How are facial expressions determined and controlled?
- biologically determined response patterns
- controlled by innate brain mechanisms
What hemisphere plays a more important role in comprehension of emotion?
Right hemisphere
Are comprehension of words and recognition of tone related functions?
no, independent functions
What happens to recognition when there are lesions to the amygdala?
impairs ability to recognize facial expressions of emotion
What region of the brain activates more when viewing photographs of faces expressing fear?
-large increases of activity in the amygdala
What is the Mirror Neuron System?
- Adolph et al
- possible link between somatosensation and emotional recognition
What is the simulationist hypothesis?
recognition of facial expressions of emotions is correlated with ability to perceive somatosensory stimuli
What types of neuron play an important role in control of movement?
- mirror neurons
- provide feedback from facial movements that help understand how other people feel
How are people with Moebius syndrome impaired?
Cannot make facial expressions of emotion
What is volitional facial paresis?
-Cannot voluntarily move facial muscles but can express genuine emotion with those muscles.
What is emotional facial paresis?
-can move face muscles voluntarily but do not express emotions on affected side of the face
What facial side makes stronger expressions of emotions?
- Left
- Because right hemisphere plays more significant role in emotional expression
Does left hemisphere lesions impair vocal expressions of emotions?
Is amygdala involved in the expression of facial emotions?
What was Darwin’s conclusion on emotional expression?
emotional expressions re innate
Are words to describe concepts innate or learned?
Are non-verbal expressions innate or learned?
What are thin slice judgements?
Rapid assessment of emotions