Ch.13.2 Flashcards
What functions does the midbrain have?
Visual / Auditory reflex
Sleep/wake cycles, Alertness, temp regulation
What functions does the Limbic system have?
Memory, emotion, Centers for gratification/Sorrow
4 F’s. Feeding, fighting, fleeing, reproduction
What functions does the Medulla oblongata have?
Passing messages from spinal cord up
Cardiovascular (Rate and force of heartbeat and diameter of vessels) /Respiratory centers
Coughing, sneezing, vomiting, swallowing
What functions does the Pons have?
Regulation of breathing and REM sleep
Relay signals from forebrain to cerebellim
What kind of actions does the brainstem have?
Involuntary actions / reflexes
-Heartbeat, breathing blood pressure
What functions does the Hypothalamus have?
Endocrine system - Hormones
Homeostasis - Body temp, Thirst/apatite, emotions, sleep, sex drive, blood pressure, heart rate
What functions does the Thalamus have?
Relay sensory/motor signals to cerebral cortex except smell.
Regulation of consciousness
Part of limbic system - regulate emotions & higher cogitative functions
What functions does the Cerebellum have?
Balance, body position changes, posture, coordination, speech
What functions does the Cerebrum have?
Voluntary actions
- Memory/emotional control
- Thought/ personality
- Judgement
- Voluntary motor actions
- Sensory perception
What functions does the Subthalamus have?
Sexuality, food & water intake, cardiovascular
What functions does the Epithalamus have?
Melatonin, motor pathways and emotion
What functions does the FRONTAL LOBE have?
VOLUNTARY motor function, motivation, planning, social judgement, aggression, sense of smell, mood, personality, decision making
What functions does the PARIETAL LOBE have?
Reception and evaluation of sensory info except smell, hearing and vision
What functions does the TEMPORAL LOBE have?
Reception and evaluation of smell, hearing, memory, abstract thought and judgement. Insula within
What functions does the OCCIPITAL LOBE have?
Reception and integration of visual input
What functions does the INSULA have?
Understand spoken languages, taste and sensory info
What functions does the Pineal gland have?
Influence sleepiness, regulate bio clock, role in onset of puberty
What functions does the Habenula have?
Emotional and visceral responses to odors
What functions does the Corpus callosum have?
Connects L&R sides of cerebrum
What functions does the Medulla have?
- *Association fibers** - connections w/in same hemispheres
- *Commissural fibers** - connect one hemisphere to another
- *Projection fibers** - tracts between cerebrum and other parts of brain
What Cranial nerves does the cerebrum have?
I - olfactory
II- Optic
What functions does the Cerebellar peduncles have?
Fiber tracts that communicate with other parts of the brain
Superior - Midbrain
Middle - Pons
Inferior - Medulla oblongata
What functions does the Flocculonodular have?
Contributes to equilibrium, balance and eye movements
What functions does the Cerebral nuclei have?
Gives rise to axons carrying impulses to other brain centers
What functions does the Superior colliculi have?
Visual reflexes, tracking, scanning and scanning movements bc of visual stimuli
What functions does the Medial/lateral/Ventral geniculate nucleus have?
Medial - Auditory info
Lateral - Visual
Ventral - Most other types of sensory info
What functions does the Infundibulum have?
Connects hypothalamus to pituitary gland, controls endocrine system
What functions does the Mammillary body have?
Relays signals from limbic system to thalamus (olfactory and emotional responses to odors)
What functions does the Pontine have?
Large synaptic relay between cerebrum and cerebellum
What functions does the Pontine nuclei have?
Motor output
What functions does the Pontine respiratory group have?
Coordinates with medulla. Gathers info from hypothalamus and limbic system to change breathing in response to exercise, sleep and emotional responses
What cranial nerves are in the Pons?
Vi - Abducens
VII - Facial
VIII - Vestibulochlear
What functions does the Dorsal respiratory group have?
Modifies breathing based on various info (Coughing, sneezing, hiccupping)
What functions does the Ventral Respiratory group have?
normal respiratory rate, basic rhythm of breathing
What functions does the Gustatory nucleus have?
Taste bud input from tounge
What functions does the Cochlear nucleus have?
Auditory input from inner ear
What functions does the Vestibular nuclei have?
Sensory info associated with equilibrium from inner ear
What functions does the Pyramids have?
Descending nerve tracts - Decussate - each half of brain controls other half of body
What functions does the Olives have?
Nuclei to help regulate balance, coordination and modulation of sound from inner ear
What are the cranial nerves of the medulla oblongata?
Xi- Glossopharyngeal
X - vagus
Xi - Accessory
XII - hypoglossal
What functions does the Cingulate gyrus have?
Arches over top of corpus callosum, autonomic functions regulating heart rate and blood pressure as well as cogitative and emotional processing
What functions does the Hippocampus have?
Memory; Short term → long term
What functions does the Amygdala have?
Emotion, anxiety, aggression, fear conditioning, emotional memory and social cognition
What functions does the Substancia nigra have?
Pigmented with melanin, helps control subconscious muscle movements
What functions does the Red nuclei have?
Aid in unconscious regulation and coordination of motor activites
What functions does the inferior colloculi have?
Hearing reflexes, startle response
What cranial nerves come from midbrain?
III - Oculmotor
IV - Trochlear
What is the stretch reflex?
When stretched, muscle tone fights back to maintain equilibrium and posture
What is the cross extensor reflex?
During withdrawal reflex, body maintains balance by putting weight on other side of body
What is the golgi tendon reflex?
Helps distribute workload in muscle. Relief tension applied to tendon
What does the olfactory nerve do?
What does the Optic nerve do?
What does the Oculomotor nerve do?
Controls muscles that move eye UP, DOWN and MEDIALLY
What does the Trochlear nerve do?
Enables eye to look DOWN and toward nose
What does the Trigeminal nerve do?
Facial sensation and motor functions - biting and chewing
What does the Abducens nerve do?
OUTWARD and LATERAL eye movement
What does the Facial nerve do?
Taste on ⅔ of tounge, facial expression, eyelid closing, saliva and tears
Damage leads to saggy face and no sweet & salty taste
What does the Vestibulocochlear nerve do?
Balance and hearing
What does the Glossopharyngeal nerve do?
Swallowing, salivating, gagging, control of BP and respiration. ⅓ of posterior tonuge
Damage results in loss of biter and sour taste
What does the Glossopharyngeal nerve do?
Swallowing, salivating, gagging, control of BP and respiration. ⅓ of posterior tonuge
Damage results in loss of biter and sour taste
What does the Vague nerve do?
Longest nerve
Role in control of cardiac, pulmonary, digestive, and urinary function.
Swallowing, speech, coughing and regulation of viscera
Damage causes hoarsness, loss of voice, impaired swallowing, could be fatal
What does the Accessory nerve do?
Shrugging shoulders and head turning
What does the Hypoglossal nerve do?
Movement of tongue, food manipulation and swallowing