Chapter 10 Parallel Runway Operations Flashcards
What are the two basic modes of approaches?
Independent (mode 1) and dependent (mode 2)
What are these modes of approaches independent/dependant on?
Radar separation
What is done to all approaches in all weather conditions?
Radar monitored (not separation)
On mode 1 and 2 approaches how long must be flown before localiser intercept?
On mode 1 and 2 what is the max localiser intercept track?
30 degrees
What is the minimum separation of parallel runways in mode 1 approaches?
In mode 1 and 2 approaches how much must the missed approaches diverge by?
By at least 30 degrees
How long must straight and level be flown before intercepting G/S in both mode 1 and 2?
On mode 2 approaches what is the minimum rwy separation?
What is the minimum separation between aircraft in mode 2 approaches?
3nm if on same localiser and 2nm if on different localiser
What is mode 3?
Simultaneous SIDs
What are the requirements for mode 3?
- tracks diverge by 15 degrees
- must identified by 1nm from DER
What is mode 4?
Where one runway is used for departures and the other used for landings (segregated parallel ops)
What is the max intercept onto localiser in mode 4?
45 degrees
What is the non transgression zone?
Area between the two normal operating zones
Where does the NOZ occur?
From runway threshold to where you establish on localiser separation. Half a scale deflection wide
Where does the NTZ occur?
Extends from runway threshold to point where 1000ft vertical separation is lost
What is required if an aircraft enters the NTZ?
ATC intervention
What is the minimum width of the NTZ? ****
When must wake turbulence separation be applied?
Space between two runways is less than 760m and/or if aircraft become within 1000ft or each other