powered flight
Wilbur and Orville Wright
the Wright brother’s first successful flight was in _______________________ in
Kitty Hawk, NC
invented the wireless telegraph
the next step after the wireless telegraph
wireless telephone
a direct result of wireless telephone was the
the first commercial broadcasting station in the US
KDKA in Pittsburgh
one of the biggest stories in the newspapers of the early 20th century was
sinking of the Titanic
year Titanic sunk
two new sources of power that spurred industry in the early 1900s
internal combustion engine
means that machines operate by themselves
indicated the increasing prosperity among all classes of people
steady growth of the nation’s savings banks
the youngest man ever to become President
Theodore Roosevelt (42)
the most popular President of the early 1900s
Theodore Roosevelt
Teddy resigned his post as assistant secretary of the navy to form a regiment that won fame in Cuba s the
Rough Riders
Roosevelt stood for honesty in business, wisdom in conserving our natural resources, and a _________________ for all Americans
square deal
the first two decades of the 20th century are often referred to as the
Progressive Era
early progressive leader from Wisconsin
Robert M. La Follette
the Presidential administrations that were progressive in nature
Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson
passed by Congress to speed up the handling of antitrust cases in federal courts
Expedition Act
Roosevelt’s action against these big businesses won him the title
made it illegal for a shipper to accept a rebate from a railroad, just as it was already illegal for a railroad to offer one
Elkins Act
strengthened the power of the Interstate Commerce Commission over the railroads
Hepburn Act
federal department established in 1803
Department of Commerce and Labor
shortly after Roosevelt took office, workers led by John Mitchell went on strike, calling for a shorter working day and an increase in pay
United Mine Workers
during _____________________, Roosevelt negotiated more moderate reforms with big business leaders and this brought the country back into prosperity
Panic of 1907
social critic of the Progressive Era that wrote the “History of the Standard Oil Company”
Ida Tarbell
best-known social critics of the Progressive Era
Tarbell (Standard Oil Company)
Steffens (Shame of the Cities)
Sinclair (The Jungle)
the name given for the entire group of writers that were slanted and disgruntled about social issues
given because of Roosevelt’s comparison to Pilgrim’s Progress
law passed after President Roosevelt read The Jungle
Meat Inspection Act
passed to prevent the manufacture and sale of adulterated foods and drugs
required patented medicine to be labeled as to their contents
Pure Food and Drug Act
Roosevelt’s chief forester
Gifford Pinchot
marked the first attempt to inventory the nation’s natural resources
National Conservation Commission
passed under Roosevelt’s influence
provided that money from the sale of public land in 16 western states was to be used o initiate irrigation projects to make arid land productive
Newlands Reclamation Act
constructed in Arizona o Salt River and dedicated by an ex-President
provided water to irrigate more that 200,000 acres
Roosevelt Dam
before the US could start a canal project of its own, it had to eliminate the _____________________, which stipulated that is such a canal were built, it would be under joint control of the US and Great Britain
Clayton- Bulwer Treaty
granted the US the right to build and police a canal through Central America
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
a possible site for the US to build a canal was through the
Isthmus of Canal
Another possible route for the US to build a canal
three days after the revolution is Panama began, President Roosevelt extended diplomatic recognition to the new
Repiblic of Panama
granted the US a one ten miles wide through the isthmus on basically the same terms Colombia had rejected
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
nation Panama was under before their revolution
an army medical doctor who had helped to eliminate the mosquitoes which caused yellow fever in Cuba
was appointed chief sanitary officer in the Canal Zone
Colonel William Gorgas
army engineer appointed by President Roosevelt to take charge of the Panama Canal project
Colonel George Washington Goethals
included in the construction so that the water level could be raised or lowered as the ships journey from one end of the canal to the other
locks with gates
year Panama canal was opened for use
August 1914
Teddy Roosevelt’s summarized general policy in regard to foreign affairs
Speak softly and carry a big stick.
At the close of the Spanish-American War, the US was obligated to protect both ______________________ and _________________
Puerto Rico
shortly after the Venezuelan affair, a similar situation developed in the
Dominican Republic
two countries Venezuela went into debt to
Great Britain
Roosevelt’s expanded interpretation of Monroe’s original policy statement became known as the __________________________ to the Monroe Doctrine
Roosevelt Corollary
anything that follows as a natural or logical result of something else
gaining control of the Philippines and of coaling stations in the Pacific had increased interest especially in
had easily defeated China in war in 1894-1895
imperialistic powers of Europe that had moved in to take controlling leases on various Chinese ports
large areas carved out by Russia and Germany along China’s coast where they controlled economic affairs and trade with the outside world
“spheres of influence”
Americans grew increasingly concerned about China so Secretary of State Hay sent notes requesting that each nation agree to not interfere with social issues in Chine
Open-Door Policy
rebellion in which superpatriotic Chinese attacked foreigners, targeting missionaries and Christians specifically
Boxer Rebellion
one of the most famous survivors of the Boxer Rebellion
Jonathan Goforth
the Boxers took control of the are around the capital city _______________
President Roosevelt’s first experience at dealing with problems in Far East
Japan angry at Russian expansion in Manchuria
Japan declared war on Russia
Roosevelt realized if this war went until the defeat of one nation, it would affect the delicate balance of power in the Far East
Russo-Japanese War
the treaty between Japan and Russia gave Japan
dominant power in Manchuria
stronger position in Korea
for his part in settling the Russo-Japanese War, and for other actions promoting world peace, Theodore Roosevelt was awarded the
Nobel Peace Prize
what Roosevelt worked out with Japan by which Japan’s government agreed to withhold passports from Japanese laborers seeking to come to the US
Gentlemen’s Agreement
many Americans feared that Japan had designs on the
Philippine Islands
sent out to demonstrate America’s increasing military strength
Great White Fleet
the world cruise of the Great White Fleet gave the navy a new slogan:
Join the Navy and See the World
when Teddy Roosevelt decided not to run for reelection, he supported ____________________ for the election of 1908
William Howard Taft
ran against Taft in election of 1908
William Jennings Bryan
won election of 1908
important event that took place during Taft’s administration which made post offices saving banks where citizens could receive interest for depositing their money
postal savings system
important events that happened during Taft’s administration
postal savings system
parcel post service
Department of Labor created
Civil Service expanded
New Mexico and Arizona admitted
year New Mexico and Arizona admitted to Union
proposed tariff bill that lowered the rates on some items but kept most rates substantially as they were under the Dingley Tariff
Payne-Aldrich Bill
stated that only those combinations suspected of constituting an unreasonable restraint of trade should be prosecuted
rule of reason
greatly strengthened the Interstate Commerce Commission by giving it greater control over railroad shipping rates and bringing the supervision of telephone, telegraph, and cable companies under its control
Mann-Elkins Act
created under Taft’s administration to conserve natural resources and help protect the welfare of miners
Bureau of Mines
Latin American country in which American banks loaned money to assist in the stabilization of its finances under Taft’s administration
President Taft shunned the “big stick” policy and followed the new approach called
encouraged American businessmen to invest large amounts of capital in the industrial and commercial development of China and Latin American republics
dollar diplomacy
after the Republican party split when Taft was nominated for the election of 1912, progressives withdrew from the party and organized their own
Progressive Party
th Progressive Party was popularly known as the
Bull Moos Party (after Roosevelt)
chosen as the Democratic nominee for the election of the 1912
Thomas Woodrow Wilson
the only man in history to serve as President and then as chief justice of the Supreme Court
won election of 1912
Woodrow Wilson
the first President since John Adams to make a personal appearance before Congress
Woodrow Wilson
Act that created a privately controlled central banking system
Federal Reserve Bank Act
The percentage of deposits member banks are required to hold in reserve
Reserve requirement
The rate of interest it charges member banks that borrow money from Federal Reserve Banks
Discount rate
Act of 1914 that declared certain business practices illegal
Clayton Antitrust Act
Two types of business organizations declared illegal by the Clayton Act
Interlocking directorate
Holding company
Formed when the same men served in the board of directors for several different companies
Interlocking directorate
LA countries that were torn by revolution
Dominican Republic
Haiti became a ___________________ of the United States
Temporary protectorate
Islands purchased from Denmark in 1918
Danish West Indies (Virgin Islands)
Mexico’s aging dictator that was overthrown
Porfirio Díaz
Overthrew the Mexican dictator ad headed the new government
Francisco Madero
Huerto’s rivals that Wilson allowed arms and munitions to be sent to
Where America war vessels were stationed in Mexico’s Atlantic seaport
Where a German ship was headed to supply Huerta’s forces with munitions
The ABC powers were
Role of the ABC powers
Mediate the tensions between US and Mexico
Commanded the troops sent by President Wilson to go into Mexico to capture Villa ( killed 18 Americans)
General John Pershing
Served as speaker of the House who became known for ruling the House with an especially uncompromising hand
Joseph Cannon
Amendment that changed the method of electing senators
Defeated the original Constitutional purpose of the senate
17th amendment
guaranteed women the right to vote
19th Amendment
Two new procedures adopted during the Progressive Era were intended to
Give voters a greater voice in the making of state laws
A process by which a stipulated percentage of voters in a state can initiate or begin passage of a state law without waiting for state legislature
Enables voters to provide for the adoption of a state law upon which state legislatures has not acted
Enables an official to be removed from office before his term expires
Adopted to give voters a voice in nominating candidates to run for public office
Direct primary
Am election one which Al of the registered voters of a party decide by ballot which candidate will run against the opposing party’s candidate in the final election
Primary election
System in which the party voters in a state indicate their preference for a candidate to be supported by their delegates to the party’s national nominating convention
Presidential primary
Policy-___________ officers were to be elected
Policy-__________ officers were to be appointed
Where city-manager plan of government was popularized
Dayton, Ohio