Chapter 21 Flashcards
Who were the presidential candidates in the 1960 election?
- Richard Nixon (Republican)
- John F. Kennedy (Democrat)
Who were the candidates’ running mates in the 1960 election?
- Nixon: Henry Cabot Lodge
- JFK: Lyndon B. Johnson
What factors helped JFK win the election?
- appearances on TV debates (looks and charm)
- running mate was Lyndon B. Johnson
flexible response
strategy adopted by the Kennedy administration of keeping a range of options open for dealing with international crises
Peace Corps
program begun by JFK to send volunteers to work in developing countries for 2 years
Alliance For Progress
JFK’s program of economic aid to Latin America
- designed to encourage democratic reforms and to promote capitalism
Describe JFK’s successes and failures in his efforts to stop the spread of communism.
- successes: Peace Corps
- failures: Alliance For Progress
Fidel Castro
Cuban rebel leader who established a communist-style dictatorship
What events led up to the Bay of Pigs invasion?
- Castro became dictator of Cuba
- Castro aligned himself with Russia
- Kennedy wanted to follow Eisenhower’s plan to overthrow Castro
Berlin Wall
barrier built between East and West Berlin
- the most widely recognized symbol of the Cold War
Cuban missile crisis
standoff between the US and the Soviet Union in which the Soviets agreed to remove missiles from Cuba if the US promised not to invade the island
hot line
teletype connection between the US and the Soviet Union that allowed leaders to communicate directly
How did concern over nuclear weapons influence Kennedy’s foreign policy?
prompted him to continue building nuclear programs
How did JFK’s image conflict with reality?
he was not physically well (Addison’s disease and chronic back pain)
Who was JFK’s younger brother?
Robert “Bobby” Kennedy
How did JFK inspire young people to volunteer for public service?
attracted to his youth, charisma, and positive change
How did Kennedy try to solve some of the nation’s economic problems?
- price controls
- tax reduction
- campaigned against steel companies
New Frontier
JFK’s domestic agenda
What were the two economic problems during JFKs presidency?
high unemployment and inflation
Area Redevelopment Act (ARA)
a bill to provide financial assistance to economically distressed regions
When was Kennedy assassinated?
November 22, 1963
Who killed Lee Harvey Oswald?
Jack Ruby
Warren Commission
spent 10 months reviewing evidence of JFK’s assassination
Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA)
a domestic version of the Peace Corps
How did President Johnson plan to change the role of the federal government to create his Great Society?
improving the lives of poor Americans and minorities
a national health insurance program for people over 65; Johnson persuaded Congress to establish it in 1965
a government program that provides free healthcare to the needy
How did President Johnson win the support of the American people during his first year in office?
fulfilled JFK’s domestic agenda
What were the effects of the Warren Court, and how did Americans’ reactions to them vary?
many Americans approved individual liberties and freedoms
Who won the election of 1964?
Lyndon B. Johnson
How did JFK’s Cold War foreign policy resemble that of his predecessors?
- continued to build nuclear weapons
- opposed communism
- economic aid
Why did Presidents Kennedy and Johnson both develop programs to help poor Americans?
didn’t want another Great Depression
How did the Kennedy administration try to help poor Americans?
Area Redevelopment Act