Chapter 11 Flashcards
the Presidential administrations of __________________ are often referred to as the Age of Jackson or Jacksonian Era
Andrew Jackson
Martin van Buren
tariff that called for higher rates on imported goods and raw materials that the Democrats put into motion to discredit Adams but backfired
Tariff of 1828
another name for Tariff of 1828
Tariff of Abominations
the most important Southern protest came from
Vice President John C Calhoun
what was Calhoun afraid that the Tariff of 1828 would do to the South?
destroy Southern economy
Calhoun’s famous essay in which he charged that the tariff of 1828 was unconstitutional and oppressive
“The South Carolina Exposition and Protest”
won the election of 1828
Andrew Jackson
this campaign marked the beginning of modern American politics
Presidential election of 1828
what are some things that Jackson did in his Presidential campaign that began what politics are today?
open-air speeches
campaign posters
Jackson’s secretary of state
Martin Van Buren
because most of Jackson’s Cabinet members were not qualified for their positions, he decided to ask advice from few old and trusted political friends who held only minor federal offices which were later dubbed the __________________ by his critics
‘kitchen Cabinet”
senator of South Carolina that delivered a series of brilliant orations in which he condemned the growth of federal power as the “worst of all evils”
Robert Hayne
Hayne defended the principle of states’ rights and supported the doctrine of nullification as expressed in the
South Carolina Exposition and Protest
rebutted Hayne’s arguments
Senator Daniel Webster
Webster’s impassioned plea for the defense of the Union against the rising tide of sectionalism is considered
greatest oration heard in Congress in the 19th century
Jackson supported ____________
what did Webster argue in his impassioned speech?
- Constitution was compact of American people not just the states
- Union was perpetual and indissoluble
- nullification would only lead to civil war
supported Congress’s appropriation of $500,000 to help transfer Indians who were willing to exchange their eastern lands for lands farther west
President Andrew Jackson
group of people that Jackson helped more legally obtain land in the West
Indian groups that didn’t want to give up their land to the white people
Chief Black Hawke’s Sauk and Fox tribes in IL
Osceola’s Seminoles in FL
Indian nation that farmed their land, raised cattle, developed written language, drafted a constitution, and attempted to establish a state within a state in northwestern Georgia
after a series of court battles, Cherokees were moved west along with others in a long trip to Oklahoma that was dubbed the
“Trail of Tears”
on what grounds did President Jackson veto the bill to appropriate federal money to aid the building of the Maysville Road in Kentucky and tie it to the national road?
it was “of purely local character”
Jackson followed the example of ___________ when he vetoed the Maysville Road bill
year Congress adopted a new tariff to lower the Tariff of 1828
why does Calhoun resign from Vice Presidency?
issue of Tariff of 1832
took the lead in working out a compromise tariff in Congress about the tariffs f 1828 and 1832
Henry Clay
the tariff that provided for the gradual lowering of rates over a 10-year period
Tariff of 1833
gave the President authority to ise the army and navy to enforce revenue laws if necessary
Force Bill
one important issue in which President Jackson fully sided with the westerners
distrust in the Bank of the United States
Henry Clay and other National republicans convinced the president of the bank ______________ to apply for a new charter in 1832
Nicholas Biddle
what did the National Republicans use to try to damage Jackson’s political reputations?
recharter of the Bank of the United States
won the election of 1832
ran against Jackson in 1832
because of Jackson’s interpretation of his landslide reelection, Jackson attacked the bank by
removing all government funds from the Bank of the US and has it deposited in specially chosen state banks
was appointed by Jackson to be secretary of the treasury
deposited all incoming government funds in specially chosen state banks
Roger Taney
issued by Jackson and said that land could only be bought with gold and silver
Specie Circular
one of Jackson’s most important accomplishments
opening American trade with the British West Indies
who did Jackson try to get money from for damages from the Napoleonic Wars?
Jackson’s enemies said that the attempted assassination of Jackson was
staged to draw sympathy for the President
Jackson’s nickname
“Old Hickory”
new political party made up of former National Republicans and members of other political groups and was formed for the purpose of opposing “King Andrew (Jackson) the First”
Whig Party
appointed by Jackson to take his place
Van Burne
President during the Panic of 1837
Van Buren
establishment in which funds held by federal government would be stored in the Treasury at Washington in the vaults of the US mint, or in subtreasuries to be built in major cities
independent treasury system
the Constitution let _______ determine who should be able to vote
means right to vote
suffrage or franchise
parties became so refined and ran so smoothly they became known as
introduced during the Jacksonian Era
appointing faithful party workers to public office
spoils system
the common system of choosing party candidates in the early days
legislators met in secret sessions and chose candidates to represent the party
when local parties send delegates to county conventions so that they could nominate candidates for county office
nominating convention
the Whigs candidate for 1840 election
William Henry Harrison
Whigs VP candidate for the 1840 election
John Tyler
Whigs’ favorite slogan
“Tippecanoe and Tyler too”
first President to die in office
Tyler’s only Cabinet member that did not resign almost immediately
his secretary of state
Danial Webster
one of America’s best-known orators
Daniel Webster
boat the Canadian set fire to for the Crown
new English minister to the US who married an American woman
Lord Ashburton
unofficial war between Canadian and American lumberjacks in Northern Maine
Aroostook War
Webster’s negotiations with Lord Ashburton resulted in ____________________
gave the US more than half of the disputed territory between Maine and Canada
Webster-Ashburton Treaty