ch 5+6 quiz Flashcards
nonvascular plant like organisms that lack chlorophyll and depend upon other organisms for food
What are fungi
The threadlike structures, or filaments, that form the body of a fungus
The mass of hyphae forming the main body of a fungus
Scientists who study fungi
fungi that obtain their nutrition from dead organisms.
Some fungi can be classified by what
their club producing structures
Examples of club fungi
Mushrooms(edible) and toadstools(inedible)
Examples of molds
Bread mole
Cheese role
Main part of mushroom you usually see above the ground
Fruiting body
spore producing structures in mushroom
a type of are parasitic club fungi
organisms that live on or in another organism and derives its nutrition from that organism; most are harmful
a rust that must have two hosts to complete their life cycle
Heteroecious parasites
produce masses of black spores on their hosts
Fungi with sac-like spore-producing structures
Sac fungi
a small, colorless, single celled organism that feeds on foods containing sugar, converting the sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide in the process; can reproduce through budding
jelly-like organisms found on the bark of fallen trees
slime moles
symbiotic relationship between alga and mycelium
two different kinds of organisms living together for mutual benefit
The body cavities
Cranial cavity:brain
Spinal Cavity: spinal cord
Thoracic cavity: Chest
Abdominopelvic cavity: abdomen and pelvis
Viscera cavity: All the soft internal organs within the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities (heart, lungs, and intestines)
brain (cavity)
Cranial cavity
spinal cord (cavity)
Spinal Cavity
Chest (cavity)
Thoracic cavity
abdomen and pelvis (cavity)
Abdominopelvic cavity
All the soft internal organs within the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities (heart, lungs, and intestines)
Viscera cavity
a group of structures that function together as a unit to perform a definite job for the body
Systems are made of ____
Organs are made of ____
Tissues are made up of ___
- Organs
- Tissues
- Cells
function together to bring food, water, and oxygen to the cells and to carry away waste products
Cardiovascular system
Main organ of cardiovascular system
the body’s defense against foreign invaders
Immune system
supplies body tissues with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide
Respiratory system
breaks down food into a form that can be absorbed by the bloodstream
digestive system
waste materials are removed from body
Excretory system
coordinates the activities of the body
Nervous system
coordinates body activities using chemical messengers called hormones
Endocrine system
protects the body from its surroundings (whats the main organ)
Integumentary system; skin
give support and rigidity to the body while they protect vital organs and produce blood cells
skeletal system
provides movement for the body
Muscular system
most important system; able to continue human race
reproductive system
a stable internal environment in the body
a group of similar cells that work together to accomplish the task of an organ
moves the body and its parts
Muscle tissue
controls organs and coordinates all of their functions
Nerve tissue
provides protection and produces secretions that aid in digestion
(tissue that) connects parts of the body
fluids in the interstitial area
Interstitial fluid
made up of epithelial tissue; line enclosed body cavities
Serous membranes
made of epithelial tissues that line openings to the outside
Mucous membranes
Our skin; is composed of several types of tissue
Cutaneous membranes
composed of a type of connective tissue
Synovial membrane
nonliving material surrounding cells
The matrix of blood
serving no useful purpose today