ch14-evolution Flashcards
how you view the world around you
The philosophy of materialism is actually a ____
the belief that all living things originated from one organism/have a common ancestor
credited with the acceptance of evolution
Charles Darwin
the voyage Darwin went on observing rainforests, unusual land formations, and other natural wonders that were new to him; collecting strange animals from oceans, shores, and rivers; and taking painstaking notes on all his observations
Principles of Geology
Charles Lyell
the idea that the present is the only key to the past and that all things continue by natural processes at the same rates as they always have (Charles Lyell)
strongly opposed Darwinism and developed mathematical and scientific refutations of evolution
James Clerk Maxwell and Lord Kelvin
Variety within kinds has ____ boundaries
Darwin’s ideas of evolution in coherent form; “One long argument”
The Origin of Species
the idea that the strongest and fittest of each species are more likely to survive and reproduce than the weaker
Natural selection
Christian American botanist
Asa Gray
Many scientists devoted their energies to the task of trying to prove Darwin’s ideas
Many scientists devoted their energies to the task of trying to prove Darwin’s ideas
“Father of Communism” ;was thrilled with Darwin’s speculations and wanted to dedicate his own book Das Kapital to Darwin (Darwin declined)
Karl Marx
sought to improve the human species by selectively breeding humans to produce a “master race”
changes in kinds over time
changes within a particular kind of organism
Speciation (also called Microevolution)
the hypothetical process by which new kinds of creatures emerge from existing kinds over time
Macroevolution; has never been observed in nature
the study of fossils
fossils that connect one kind of organism with another kind by a series of tiny steps; “missing links”
Transitional forms
true or false: “No true, unquestionable transitional forms or “missing links” have ever been found to bridge the gaps between different kinds of organisms.”
new organisms came about through the constant, gradual accumulation of small changes
Punctuated equilibrium hypothesis
straightforward evolutionary progression from “primitive” organisms deep in the earth’s crust to more “modern” organisms nearer the surface; occurs NOWHERE in the world
Geologic column
using fossils to date rock
Index fossils
basing an argument on the fact that the premise of the argument is true
Circular reasoning
lend credence to the ancient dates used in the geologic column
Radiometric dating
sudden appearance of life in the fossil record
Cambrian explosion (just what we would expect if life were divinely created)
fish with fins that are attached to the body by thick, fleshy lobes that allow the fins to be more freely rotated
often presented as an evolutionary link between dinosaurs and modern birds
speculating that Eohippus /Hyracotherium evolved through a series of stages into the modern-day horse, Equus
Horse series
three issues of horse series
- Located in different areas of the globe
- Ancestors living in the same time/ buried in the same rock layer
- Currently living members of the horse kind vary greatly in size and other characteristics
Darwin pointed out similarities between man and “other animals” and came to the false conclusion that man is simply the most evolved form of animal
The Descent of Man
The most important difference between man and ape
Man is created in the image of God
fossil consisted of a fragmented but clearly human-like skull, along with an ape-like jaw; a hoax
Piltdown man
“reconstructed” from a single tooth of an extinct pig
Nebraska man
similar to modern orangutans
Taung skull
Australopithecus africanus
found a skull broken into 400 different pieces; extinct ape
Australopithecus boisei
originally based on a chimpanzee-sized fossil nicknamed “Lucy.”
Australopithecus afarensis
actually a type of australopithecine; mix, 100% ape 100% human
Homo habilis
“upright ape-man”; volcano eruption
Java man
fossils were unearthed in China near the city of Beijing (Peking)
Peking man
identical to modern humans; found in cave
Cro-Magnon man
“upright man”
Homo erectus
artificially stooped posture to make them seem “subhuman.”
Neanderthal man
evidence against evolution
Bat wings
Amphibian egg to reptile egg
The bird respiratory system
looks at certain organs and how they function
Comparative anatomy
discovered Comparative anatomy
true or false: Bodies of man and animals have certain basic similarities in their overall designs
refers to similarities among organisms designed for the same environment but different
the science that seeks to discover how the mechanisms of living cells work
Molecular biology
refers to similar organs that are also similar in internal structure
remarked that if we were to spot a rock lying on the ground in a deserted place, we might assume that the rock had come to be there by the processes of nature
Genetics: the scientific study of heredity
William Paley
True or false: Darwin assumed that the characteristics of a given plant or animal change randomly from generation to generation
Austrian monk that was uncovering the true nature of genetics and heredity
Gregor Mendel
True or false: Variety within kinds generally results from preexisting genetic variety
random errors in an organism’s genetic material
responsible for mutation theory
Hugo de Vries
true or false: The overwhelming majority of mutations are detrimental to the organism
true or false: Natural selection does help to reveal latent genetic variety within a kind
breeding within a small, isolated group
moths blending into trees??
Peppered moth
reproducing bacteria
Bacterial proliferation
embryos run their evolutions in the womb
Embryonic recapitulation
developed the hypothesis of embryonic recapitulation
Ernst Haeckel
In order to support Haeckel’s views, he deliberately ____ the pictures of certain embryos