Chapter 1 Flashcards
In ancient times and the Middle Ages, children were viewed as ____ ____ and were nurtured until they were ___(the “age of reason”)
“innately evil”
“7 years old”
What did John Locke believe about childhood
that children come into the world as a “tabula rasa” (a blanc tablet or blanc slate) that was written on experience
What did John Locke believe where powerful shapers of behaviour
social approval and disapproval
What did Jean-Jacques Rousseau argue about childhood
that children are inherently good. and if they are allowed to express their natural impulses, they will develop into generous moral individuals
In the 20th century, laws in Canada were passed to…(3 things)
- Protect children from labour
2.Require that they attend school until a certain age
3.Prevent then from getting married or being sexually exploited
What is G.Stanley Hall credited with
having founded child development as an academic discipline
Alfred Binet worked with Theodore Simon to develop the first what..?
the first standardized intelligence test near the beginning of the 20th century
What is Developmental Psychology
The Biological, Psychological, and Socio-cultural study of development across the lifespan
Who was the founder of North American Behaviourism and what is it
John B. Watson
Behaviourism = the view that science must study observable behaviour only, and investigate relationships between stimuli and responses
What did Arnold Gesell believe was the main principle of development (opposing John B. Watsons idea)
Maturation = unfolding of genetically determined traits, structures, and functions
John B. Watson viewed development in terms of the “________ theory”
Learning Theory
Who founded the theory of the Id, Ego, and Superego
Sigmund Freud
What is the Id, Ego, and Superego
Id = unconscious, biological drives nd demands instant gratification like hunger
Ego = conscious self that curbs the appetites of the Id and makes plans to satisfy the needs in a social acceptable way
Superego = morals that the child develop throughout infancy and early childhood
What did Anna Freud (Sigmund’s daughter) examine
how the ego tries too defend against internal and external dangers
What are Sigmund Freuds 5 psychosexual stages of development
Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, and Genital
What is the Phallic stage and what is a normal development for children
The Phallic stage is focused on the genital area and exploring sexual stimuli. Its normal for children in the phallic stage to develop strong sexual attachments to the parent of the opposite sex and view the same parent of the same sex as a rival
What is the different between the Oedipal Complex and the Electra Compex
Oedipal Complex = rivalry between a boy and his father for his mothers love
Electra Complex = rivalry between a girl and her mother for her fathers love