What does the cerebral cortex control in sexual behaviour?
Neural control of sexual response
What does the spinal cord control in sexual behaviour?
Mediates sexual response of genitals
What does the parasympathetic ANS control in sexual behaviour?
What does the sympathetic ANS control in sexual behaviour?
orgasm and muscle contraction.
Where are the neurons that control erection and ejaculation located ?
in the spinal cord
Are the brain mechanisms for the control of erection and ejaculation inhibitory or excitatory?
Both excitatory and inhibitory
What does stimulation of the medial preoptic area (mPOA) produce?
elicits male copulatory behaviour
What is the sexually dimorphic nucleus?
- A nucleus in the preoptic area that is much larger in males than in females
- First observed in rats
- Plays a role in male sexual behaviour.
What is the size of the sexually dimorphic nucleus controlled by?
The amount of androgens present during fetal development
What are the most important connections between the MPA and the motor neurons accomplished by?
- PAG: periaqueductal gray matte
- nPGi: nucleus paragigantocellularis
Central Tegmental Field in male sexual behaviour?
Mating causes production of Fos protein in that area
PGA in male sexual behaviour?
- Normally excites the nPGi
- Inhibited by the MPA
MPA in male sexual behavior?
- destruction abolishes sexual behaviour
- Prenatal stress reduces size of sexually dimorphic nucleus, decreases sexual behaviour.
- Mating causes production of Fos protein in MPA
- Injection of testosterone enhances sexual behavior of castrated rats.
Medial Amygdala in male sexual behaviour?
- destruction disrupts sexual behavior
- Mating causes production of Fos protein in that area
nPGI of medulla in male sexual behavior?
- Normally inhibits mating behavior
- Inhibited by the MPA
SLide 63
Resume diagram for all the brain areas in male sexual behavior
What does stimulating the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus result in female sexual behavior?
- facilitates sexual behaviour
- destroying it abolishes sexual behaviour
- estradiol and progesterone in VMH stimulate sexual behaviour
PAG in female sexual behavior?
- destruction abolishes sexual behavior
- estradiol treatment or stimulation of VMH increases neural activity
- neurons contain estrogen and progesterone receptors
Medial amygdala in female sexual behavior?
- Mating causes production of Fos protein
- Neurons contain estrogen and progesterone receptors
VMH in female sexual behavior?
- Destruction abolishes sexual behavior.
- Mating causes production of Fos protein.
- Neurons contain estrogen and progesterone receptors.
- Injection of estradiol and progesterone enhances sexual behavior of ovariectomized rats
What type of pair bonding do prairie voles engage in ?
-social and monogamous
What type of pair bonding do montane voles engage in?
Asocial and promiscuous
What differences in levels of oxytocin and vasopressin receptors characterize prairie voles?
More ocxytocin in female voles and more vasopressin in male voles
What differences in levels of oxytocin and vasopressin receptors characterize montane voles?
Fewer receptors for oxytocin and vasopressin
Do OT and vasopressin play a role in pair bonding?
- Yes
- Being in love is associated with high levels of OT