Chapter 17: Freedom's Boundaries and Expansionism (1890-1900) Flashcards
1. What were the origins and the significance of Populism? 2. How did the liberties of blacks after 1877 give way to legal segregation across the South? 3. In what ways did the boundaries of American freedom grow narrower in this period? 4. How did the United States emerge as an imperial power in the 1890s?
What did the Farmers’ Alliance respond to?
why: response falling (1)agricultural prices and (2)economic dependence
- sharecropping system → blacks & whites = poverty
- interruption cotton exports → rapid international production
< >declined pricesfarmers debt
Farmers thought reasons happen:
1. high frieght rates by railroad companies 2. interest rates from banks 3. fiscal policies government
What was the Farmers’ Alliance? What was their Subtreaty Plan?
Farmers’ Alliance
- large citizen movement 19th century
- sought solutions
1870: started Texas
1890: 43 states
proposals: gov establish warehouses - store crops until sold
use crops collateral → issue loand = end dependence banks
enacted as Subtreaty Plan
What was the Poeple’s Party? What was their message?
1890s: Alliance = People’s Party / Populists
- era’s greatest political insurgency
- farmers, minors, workers
what: pamphets, newspapers, speakers through rural
view: America as a commonwealth of small producers
- freedom rested ownership productive property & respect of dignity of labor
- *
- embraced mordern technologies
- wanted federal government regulate techonologies
- argicultural eduction & farmers adopt modern scientific method
What was the Populist Platform of 1892?
- adopted party’s Omaha convention
what: list proposals restore democracy & economic opportunity
- direct election US senators
- government control currency
- graduate income tax
- system low-cost public financing
- recognition rights workers to form unions
most sweeping plan of the century
What was the racial landscape of the Farmers’ Alliance and Populist Coalition?
- black and white farmers
- unite common goal*
- refrom-minded women (farmers and laborers)
Describe the populist vote in the Election of 1892?
Election of 1892
Populist candidate: James Weaver
- millions votes
- *
Reasons expanding base:
- Depression of 1893
- Conflict between capital and labor
What was the Pullman Strike of 1894?
1894: workers of Pullman
Strike → reduction wages
American Railway Union: announced members refuse use Pullman cars
- boycott: cripped rail service
- Cleveland obtained federal court injunction get the workers to go back working again & sent in marshalls
- End: Leader (Eugene V. Debts) jailed
What was the In re Debts in 1985?
> Unanimously confirmed sentences & approved use injuctionss against striking unions
November 1985: Debts released → 100,000 people greeted
What was William Jennings Bryan’s platform in the Election of 1896?
William Jennings Bryan
- support both dems and populists
- why: ignited farmers national pride
“free coinage” of silver
- unrestricted minting silver money
- view: increasing currency = raise farmers prices
Social Gospel Movement
- progressive income tax
- banking regulations
- rights of unions
Why was William Jennings Bryan’s platform the “First modern presidential campaign?”
- amount money spent republicans
- efficiency of national organization
How did the Election of 1896 reflect sectionalism?
divided: regional lines
- Bryan carried South and West (6.5 million)
- McKinley carried Northeast and Midwest (7.1 million)
Winner: McKinley
- carried one most enduring political majorities US history
- shattered political stalemate
How did the failure of the Populism movement result in a fully imposed racial order?
What two factors contributed to this?
failure popularism: full imposition new racial order
who: merchants, planters, business
- dominated politics after 1877
- “Redeemers” → wanted undo Reconstruction
public school system
- large discripency between black and white finance
Convict Labor
- new laws: authorized arrest any person
- without employment
- increased penilty petty crimes
- Rented out convicts
- new laws: authorized arrest any person
Describe investment in the South during the Gilded Age?
- Low wages
- Taxes
- Availability convict labor
Effect: little on economic development region
- export: cotton, tobacco, rice
- Little skilled labor
Dependent North capital and manufactured goods
How did economic opportunities in the Upper and Lower South compare for blacks?
Upper South Opportunities
- mines
- iron furances
- tobacco factories
- worked factories
- some owned lannd
- Cotton Kindom fell end 19th century*
Lower South Economy
What was the Kansas Exodus in 1879-1880?
Emigration from the South
1879-1880: migrated Kansas → Kansas Exodus
- why: political equality, freedom violence, access eduction, opportunity
- promoted former fugative slaves
Most blacks no choice but to stay in the South
Describe black officeholding in the Gilded Age?
1877: not end black officeholding
- 1880s-1890s: few in Congress
- increasingly restricted
passed to women activists
What was the National Association of Colored Women (1896)?
- local and regional women’s clubs
- aided poor families, lessons in home life & childrearing
- challenged racial ideology consigned all blacks as second-class
What was the Atlanta Compromise (1895)?
Washington’s speech
> urged blacks abandon agitation for civil and political rights
- getting land more important than rights
Put into practice: head of Tuskegree Institute (vocation training)
What was the Disenfranchisement movement?
Voting after Reconstruction
(bespite fraud) still vote
Biracial Political Insurgency: frighten dems
result: disenfranchisement movement
1890-1906: southern states laws provisions meant eliminate black vote
Fifteenth Amendment prohibit racial discrimination
(1) Poll Tax
- fee each citizen had pay order retain right to vote
(2) literacy tests
(3) “Understanding” constitution
(4) Grandfather Clause
- exempting new requirements descendants of persons eligibility vote before Civil War
- 1915: supreme court said violate
What was the effect of the Disenfranchisement?
- some poor whites lost voting rights
- rise southern demagogues (mobilized white voters extreme appeals to racism)
How did the Supreme Court approve of the disenfranchisement movement?
North and Supreme Court: aprrove disenfranchisement law
result: southern congressmen far greater power national scene allow
What was the Civil Rights Cases (1883)?
Invalidated Civil Rights Act of 1875
- outlawed racial discrimination by institutions
What was the Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)?
Approved states law requires separate facilties balcks and whites
> Faculties should be “separate but equal”
- reality: separate and unequal*
- *
Plessy: mandated racial segregation in every aspect of southern life
- black facilties either nonexistent or inferior
What was Lynching (1883-1905)?
> Persons (generally black) accused crime mudered by mob before standing trial
- some occurred late at night or advertised in advanced
- 1899: Sam Hose (brutally murdered after killing employer in self-defense)
How did the memory of the Civil War age?
Memory of Civil War
whites: saw tragic family quarrel (blacks no significant part)
- both sides gallantly fought
- slavery small issue (not fundamental cause)
the Lost Cause
> Romanticized version of slavery
What was the immigration shift in the 1890s? How did it cause the resurgence of racial nationalism?
1890s: immigration shift
- 5 million immigratns
* half not from Europe (south and eastern Europe)
“New Immigrants”
- lower class citizens
Resurgence racial nationalism
Restricted immigration widely seen way determine “who was american”
- rather than “our” identity
- demeened “others”
What was the Immigration Restriction League (1894)?
made sharp distinction between old and new immigrants
- echoed Know-Nothings view
(1) blamed problems (crime and poverty) to immigrants
(2) southern and eastern Europeans” incapable and stupid
(3) called reduction immigration by barring illiterate from entiring US
1897: vetoed Cleveland
1903: list barring certain people entering
How did northern and western states attempt to eliminate undersirable voters?
(1) Secrect of “Australian” ballot
- protect privacy
- limit participation of illiterates
(2) immigrants not allowed vote
(3) residency and literacy requirements
Describe Chinese immigration in the Gilded Age and how did it result in discrimination?
Chinese immigration
1882: Chinese Exclusion Act
- temporarily exluded all immigration from China
1902: permanent
- required register government and carrry identification
Chinese discrimination
- expelled towns and mining camps
- mobs assuated residents and businesses
- (1871-1885) no public education Chinese (California
1885: Tape v. Hurley
* force Cal admit Chinese students * segregated education
United States v. Wong Kim Ark (1898)
- considered legal status Chinese-Americans
what: 14 Amendment aware citizenship born in America
Fong Yue Ting v. United States (1893)
courts authorized ederal government expel Chinese alines wihtout due process
What was the American Federation of Labor (AFL)?
1881: founded
Leader: Samuel Gomper
- (mostly) white, natives
- movement devote negotiating employers higher wages & better work conditions
- “business unionism”
- rebounded from decline
- less inclusive: only skilled workers
Why was the 1890s the Women’s Era?
- more opportunities (for economic independence)
- greater role public life (not vote)
What was the (1874) Woman’s Christain Temperane Union?
increased influence in public affairs:
- clubs
- temperance organizations
- social reformist
- era’s largest female organization
- prohibition
- economic and political reform
- right to vote
Describe the feminism of the Gilded Age:
gravitate towards previaling racial and ethnic norms
- women’s equality (education and employment)
- part of “superior race”
Describe the Age of Imperialism and how did it result in “New Imperialism?”
Age of Imperialism
Late 19th century: Age of Imperialism
- European empires carved up large parts of world
- US: second rate power
“New Imperialism“
World powers:
- Japan
- Belgium
- Great Britain
- France
- Germany (became country)
How did American expansion compare before and after the 1890s?
Until 1890s:
Expansion: NA continent
Since Monroe Doctrine (1823)
- see Western Hemisphere an American sphere of influence
- wanted expand trade & not territorial possession
- Turning point American expansionism:*
(1) agricultural and industrial production → not contain at home
- companies market abroad
(2) Economic downturns: wanted international access
(3) Women desirous overseas commodities
How did Missionaries, thinkers, and news contribute to American Expansionism?
a. Missionaries
Prepare world second comming of Christ
Dwight Moody:
- started expidition
- Methodist evangelist → sent 8,000 missionaries
b. Thinkers promoting American Expansionism
- America should take part Scramble for Afria
c. News
promoted nationalistic sentiments:
- wanted agressive foreign policy
- appeals patriotic sentiments
called “Yellow Press”
Describe Hawaii before it was annexed?
- tied to US through treaties
- Independent nation
dominated US sugar plantations
Describe the process of Hawaii’s annexation?
1893: group American planters overthrew Hawaii government of Queen Liliuokalani
- Eve leaving office: Harrison submitted treaty of annexation
- Cleveland withdrew it
July 1898: (during Spanish-American War) annexed Hawaii
How did the Spanish-American War originate?
What was the final catalysis?
USA emergence world power in Spanish-American War (1898)
Origin: Cuban want independence Spain
- 1868: revolt
- reports suffering won support USA
Feb 15, 1898: battleship U.S.S. Maine (Havana Harbor) exploded (later found accident)
McKinley → declared War
- declare wanted to help
- Teller Amendment (US no intention annexing or doninating island)
called “Splended Little War”
- only 4 months
What was Theodore Roosevelt’s part in the Spanish-American War?
San Jaun Hill:
- most publicized land battle took place Cuba*
leader: Theodore Roosevelt - expansionist
- believe war reunite unity
- carge of Rough Riders
- Result: national hero
How did the Spanish-American War end?
US aquired: Philippines, Puerto Rico, Pacific island Guam
- before independence → forced approve Platt Amendment
- US intervene militarily whenever it sees fit*
- *
- strategic gatewages to Latin America naval and commercial power
- shipping routs Asia
1899: Open Door Policy
Europeans powers grant America exports equal access
- free movement of goods and money ( )
What was the Open Door Policy (1899)?
Europeans powers grant America exports equal access
- free movement of goods and money ( )
What was the short0tern effect of the Spanish-American War?
(some) Cubans, Filipinos, Puerto Ricans: welcomed American intervention way breaking Spanish hold
- admired America’s democratic ideals
- would lead social reform and self-government
American determination to exercise continued control: rapid change local opinion (especially Philippines)
result: Philippine War
What was the Philippine War (1899-1903)?
- bloodier
- least remembered all American Wars
After colonial control:
- expanded railroad and harbors
- brought schoolteachers and health workers
- modernize agriculture
benefitted local elites & most still empoverished
- low-wage plantation economy
- controlled absentee American corporations
How did American Expansionism result in a debate over citizenship?
Question: relationship among political democracy, race ,and citizenship
- American system no provision premanent colonies
- identified Anglo-Saxon superiority
What was the Foraker Act of 1900?
> Puerto Rico “insular territory”
- not citizens US
- denied path to statehood
What was the Insular Cases (1901-1904)?
collection Supreme Court cases
> Constitution not fully apply to territories recently acquired by US
Two central principles to American freedom:
- No taxation without representation
- Government based on consent of governend
What was the paths of the colonies America aquired during the 1900s?
(1) Hawaii:
- already had American population
- granted citizenship (excluding Asians)
- 1959: admitted as state
(2) Philippines:
* 1946: independence
(3) Guam:
* unincorporated territory
(4) Puerto Rico:
- “world oldest colony”
- lacks full self-governent
- electors own governemnt & lacks voice Congress
What was the Anti-Imperialist League?
opponents expansionism
- energies directed at home
- businessmen fearful cost maintaining overseas post
- racists (not wish bring non-whites into America)
- writers and social reformers