Chapter 06: Revolution Within (1700-1790) Flashcards
What three levels of the American Revolution took place?
- Struggle for national independence
- Phase in the century-long global battle between European empires
- Conflict over what kind of nation America should be
What did the idea of “all men are created equal” mean in the wake of the American Revolution?
- full implications not anticipated
- A society dependent of obedience to authority
- Inequality essential to public order
Challenged by Revolution: freedom linked with idea of equality
How did the revolution in the 18th century challenge the domination of elites (gender, race, class)? How successful was the attempts at revolution?
Revolution: not undo obedience to patriarchy
Men freedom:
- democratization of freedom
- challenges to limitations of power to property ownership
What was the meaning of “democracy?”
- Aristotle
- Revolution
(derived from Aristotle) a system which entered people to govern directly
- interpreted as “mob rule”
(Revolution) Popular aspirations for greater equality
How did voting rights change after the War of Independence?
the debate over the fundamentals of government
Discussed (elite, artisans, farmers, laborers)
- universal male suffrage
- religious toleration
- abolition of slavery
What rights did militia participants want after the Revolution? (in relation to suffrage rights)
- wanted to elect own leaders
- vote public officials
How was the 18th century’s Revolutionary potential evident in Pennsylvania with the pro-independence groupings?
Revolution’s radical potential: evident in Pennsylvania
nearly entire prewar elite opposed independence > feared power struggle
Vacuum leadership
Rise pro-independence grouping
- artisans and lower-class communities
- organized by extralegal communtieis and militias
- attacked property qualifications for voting
- make every man equal > all free men (1) vote and (2) hold office
what was the “New state constitution” of Pennsylvania three months after national independence?
- institutionalized democracy by concentrating power in one-house legislature elected
- Electorate: men 21+ & taxpayers
- abolished the office of governor
- abolished property qualifications for officeholding
- schools (low fees) established in each county
- Freedom of speech, writing, and religion
How were the state constitutions altered in the aftermath of the 1770’s revolution?
Each state adopted a new constitution in aftermath of independence
- Americas agreed that government must be republics
- no king or hereditary aristocracy
What were Thoughts on Government (John Adams 1776) about?
New construction: Create balanced governments
- structure reflects the division of society between wealthy and ordinary men
- powerful governor_: ensure neither group infringed other’s liberty_
- called t_wo-house legislatures_
Followed all states except: Pennsylvania, Georgia, Vermont
Massachusetts: governer veto over laws passed
- Americans preferred power to rest with legislature
Explain the nature of John Adam’s views on “internal affairs” and its contradiction with his views on “independence, freedom, and equality:”
conservative in internal affairs
radical on independence, freedom and equality
What did John Adams think about the idea of eradicating the property ownership qualification to vote?
men without property > “no judgement of their own”
removal of property qualifications would “confound and destroy all distinctions between common levels
How did the qualifications for voting change in the aftermath of the revolution in Southern States?
Gentry retain control of political affairs
Virginia and South Carolina: new constitutions
- retained property qualifications
- authorized gentry-dominated legislature
How did the new constitution change the view on voting requirements? How did this alter the number of people with suffrage?
towards the idea of voting as an entitlement rather than a privilege
stopped short of universal suffrage (even men)
How did voting qualifications in Pennsylvania and Southern States compare (regarding property ownership after the Revolution)?
Southern States:
Least favorable
Gentry retain control of political affairs
Virginia and South Carolina: new constitutions
- retained property qualifications
- authorized gentry-dominated legislature
- no longer required ownership of property
- taxpaying qualification
Most people: (not > paupers and servants)
Restricted: those who claimed economically independent
“personal liberty” > position more important than propert ownership
How many people had suffrage in 1780? Which states did not grant the same privileges?
Except: Virginia, Maryland, New York
Majority adult white male population meet voting requirements
What voting qualifications did the 1776 Constitution of New Jersey allow? When were the qualifications for women altered?
suffrage all “inhabitants” who met property qualifications
1807: property-owning white women could vote
Which states had religious toleration before the Revolution?
Rhode Island
How did the development of freedom of worship look before the Revolution of 1780? What discrimination existed?
- did develop from religious pluralism
- not a well-developed theory of religious liberty
Discrimination: Catholics, Jews, and dissenting Protestants
Massachusetts: Baptists refuse pay taxes for local Congregational ministers → jails
How did dealings with Catholics in Quebec and alliances with France during the Revolutionary War challenge the institutionalized tradition of American anti-Catholicism?
War of Independence → deep tradition of American anti-Catholicism
[1] Agreement with Catholic Quebec:
Second Continental Congress → invaded Canada
agreed that Protestants and Catholics will cooperate
[2] 1778: US formed alliance with France (Catholics)
- victory supported the idea that Catholics had a place in society
- departed from idea that Englishmen applied to only Protestants
1791: John Carroll of Maryland (First America’s Roman Catholic bishop)
- went to Boston
- Cordial welcome
How did Deism influence the separation of church and state in the 1770s and 80s? Which leaders classified as deists and what did they want?
Leaders wanted to deviate from religious warfare in the past
Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton
Views of religion: Enlightenment idea of rationalism and skepticism
Deists → not believe in supernatural intervention
- separation of church and state
- free politics of religious control
- (including evangelical sects) wanted protect religions from corrupting government
How did the revolution change the relationship between the church and state (with regards to funding)? [3]
- disestablished churches (no longer public funding and special privileges)
- (sometimes) appropriated money for general support of Protestant denominations
- 7 states constituted → commitment “free exercise of religion”
What did 1777 New York law dictate regarding religious liberty and office holding?
constitution complete free religious liberty
Jews barred from voting or holding office
How did a separation of church and state take place in 1833 Massachusetts?
Congregationalist establishment into 19th century
1833 end financial support for religious institutions