Ch8 Flashcards
Do high-pitched sounds peak close to or far from the oval window?
Close to the oval window
Which nerve transmits impulses from the spiral organ of Corti to the brain?
Cochlear nerve, a division of Cranial nerve VIII
How do sensorineural and conductive deafness differ from each other?
Sensorineural deafness results from damages to neural structures involved in hearing (cochlear nerve, auditory region of brain), whereas conductive deafness results from anything that prevents sound vibration from reaching the cochlear (earwax, otitis media, fusion of ossicles)
What function does choroid of the vesicular layer have in common with the pigmented layer of retina?
Both contains pigment, which prevents light scattering in the eye
What classification is the receptors for taste and olfaction?
Why does it help to sniff substances you are smelling?
Odor receptors are located in the roof of nasal cavity. Sniffing helps to bring the air upward.
The rods are responsible for —, whereas the cones are responsible for —.
Vision in dim light and peripheral vision, vision in bright light and high-acuity color vision
The ossicles transmit vibrations from —, to the — through a structure called the ——.
Tympanic membrane, inner ear, oval window
What are the three structural layers of eye?
Fibrous layer (outer: sclera, cornea) Vascular layer (middle: choroid) Sensory layer (inner: retina)
What are two modified structure of the anterior of choroid?
Ciliary body, iris
Where is the pigmented layer that gives eye color?
What is the area of retina where only cones located?
Fovea centralis
What part of eye Provides nutrients for the lens and cornea?
Aqueous humor
Aqueous humor is reabsorbed into venous blood through the scleral
—, or —-.
venous sinus, canal of Schlemm
What is the location where the optic nerves cross and Fibers from the medial side of each eye cross over to the opposite side of the brain ?
Optic chiasm
Optic tract Contains fibers from the lateral side of the eye on the — side and the medial side of the — eye.
Same, opposite
Which taste sensation is the most sensitive?
- Bitter
- Salty
- Sweet
- Umami
- Bitter sensation has lowest threshold or is the most sensitive.
Which muscle raises the upper eyelid when it contracts?
Locator palpebrae superior
What eye layer is referred to in the quote “don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes?”
The transparent anterior portion of outer eye coat which allows light rays to enter the interior of the eye is the —.
All of the following are part of vascular tunic of eye except
- Choroid
- Ciliary body
- Iris
- Cornea
- Cornea
What are the functions of sclera?
Provides attachment points for muscles that move eye
Helps maintain the shape of eye
Protects internal structure of eye
Characteristics of cornea
Main place at which refraction of light occur
At which locations do blood vessels and nerves enter or exit the eye?
Optic disc
If ciliaryuscle contract, the suspend pry ligaments — and he lens —.
Relax, thicken
Accommodation of near vision
Image formation depends on refraction, the bending of light. At which location does the greatest amount of refraction occur?
Refraction occurs as light passes from air to a dense substance. The greatest contrast in media density is between the air and the cornea.
Which of the following is the main factor of depth of focus?
- Accommodation of lens
- Constriction of the pupil
- Convergence of the eyes
- Refraction of light Ray
- Constriction of pupil
Depth focus is the greatest distance through which an object can be moved and still remain in focus on the retina.
Depth of focus is greater when the diameter of pupil is small.
All of the following are important in bringing an image to focus on the retina when viewing an object close to the eye except
- Accommodation of the lens
- Constriction of pupils
- Flattening of the lenses
- Convergence of the eye
- Flattening lenses
As you view right index finger moving toward the tip of your nose, all of the following occur except
- The lenses thicken
- Ciliary muscles relax
- The eyes rotate medially
- The diameter of the pupils decreases
- Ciliary muscles relax
Accommodation for near vision requires contraction of the ciliary muscles. The contraction reduces the tension on the suspensory ligaments and the lens thickens, thus promoting greater refraction of light
What are three layers of cells that retina consist of?
Photoreceptors, bipolar cells, ganglion cells
The ganglion cells United at the optic disc and exit eye via the optic nerve (II)
What fluid is located between the bony and membranous labyrinths within the inner ear?
Perilymph, similar to cerebrospinal fluid, filled the space between the membranous and bony labyrinth.
The receptor cells for hearing are located on the upper surface of what membrane ?
Basilar membrane
Where is macula located?
Vestibule of ear
Macula involves in detecting a change in the position of the head with respect to gravity or static equilibrium
Which of the following would not be part of the nerve pathway involved in conducting sensory impulses to the auditory cortex?
- Medulla oblongata
- Midbrain
- Spinal cord
- Thalamus
- Spinal cord
The cochlear nerve conducts auditory impulses to the cochlear nucleus located in the superior portion of the medulla, thus eliminating spinal cord
Identify correct order in which vibrations travel through the auditory ossicles
Malleus (hammer), incus, stapes
What type of deafness is characterized by damage to receptor cells?
Sensorineural deafness
What are the three processes occur simultaneously in order to restore focus?
Accommodation of the lenses
Constriction of the pupils
Convergence of the eyeballs
The crusts ampullae is detects —.
Dynamic equilibrium information
Auditory tube is a part of —.
Middle ear
It links the middle ear to the inner throat so that the pressure is equal on either side of the tympanic membrane
The sensory hair cells of the organ of Corti are located on the —.
Basilar membrane
The vestibule, together with the semicircular canal, is the ear concerned with equilibrium.
The organ if Corti is found in cochlear
In what serious pathology of the inner ear do affected individuals become nauseated, and have vertigo so severe that they cannot stand up?
Meunière syndrome
Each macula is a patch of receptor cells with their hairs embedded in the otolithic hair membrane, a jellike mass studded with —.
Which cranial nerves carry taste impulses from various taste buds to gustatory cortex?
Facial, glosspharyngeal, vagus
The olfactory pathways are closely tied to which system?
Limbic system
Odors stimulates the recall of memories and arouse emotional responses
When the eyes are suddenly exposed to bright light, the pupils immediately constrict. This is called the ——.
Photopupillary reflex
Accommodation pupillary reflex is associated with close vision.
Within the membranous labyrinth of the cochlea is the primary organ of hearing. It is called — and contains the hair cells associated with hearing.
Organ of Corti
A delicate membrane that lines the eyelids and cover part of outer surface of eyeball is called the —.
Movement of the — membrane triggers bending of hairs of the hair cells in the spiral organ of Corti.