Ch. 8 Flashcards
What is a joint?
A place where 2 or more bones come together
What is another name for a joint?
How are joints named?
According to the bones or portion of bones that join together.
How are joints classified?
Structurally (Major connective tissue) and functionally (Degree of motion)
How are joints classified structurally?
Bony - fibrous joints that have not yet ossified
Fibrous - short collagen fibers
Cartilaginous - hyaline or fibrocartilage
Synovial - has synovial cavity
They are classified according to the major connective tissue type that binds the bones together and whether a fluid filled joint capsule is present.
How are joints classified functionally?
Synarthroses - No movement (sutures)
Amphiarthrosis - little movement (Symphyses)
Diarthroses - Freely moveable (Synovial)
They are classified according to their degree of motion.
What does it mean if a joint is Synarthrosis?
Non Movable joints
What does it mean if a joint is Amphiarthrosis?
Slightly moveable joints
What does it mean if a joint is Diarthroses?
Freely movable joints
In general fibrous and cartilage joints have what movement and are functionally classified as?
Little or no movement / synarthroses and amphiarthroses
In general synovial joints have what movement and are functionally classified as?
Considerable movement and are mostly diarthroses joints
What are fibrous joints?
Connections between 2 bones that are held together by fibrous connective tissue.
They have no joint cavity
Connected by short fibers
Exhibit little or no movement
What are the types of fibrous joints?
Sutures, syndesmoses and gomphoses
What is a suture?
Seams found only between the bones of the skull
Ossify later in life to become synostoses (bony joints)
Often have interlocking fingerlike processes - adds considerable stability
Where are sutures found and what is the tissue between the bones?
Only between the bones of the skull and dense regular collagenous connective tissue
What do the 2 layers of periosteum and dense fibrous connective in between on the skull form?
Sutural ligament
Membranous area in the sutures of newborn - make skull flexible and allow for growth
When a suture becomes fully ossified
Results when 2 bones grow together across a joint to form a sinlge bone
Slightly movable type of fibrous joint
Longer fibers than suture and gomphoses
Bones are farther apart than a suture and are joined by ligaments
*Occurs in radioulnar syndesmosis
are specialized joints consisting of pegs that fit into sockets and are held into place by fine bundles od regular collagenous connective tissue.
**Only gomphoses in human are between teeth and sockets of madible and maxilla
Peridontal ligaments
Connective tissue between teeth and their sockets
Allow a slight amount of “give” to the teeth during mastication (chewing)
This movement also allows teeth to be realigned with braces
Cartilaginous Joints
hold 2 bones together by a pad of cartilage
No joint cavity
Exhibit little or no movement
Subdivided into: Synchondroses - hyaline cartilage - little to no movment
Symphyses - fibrocartilage - allows more movement
What 2 groups are cartilagnous Joints subdivided into?
Subdivided into: Synchondroses - hyaline cartilage & Symphyses - fibrocartilage
consists of 2 bones joined by hyaline cartilage where little or no movement occurs
*Most synchondroses are temporary
Example - Epiphyseals plates of growing bones
Costochondral joints
Between ribs and the coastal cartilages
**Begin as synchondroses but because movement occurs between them and the sternum, all but first usually develop into synovial joints
Consists of 2 bones joined by a pad of fibrocartilage
Examples - Intervertebral disks
Synovial Joints
Contain synovial fluid and allow considerable movement between articulating bones
*Most joints that unite the bones of appendicular skeleton
Articular cartilage
Thin layer of hyaline cartilage that covers the articular surfaces of bones within synovial joints
Articular disk
a flat pad of fibrocartilage in some synovial joints - lies between the articular cartilages of bones
Help adjust the connection between articulating bones, which improves stability and reduces wear
Joint cavity
Space around the articular surface of bones in synovial joints. Its filled with synovial fluid and surrounded by a joint capsule
Joint capsule
Helps hold the bones together while still allowing for movement
Fibrous capsule
The outer layer of the joint capsule
Consists of dense irregular connective tissue and is continous with the fibrous layer of periosteum
Synovial membrane
inner layer of joint capsule
lines the joint cavity, except over the articular cartilage and articular disks
Consists of a collection of modified connective tissues cells either intermixed with parts of fibrous capsule or seperated from it by a layer of areolar or adipose tissue
Fat pads
prominent areas of adipose tissue that lie between the fibrous capsule and synovial fluid
Help protect the articular cartilage by acting as a cushion around the joint
Example, knee and elbow
Synovial fluid
Viscous lubricating film that covers the surfaces of a joint
Complex mixture of polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, cells from blood fluid and secretions from synovial cells
a pocket or sac in the synovial membrane in some synovial joints
Contains synovial fluid and provides a cushion between structures that would otherwise rub against eachother
Tendon sheaths
Bursa that extend along tendons
inflammation of a bursa
may cause considerable pain around the joint and restrict movement
How are synovial joints classified?
according to the shape of adjoining articular surfaces
What are the 6 types of synovial joints?
- Plane
- Saddle
- Hinge
- Pivot
- Ball and Socket
- Ellipsoid
How are movements at synovial joints describes?
Uniaxial - occuring around 1 axis
Biaxial - occuring around 2 axises, situated at right angles to each other
Multiaxial - occuring around several axes
Plane joint / Gliding joint
Consists of 2 flat bone surfaces of about equal size between which a slight gliding motions can occur
Ex. Articular processes between vertebrae
Saddle Joint
Consists of 2 saddle shaped articulating surfaces orientated at right angles to each other so their complementary surfaces articulate
Ex. Carpometacarpal joint of the thumb
Hinge joint
Cylinder in one boneis aplied to a corresponding concavity in the other bone
Ex. Elbow and knee joints
Pivot joint
Restricts movement to rotation around a single axis. Consists of relatively cylindrical bony process that rotates with in a ring composed partly of bone and partly of ligament
Ex. articulation of head of radius and proximal end of ulna
Ball and Socket
Ball (head) at the end of one bone and socket in adjacent bones into which a portion of the ball fits.
Ex. Shoulder and hip
Ellipsoid joint
Modified ball and socket joint - Articular surfaces are elliposid in shape rather than spherical
Ex. atlantoccipital joint of neck
What are the 3 general types of movement?
Gliding, angular and circular
Gliding movements
Simplests of all movements
Occur on plane joints between to flat or nearly flat surfaces that slide or glide over eachother
Only allow slight movement
Angular movements
Involve chnages in the angle between the bones at joint
Flexion and extension & Abduction and Adduction
Flexion and Extension
Felxion - bending movement that decreases the angle of the joint to bring the articulating bones closer together
Extension - straightening movement that increases the angle of joint to straighten articulating bones
Hyperextension - extension of joint beyond anatomical position.
What are the special cases of flexion when describing the movement of the foot?
Plantar flexion - foot toward shin
Dorisflexion - walking on heels
Abduction and adduction
Abduction is movement away from midline
Adduction is movment toward midline
Lateral Flexion
moving/tilting neck or waist from one side to the other
What are the circular movments?
Turning of a structure around its long axis
Ex, Rotating the head to shake NO
Pronation and Supination
Unique rotation of the forearm
Pronation is rotation of forearm so palm faces posteriorly
Supination is rotation of forearm so plam faces anteriorly
Combination of flexion, extension, abduction and adduction
Occurs in freely movable joints, such as shoulder
What are the special movements
Elevation- moves superiorly
Depression- moves inferiorly
Protraction- Gliding motion that moves it anteriorly
Retraction- gliding motion that moves is posteriorly
Excursion-lateral moves the mandible to either left or right of midline & medial returns mandible to midline
Opposition - movement unique to thumb - when thumb and tip of finger are brought toward eachother on same hand
Reposition- Returns thumb to neutral
Inversion- turns ankle so plantar surface of foot faces medially, toward opposite foot, with weight on outside edge of foot
Eversion- turns ankle so plantar surface faces laterally, with weight on inside of foot
Range of motion
describes the amount of mobility that can be demonstraed in a given joint
Active range of motion
amount of movement that can be accomplished by contracting the muscles normally across a joint
Passive range of motion
amount of movement that can be accomplished when the structures that meet at the joint are moved by outside force
Dislocation / luxation
occurs when articulaing surfaces of bones are moved out of proper alignment
Subluxation - partial dislocation
occurs when ligaments are damaged
Shoulder joint / glenohumeral joint
ball and socket joint that has less stabiliy and more mobility than other ball and socket joints
Glenoid labrum
fibrocartilage ring to which the joint capsule is attached on the shoulder joint
What are the 2 bursa on the shoulder joint?
Subscapular bursa- opens to joint cavity
Subacromial bursa - near joint cavity but seperated
Rotator cuff
4 muscles of shoulder joint
holds he humeral head tighly within glenoid cavity
Elbow Joint / Cubital joint
Compound hinge joint
Consists of humeroulnar joint, between the humerus and ulna and humeroradial joint between the humerus and radius
Elbow has 2 types of movement - Flexion/Extension and pronation/supination
Ulnar collateral ligament
reinforces the humeroulnar joint
Radial collateral ligament & radial annular ligament
reinforces humeroradial and proximal radioulnar joints
Olecranon bursa
covers proximal and posterior surfaces of olecranon process
Olecranon bursitis
inflammation of the olecranon bursa
caused by excessive pressure of the elbow against a hard surface and sometimes referred to as students elbow
Hip Joint / coxal joint
Femoral head articulates with the relatively deep, concave actabulum of the hip bone
Actabular labrum
lip of fibrocartilage which is incomplete inferiorly
Transverse acetabular ligament
deepens and strengthens acetabulum
Iliofemoral ligament
strong joint capsule, reinforced by several ligaments
extends from rim of acetabulum to the neck of the femur
Ligament of the head of the femur
located inside the hip joint between fermoral head and acetabulum
Carries small nutrient artery to the head of femur in about 80% of population
Knee joint
complex ellipsoid joint that allows flexion, extension and a small amount of rotation of the leg
Cruciate ligaments
extended between the intercondylar eminence of the tibia and the fossa of femur
What are the 4 major ligaments that provide knee joint stability?
Anterior cruciate
posterior cruciate
Medial collateral
Laterial collateral
Anterior cruciate ligament
prevents anterior displacement of the tibia relative to the femur
Posterior cruciate ligament
prevents posterior displacement of tibia
Medial and lateral collaeral ligaments
stabilize the medial and lateral sides of the knee
Suprapatellar bursa
largest bursa
Around the knee, a superior extension of the joint capsule that allows the anterior thigh muscles to move over the distal end of femur
Ankle joint / talocrural
Highly modified hinge joint fromed by 2 articulations between the distal tibia and fibula with the talus in one joint capsule
Flat feet
fallen arches
medial longitudinal arch is depressed or collapsed
Plantar fasciitis
Inflammation of the plantar fascia
What is an example of a Suture and are they movable?
Coronal - no
What is an example of a syndesmoses and are they moveable?
Raduis & ulna - Slight
Tibia & fibula - slight
What is an example of a gomphoses and are they moveable?
Tooth and alverlor process - slight
What is an example of synchondroses and what type of movement?
Most are temporary. Ex. Epiphyseal plates of growing bones.
Synchondroses that turn into synovial joints - Ex. Costochondral joints between ribs and coastal cartilages
What is an example of symohyses?
Intervertebral disks, mandible and sternum, pubic symphsis - slightly movable
What is a Plane joint / Gliding joint, give an example and is it uniaxial, biaxial or multiaxial?
2 flat bone surfaces which sliding motion can occur
Intervertebral - Uniaxial
Saddle joint
2 saddle shaped orientated at right angles
Carpometacarpal - thumb - biaxial
Hinge joint
A cylinder in one joint meets a u shape in the other
Knee, elbow, ankle - uniaxial
Pivot joint
Restricts movement to rotation around a single axis
Atlas and axis - uniaxial
Ball and Socket joint
Head of one and socket of other
Hip, shoulder - multiaxial
What is a ellipsoid joint, give an example and is it uniaxial, biaxial or multiaxial?
Modified ball and socket
Atlas and occipital - biaxial
What is the class and example of joint and what type of movment?
Fibrous joint
No movement
What is the class and example of joint and what type of movment?
Fibrous joint
What is the class and example of joint and what type of movment?
Fibrous joint
Tooth and alvelor process
Slight movement
What is the class and example of joint and what type of movment?
Cartilaginous Joint - Synchondrosis -Hyaline cartilage
Epiphyseal plate
No movement
What is the class and example of joint and what type of movment?
Cartilaginous joint - Fibrocartilage - Symphyses
Slight movement
What is the class and example of joint and what type of movment?
Synovial Joint
Uniaxial - slight
What is the class and example of joint and what type of movment?
Synovial Joint
What is the class and example of joint and what type of movment?
Synovial Joint
What is the class and example of joint and what type of movment?
Synovial joint
Proximal radioulnar
What is the class and example of joint and what type of movment?
Synovial Joint
Ball and Socket
Glenohumeral - Shoulder
What is the class and example of joint and what type of movment?
What are the 4 ligaments of the shoulder joint?
Glenohumeral, transverse humeral, coracohumeral, coracoacromial
What are the 2 bursa in the shoulder joint?
Subscapular bursa and subacrominal bursa
What kind of joint is the shoulder joint?
Ball and socket
What movements can the shoulder joint do?
Flexion/Extension, abduction/adduction, rotation & circumduciton.