Chap. 8 Digestive System Diseases + Conditions Flashcards
Functions of Digestive System
the physical + chemical breakdown of food so it can be used by the body
intake of food and liquid (eating)
breakdown of food
movement of nutrients into bloodstream
removal of waste from body
receives food into the oral cavity as it is tasted and broken down by the teeth
chewing, the breaking down of food in the mouth by the teeth
hard structures in the mouth that breakdown food by chewing
muscular organ that contains taste buds, aids in chewing and swallowing
salivary glands
secrete amylase that aids in chemical breakdown of starchy foods (deglutition)
throat, carries both food, liquid and air
3 types of pharynx
nasopharynx, oropharynx, and laryngopharynx
muscular tube that carries the food to the stomach, relies on peristalsis to move the food
the involuntary constriction and relaxation of the muscles of the intestine or another canal, creating wave-like movements that push the contents of the canal forward.
receives food from the esophagus, food usually remains in stomach for 1-4 hrs, continues chemical breakdown with hydrochloric acid, high ph = above 3 = stomach ulcers
small intestine
process of digestion is completed here, absorbs nutrients to the blood stream
length and sections of small intestine
17-20 ft long, 1 inch in diameter, duodenum, jejunum, ileum - small in diameter not length
colon or large intestine
absorbs liquid (water) = remaining indigestible materials (feces) which are excreted from the body at the anus
length and sections of large intestine
5 ft long, 2 inches in diameter, cecum; ascending; transverse; descending; sigmoid; rectum - small in length not diameter
last part of the large intestine that stores waste before it passes out of the body through an opening called the anus
feces (stool)
indigestible waste expelled through the anus (opening at lower end of the digestive tract)
accessory organs
liver, gallbladder, pancreas
many different functions in many body systems
detoxify blood, breaking down toxins
storage of nutrients
makes bile (breaks down fatty foods)
breaks down fats and helps remove wastes from the body
located in RUQ
averts glycogen to glucose for energy
bile from the liver
made to digest fats b/c fats are hydrophobic, secreted into the duodenum
stores and concentrates bile (small sac located interior to the liver)
produces insulin to break down blood sugar in blood outside the D.S. and enzymes for digestion
lack of or no appetite
sign of end stage liver disease, edema in abdomen (think cankles) fluid accumulation in abdomen
noises your digestive system makes as it digests food and moves it around
hardening/backup of stool due to dehydration or lack of fiber in diet
lack of water in body
excessive flow of feces, lack of water uptake from large intestine (your large intestine isn’t intaking the water from the food you eat)
difficulty of digestion/indigestion
difficulty swallowing
yellow pigmentation of skin due to cirrhosis of liver, liver is responsible for breaking down RBC with bilirubin but when cannot be excreted it builds up which makes you yellow
in RBC’s which help carry oxygen
scarring of the liver usually due to 2 things: alcohol + hepatitis, not able to filter toxins; hepatic backup like pulmonary backup; fluid seeps out of blood vessels and settles in the abdomen
viral infection, blood borne, hep. b and c are in the U.S.; get it through illegal drug use (the needles) and sexual intercourse, cirrhosis can be from hepatitis
signs of liver disease
ascites, jaundice, esophageal varices
esophageal varices
veins that supply the esophagus rupture b/c of cirrhosis (lots of blood - swollen veins)
liver is scarred –> backup –> veins backup –> allows fluids to seep through veins –> abdomen
if they start to bleed and it goes into the stomach they will throw up blood, but if it is a slow bleeding it will be digested and will not know they have an internal hemorrhage
vomiting (stays out)
passing gas
bad breath
vomiting blood
defecation of blood
feeling before vomiting
return of swallowed food from the stomach (goes back down)
erosion of mucosal membrane anywhere along the digestive tract, must let it heal, constantly open or exposed to enzymes if in the stomach
inflammation of the appendix, LRQ, laparoscopic appendectomy, can be very bad if the appendix bursts b/c it has a lot of bacteria and it can get into the rest of the body –> can lead to sepsis, pain
what are the 3 scopes used for a laparoscopic appendectomy and what is it used for
1st is put into the umbilicus, 2nd and 3rd are the pinchy one and the cauterization tool, it is to see if the appendix is swollen, if so you do an appendectomy
what does laparoscopic mean and why do they use it
the viewing with a scope of the abdomen, used to reduce blood loss
what medicine do you take for sepsis
celiac disease
gluten allergy, inflammation –> affect absorption of nutrients, pain, peristalsis is affected, one place at one time
inflammation of the gallbladder
presence of stones in gall bladder, unknown reason why, as long as the gallbladder can excrete bile its ok but if it blocks it, it’s bad and can cause inflammation
what surgery do you do to remove stones in the gall bladder
what is the treatment for cirrhosis
abdominocentesis, but slowly b/c too much at once can cause arrhythmia
crohn’s disease
autoimmune condition that cause inexplicable inflammation anywhere in the digestive tract, affects absorption of nutrients, peristalsis is affected, pain, can be in many places
dental carries
small intestine inflammation
stomach and small intestine inflammation
hiatal hernia
stomach ruptures through the diaphragm, can go unnoticed, GERD is associated with this, surgery to push stomach back into place
obstruction of the small or large intestine
what happens if you have a blockage
there is a high risk of infection, pain, and no nutrient absorption
intestinal adhesions
type of obstruction
type of obstruction
twisting of the intestine causing blockage
irritable bowel syndrome
IBS, autoimmune, patient switches from diarrhea to constipation and back
irritable bowel disease
same as syndrome
peptic ulcer
ulcer in the stomach, difficult to treat b/c you need to just let it heal but b/c of constant exposure to enzymes and acid it is hard to heal, another reason why you might have hematochezia
periodontal disease
gingivitis on steroids, gum disease, gums get so infected with bacteria b/c of so many cavities, gums then recede so teeth will eventually fall out
abdominal ultrasound
sound waves
barium enema; lower gastrointestinal (LGI) series
a test to see any blockage in the LGI
computerized tomography (CT)
high powered xray
viewing of the UGI, scope is pushed down throat, for proximal jejunum and up
occult blood test
test to detect if there is digested blood in the stool
upper gastrointestinal (UGI) series
barium swallow, drink up the chalky stuff
viewing of LGI, distal jejunum and down
acid blocker
pepcid AC is an example; over the counter meds
self explanatory, bacterial stuff
anti nausea
bariatric surgery
obesity surgery, lap band, gastric bypass
loosens stool to help with constipation
surgery (general)
does laparoscopic “-ectomy’s”
lap band
stops you from eating too much, tricks your brain into thinking your full, semi perminate
gastric bypass
perminate, gastric pouch is inserted