Chapter 26 Cardiovascular Flashcards
Varicose Veins (2)
- Distneded veins
- Blood pools in vein
Varicose vein risk factors (8)
- Age
- Female gender
- Family history
- Obesity
- Pregnancy
- Prior leg injury
- Increased standing time
Chronic venous insufficiency (3)
- Inadequate venous return
- Due to varicose veins or valvular incompetence
- Venous stasis ulcer
Highest risk factor for PE
What are apart of the Triad of Virchow (3)
- Factors promoting thrombosis
- Venous stasis
- Venous endothelial damage
- Hypercoaguladble states
Where is a thrombus?
Attached to the vessel wall
Where is a thromnoembolus?
Detached from vessel wall
When are SCD devices not used?
When a patient currently has a DVT
Diagnosis of DVT (4)
- Positive Homan sign
- Doppler study
- Venous duplex
- D-dimer
Greater than or equal to 130mmHg
Greater than or euqal to 80mmHg
Risk Factors of Primary HTN (4)
- Family history
- Diet
- Tobacco and alcohol consumption
- Obesity and glucose intolerance
What is secondary HTN caused by?
Other disorder that causes HTN
For example renal disease
Complicated HTN
Chronic HTN that is untreated
What can complicated HTN cause? (5)
- Organ damage
- Stroke
- MI
- Kidney failure
HTN Crisis SBP and DBP
SBP: >180mmHg
DBP: >120mmHg
How does an ACE Inhibitor work?
By stoping the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II
This lowers the BP
What is the main goal of the renin-angiotension system?
To increase blood pressure
Orthostatin hypotension
Sudden drop in BP when going from sitting to standing
Local dilation or outpouching of a vessel wall or cardiac chamber
Posterior rupture aneurysm symptoms
Back pain
Anterior rupture aneurysm
Pouch bursts into abdominal cavity causing hemorrhage
Diagnostics for anneurysm 5)
- Echo
- CT scan
- Angiogram
Main symptoms of thoracic aneurysm (2)
- Chest pain
- Dyspnea
Peripheral vascular disease is what kind of disease?
Peripheral vasclar disease is strongly associated with what?
Raynaud phenomenon (4)
- Episodic vasospasm
- Blue/purple hands/numbness
- Can be triggered by cold weather
- Loss of perfusion to hands
What helps Raynauds?
Keeping hands and limbs warm
Atherosclerosis is what?
Thickening and hardening in the arteral wall
Risk factors for atherosclerosis (5)
- DM
- Smoking
- Autoimmunity
What can atherosclerosis cause (2)
- MI
- Stroke
Coronary Artery Disease is defined as…
Any vascular disorder that narrows or occuldes the coronary arteries leading to myocardial ischemia
Nonmodifiable CAD (4)
- Cant control
- Age
- Family history
- Gender
Modifiable CAD (7)
- Can control
- Dyslipidemia
- Smoking
- DM
- Obesity
- Atherogenic diet
Acute coronary syndromes
-Sudden event tat leads to MI
Unstable angina
Chest pain does not go away
Stable angina
Chest pain goes away with rest
MI Symptoms
- Chest pain that may radiate
- Nausea/vomiting
- Daphoresis
- Dyspnea
- Neck/jaw pain
- Left arm pain
MI Complications (3)
- Arrhthmias
- Cardiogenic shock
Cardiogenic shock
-System wide low O2
What is the most accurate way to see a MI?
Most accurate lab test for MI
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Increased size of left ventricle due to increased workload
Heart failure
Heart is unable to generate adequate cardiac output
Left heart failure
- Fluid backs up to lungs
- EF less that 40%
- Dyspnea
- Orthopnea
- Frothy sputum
- Fatigue
- Decreased urine output
- Edema
Bilateral edema is suggestive of what?
Left sided heart failure
Unilateral edema is suggestive of what?
Right sided heart failure
-Increased pulmonary vascular resistance
Causes of HF (4)
- Cardiomyopathy
- Pulmonary HTN
BNP tests for what
Fluid retention
Heart failure assessments
- Pale, cool skin decreased perfusion to extremites
- S3, murmurs, tachycardia, jugular vein distention
- Dizzy
- Low urine output
- SOB, crackles
Cardiogenic shock
Heart failure
Hypovolemic shock
- Insufficient intravascular fluid volume
- Massive hemmorhage
Neurogenic shock
Neural alterations of vascular smooth muscle tone
Anaphylactic shock
- Allergic reaction
- Vasodilation causes BP drop
Septic shock
Blood stream infection
Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome
- End stage of shock
- Progressive dysfuntion of 2 or more organ systems
- Resulting from an uncontrolled inflammatory response to illness or injury
Why is MODS fatal?
Not enough O2 to organs