Chapter 03: Creating Anglo-America (1660→1750) Flashcards
Global Competition and Expansion of England Origins of Americans Slavery Colonies in Crisis The Growth of Colonial America Social Classes in the Colonies
What are the characteristics of mercantilism?
- encourage manufacturing
- monopolies
- Controlled trade
more silver & gold flow into the economy than out
more exports than imports
When was the Navigation Act brought into effect?
Define enumerated goods:
most valuable colonial goods (tobacco and sugar)
What was the objective of the Navigation Act?
Aim: take world trade from Dutch
- transported by English ships
- sold initially in English ports
- could re-exported to foreign markets
What was the result of the Navigation Act (1651)?
Result: most European goods were transported through England
- increased shipbuilding, merchants
- added tax for the government
- stimulated rise New England’s shipbuilding industry
What did Charles 02 do - colonial wise - during his reign?
- New period of colonial expansion
- new charter ventures
* Royal African Company* → monopoly on the slave trade - Increase colonies
When was New Netherland annexed by the English?
What was the new name?
Renamed New York
When was the Anglo-Dutch war?
What happened to New Netherland during the Anglo-Dutch war?
Charles 2 gave New Netherland to James (younger brother of Charles and Duke of York)
Renamed: New York
What transformation occurred when New Netherland became New York?
from minor military base
- important imperial outpost
- seaport trading with Caribbean and Europe
- 1685 population 20,000
How did freedom in New York change after it was annexed from the Dutch?
What stayed the same, what changes (for the good and bad)?
Stayed the same:
tolerance for religious beliefs
property holding of colony’s ethnic communities
- married women could not conduct business in their name (used to be female traders)
- expelled free blacks from skilled jobs
immense land grants
1700s: 2 million acers owned 5 families
1. intermarried
2. political influence
3. most tightly knit elites
How did the initial English rule strengthen the Iroquois Confederacy?
Covenant Chain:
- Iroquois Nations assisted in clearing parts of New York of rival tribes
- assisted in fighting French
What was the Covenant Chain?
- Iroquois Nations assisted in clearing parts of New York of rival tribes
- assisted in fighting French
Creator: Sir Edmund Andros
after fighting the French in the Caribbean
Reward Indian: recognized land claims up until Ohio River
1680s: Other Indians aligned French
pushed Iroquois to east
Who created the Covenant Chain?
Sir Edmund Andros
What was the Iroquois Confederacy’s stance at the end of the 17th century?
- Iroquois people neutral
- profit from fur trade
- played Europeans off one another
Why did James of York call an elected assembly in 1683?
The New York residents complained about them being denied “liberties of Englishmen”
When was the Charter of Liberties and Privileges drafted?
What was the Charter of Liberties and Privileges?
- elections 1/3 years
- electorate: male property owners
- trail by jury
- security of property
- religious toleration Protestants
When was Maryland established?
When was Carolina established?
Why did Charles 2 give 8 properties away in 1663?
What did these properties result in in 1670?
The establishment of Carolina was to cap Spanish expansion
Describe the relationship between the Indians and English in late 17th Carolina?
Armed some → fight the Spanish
enslaved others
shipped to mainland colonies
1670-1720: Larger amount of slaves exported from Charleston than imported from Africa
When was the Yamasee rebellions?
What happened during the 1715’s Yamasee Uprising?
Yamasee and Creek Indians rebelled
stopped → enslaved or driven to Spanish Florida