Chapter 16 (Cognitive Development in Adults) Flashcards
what is adolescence
the period from the start of puberty until adulthood
What improves but what can go worse
The brain develops good and also you train overall more
But it can also go wrong because there is more risk behaviour and also substance abuse
why is studying substance abuse hard and how can it be solved
its unethical to make people use drugs for an experiment
solutions here are studying groups who are already using drugs
Also animal research
what are ambiguous and composite figures
things that can mean multiple things at once
ambuguity: image with two possible perceptions
composite: objects make up bigger image
how does perception develop in adolescence
people are more able to see two things at once in eg ambiguous figures
They become more flexible
what may be alternate explanation for adolescence to percieve ambiguity better
- better when you know about ambiguity
2. better selective attention
what is special about ambuguity and composite in autism
ambuguity is harder
composite is that they have more attention to detail
how does attention develop in adolescence
there is an increase in selective attention
what is special about people with intellectual disability
these people have an IQ below 80
they perform worse at a flanker task (arrows with one in different direction)
–> for them structured and quiet enviroment is important cause their selective attention is bad
how does face recognition develop in adolescence
it becomes better in adolescence
young children rely on indiviual features (hats, earrings) while older children use configuration
there is also a drop at age 11 in face recognition (hormones)
how does short term memory develop in adolescence and also how and why
it becomes better, this may be be cause of increased - brain capacity - more practice - other strategies it is not only continous (better) but also categorical (different)
how does working memory develop in adolescence
It becomes better with age
this is because of a more developed prefrontal cortex
also training in strategies and self control
how does long term memory develop in adolescence
its absolut capacity does not change much
how does intelligence develop in adolescence
fluid intelligence (preexisting) is getting better until 30
crystallized (learned) one is getting better longer
Overall, strategies get a lot better
It has poor correlation with IQ obtained in childhood (instable)
how does reasoning develop in adolescence
deduction (from fact to specific) gets better in adolescence. It is also more usable in real life
induction (from specifics to facts) gets also better but also more selective with exceptions
what stages in piagets theory are important in adolescence and what else changes according to him
Concrete (7-11) and formal operational (11-…)
speical in formal operational is abstract reasoning without content which can then be used in reallife
adolescence are more able to use more complex rules to solve tasks
They Develop reversability, Abstract thinking and hypothesis thinking
What is the balance scale problem
A balance scale with weights and distances to the middle
Piaget found that only people in formal operational stage are able to combine weight x distance to solve it
What is critic about Piaget’s way of thinking about adolescent
- About 1/3 of adults and adolescence reach the formal operational stage (It also develops more gradual)
- Experience place bigger role than suspected
- level of success is higher today than some decades ago (Flynn effect)
What’s re 3 flaws in adolescent theory thinking
- They cannot separate theory and evidence (it had to be confirmed by evidence)
- They ignore counter evidence more
- They need a plausible alternate theory if evidence is wrong
What 5 things evolve when becoming adolescent
- More thinking in terms of possibility instead of real situation
- More hypothesis thinking
- Planning ahead
- Self Intospection
- Include issues about themselves
What is different from adolescences in comparison to adults
- More risky and exploratory behaviour
2. Less planned behaviour