Chapter 10: Democarcy in America (1815-1840) Flashcards
What are the three central elements of American freedom?
[1] Market Revoltion
[2] Territorial Expansion
[3] Political Democracy
problems with property qualifications for the voting → climax in the 19th century
- not a single state entered initial Union (13 states) property qualifications
- Older states in the 1860s:
- 12 no property qualifications
- some barred persons accepting replied (not economically independent)
Era’s individualism:
- not property ownership
- ownership one’s self
How did the 19th century’s view of individualism change?
Era’s individualism:
- not property ownership
- ownership one’s self
Describe Rhode Islands voting qualifications until 1841?
Exception to the trend towards democracy
Center of factory production → population propertyless wage owners unable to vote
What was the People’s Convention (October 1841)?
October 1841: People’s Convention
- proponents democratic conform
- leader: Thomas Dorr
New state constitution
- all white men vote
- Blacks not vote (subsequent referendum, allowed to vote again)
How did President John Tyler respond to the People’s Convention in 1841 (Rhode Island)?
October 1841: People’s Convention
- proponents democratic conform
New state consitution
- all white men vote
- Blacks not vote (subsequent referendum, allowed to vote again)
Dorr War
Reformers ratified constitution & inaugurated Thomas Dorr (Rhode Island lawyer)
President John Tyler:
- dispatched federal troops
- quashed revolt & Dorr 2 year prison for treason
What happened during the Dorr War (1841) and what was the significance?
Dorr War
Reformers ratified the constitution & inaugurated Thomas Dorr (Rhode Island lawyer)
President John Tyler:
- dispatched federal troops
- quashed revolt & Dorr 2 year prison for treason
Significance: Passion aroused by continuing exclusion any group of white men from voting
Describe the public sphere and suffrage in 1840 America?
1840: 90% while, adult males vote
triumphed by the Age of Andrew Jackson
American politics:
- boisterous, violent, highly partisan
- Nation sense of identity: democratic political institution
What was Alexis de Tocqueville’s 1830 “Democracy in America” about?
Who: French writer
- came the US > study prisons
- realized: to understand America, must understand democracy
- was aristocrat → disliked idea*
What: account society in midst political transformation
- more than voting or institution
- “habit of the heart”
- Culture: encouraging individual initiative, belief equality, the active public sphere
- essential to American freedom
What did Tocqueville think about American popular sovereignty?
Tocqueville realize: the idea of sovereignty belonged mass ordinary citizens profound shift in political thought
Founders: wanted people to vote & protect from excessive influence
What was the Information Revolution?
- expansion public sphere
- increased printing
What caused the Information Revolution?
- Market Revolution
- Political democracy
What was the 1840s “Penny Press?”
Mass circulated press
“Penny Press”
- application of steam power → increased output
- 1 cent per issue
How did mass circulated press create a new style of journalism?
A new style of journalism:
Introduced: New York Sun & New York Herald
- appealed mass audience
- Emphasis: sensationalism, crime stories, exposes misconduct
1840s: more circulation than Europe
When was Andrew Jackson’s presidency?
What was Andrew Jackson’s view of democracy during his presidency?
axiom: “the people” universally accepted
* opposition: Tocqueville wrote “hid their heads”
Needed defined boundaries of the political nation:
Why: very centrality of democracy to define both [1] freedom and [2] nationality
What did “universal suffrage” mean during the Age of Jackson?
United States Magazine and Democatic Review (1851): “principle of universal suffrage”
“white males of age constituted the political nation” > not women or blacks
intellectual grounds for exclusion shift:
- Form: economic dependence
- To: natural incapacity
white males superior
How did intellectual grounds for exclusion from the public sphere shift during the Age of Jackson?
intellectual grounds for exclusion shift:
- Form: economic dependence
- To: natural incapacity
white males superior
1920: Women vote
1965: Voting Rights Act
revoked restrictions in Southern states → blacks vote
Explain racism imagery in the theater:
Blacks excluded “democracy”
Racist imagery:
- popular theater
whites in blackface portrayed AA → stupid, dishonest,
How were blacks portrayed in books during the 19th century?
American authors portray blacks:
- happy, superstitious slaves
- long-suffering and Christian
Whose books (the 1800s) were an exception to the rule of portraying blacks as stupid and one-dimensional?
Exception: Herman Melville
- Moby Dick & Benito Cereno*
- complex black characters
What voting rights did blacks have in Virginia, South Carolina, and Georgia during the early 19th century?
not allowed blacks vote
What voting rights did blacks have in northern states during 1800?
no northern states barrned voting
What voting rights did blacks have in states entering the union during the early 1800s?
States entered union (except Maryland): prohibited suffrage
- 1799 Kentucky: revoked black suffrage
- 1801 Maryland: revoked black suffrage
1860: Only 5 New England states blacks vote same as white
What voting rights did immigrants have during the early 19th century?
Race: boundary on voting rights
Solidified sense national identity among diverse groups of Europeans
- white, male immigrants → almost vote immediately
- Free blacks: not vote