Chapter 21.2 Flashcards
How are protists classified into three main groups and why?
Plant-like (photosynthesis), Animal-like (capture and eat other organisms), and Fungus-like (energy from environment) how they get energy
What is the name(and meaning) and four characteristics (multi/uni, movement, food, a/sexual) of animal-like protists?
Protozoa-first animals, ingest other organisms for food, all unicellular, most can move, and most reproduce asexually by binary fission
What are four characteristics (movement, food, environment, and free living vs parasites, any odd thing) of amoeboid protists and what is an example other than amoeba?
Move via pseudopodia (also help with food), eat other organisms, live in fresh and salt water and in the soil, most are free-living, some form outer shells (tests) made of protein, calcium carbonate, silica or mineral particles which have holes through which pseudopodia extend. Amoeba and Forams
What are five characteristics (movement, defining characteristic, free living vs parasites, reproduction, environment) and two examples of ciliates?
Move/hunt by beating cilia, most free living, found in fresh or saltwater, reproduce by conjugation. Stentor and Paramecium
What are two characteristics (defining characteristic, free living vs parasites) and two examples of flagellates?
Have flagella (sometimes many), some also have cilia or pseudopodia, many free living. Trichonympha (termites) and Trypanosoma (chagas disease or sleeping sickness)
What are four characteristics (how and type of reproduction, movement, free living vs parasite) and an example of sporozoans?
Form spore-like cells to reproduce, do not move (no flagella, cilia, or pseudopodia), all are parasitic and cause disease, can reproduce sexually or asexually. Plasmodium (malaria)
What are the general characteristics and names of plantlike protists?
Phytoplankton and algae. Photosynthesis
What are four characteristics (multi/unicellular, unique characteristic, reproduction method, -trophic) of diatoms?
unicellular, diploid, double shells made of silica or calcium carbonate that separate and form a new top or bottom (asexual) until they reach a minimum size when they reproduce sexually, photosynthetic
What are four characteristics (location, movement method, how they get food, unique characteristic) of euglenoids?
freshwater, one or two flagella, many photo-, some both, others hetero-, some also have an eyespot
What are four characteristics (uni/multicellular, outer coat, unique characteristic, how they get food) and an example of dinoflagellates (other than dinoflagellate)?
Unicellular, 2 flagella in grooves, most photo-, some hetero-, protective coats of silica. Dinoflagellates and zooxanthellae
What is special about red algae? (4)
They are mostly multicellular, usually found in warm ocean waters, can grow at great depths (they absorb blue light), and have calcium carbonate in their cell walls that helps form coral reefs
What is special about brown algae? (4)
Multicellular, cool ocean environments, kelp, three structures (holdfast, stipe,blades) which mean they have more than one tissue type
What is special about green algae? (4)
Form a part of marine plankton, some live in damp soil, some are symbiotic, gave rise to first true plants
What is special about slime molds?
They can exist in single cell bunches of colonies, or in one giant combined mass
What did water molds destroy?
Potatoes in Ireland ->great famine
What did downy mildews destroy?
Grapes -> almost wiped out the French wine industry