Ch 13.1 Flashcards
What are the Special parts/group/Nuclei of the Midbrain?
- Cerebral peduncles
- Substanicia nigra
- Red nuclei
- Superior colliculi
- Interior colliculi
What are the Special parts/group/Nuclei of the Limbic system?
- Cingulate Gyrus
- Hippocampus
- Amygdala
What are the parts of the Diencephalon?
What are the Special parts/group/Nuclei of the Medulla oblongata?
- Dorsal respiratory group
- Ventral respiratory group
- Gustatory nucleus
- Cochlear nucleus
- Vestibular nuclei
- Pyramids
- Olives
What are the Special parts/group/Nuclei of the Pons?
Pontine nuclei
Pontine respiratory group
The Brainstem consists of
Medulla oblongata
What are the Special parts/group/Nuclei of the Hypothalamus?
- Infundibulum
- Mammillary body
What are the Special parts/group/Nuclei of the Thalamus?
- Medial geniculate nucleus
- Lateral geniculate nucleus
- Ventral geniculate nucleus
What are the Special parts/group/Nuclei of the Cerebellum?
- Cerebellar peduncles
- Flocculonodular lobes
- Cerebellar nuclei
- Superior colliculi
- Folia
- Arbor vitae
What are the Special parts/group/Nuclei of the Cerebrum?
- Corpus callosum
- Gryi
- Sulci
- Longitudinal fissure
- Lateral fissure
- Central sulcus
- Medulla
What are the Special parts/group/Nuclei of the Cerebrum?
- Corpus callosum
- Gryi
- Sulci
- Longitudinal fissure
- Lateral fissure
- Central sulcus
- Medulla
What are the Special parts/group/Nuclei of the Subthalamus?
-Subthalamic nuclei
What are the Special parts/group/Nuclei of the Epithalamus?
- Pineal gland
- Habenula
What are the cranial nerves by number and sensory or motor?
I - Olfactory - Sensory II- Optic - Sensory III- Oculomotor - Motor IV - Trochlear - Motor V - Trigeminal - Sensory & Motor VI - Abducens - Motor VII - Facial - Sensory & Motor VIII - Vesibulochlear - Sensory IX - Glossopharyngeal - Sensory & Motor X - Vagus - Sensory & Motor XI - Accessory - Motor XII - Hypoglossal - Motor
What are the meninges of the spinal cord? Superficial to deep
Bone Epidural space Dura mater Subdural Space Arachnoid space Subarachnoid space Pia Mater
The cervical plexus is what vertebrae and serves what body part?
Neck and phrenic nerve of diaphram
The Brachial plexus is what vertebrae and serves what body part?
Lower limb, some shoulder, neck.
*Carpal tunnel syndrome
The Lumbar plexus is what vertebrae and serves what body part?
Ab, interior thigh, genitalia
The Sacral plexus is what vertebrae and serves what body part?
L4, L5, S1-S4
Lower trunk and limbs
The Coccygeal plexus is what vertebrae?
S4, S5, C0
Name the sections of the spinal cord?
Cervical Thoracic Lumbar Sacral Coccygeal
Name the areas indicated by the arrows
Cervical enlargement
Lumbosacral enlargement
Name the areas indicated by arrows
Conus Medullaris
Cauda equina
Filum terminale
What is the Cauda equina made of?
Bundle of spinal nerves
What is the filum terminale?
Provides longitudinal support to spinal cord
What protects the spinal cord?
Bone, Meninge and CSF
Where does the spinal cord exit and extend to?
Exits foremen magnum and extends to 2nd lumbar vertebrae
How many spinal nerves exit each region?
8 - Cervical 12 - Thoracic 5 - Lumbar 5 - Sacral 1 - Coccygeal
Name the parts of the spinal cord cross section?
- Lateral horn
- Rootlets
- Central canal
- Anterior median fissure
- Anterior horn
- Ventral root
- Dorsal root ganglion
- Posterior horn
- Posterior median sulcus
How is white matter organized?
Into columns (Ascending and descending info)
What do gray and white commissures contain?
Contain axons that cross to the other side of the cord
What does white matter contain?
Myelinated axons
What does gray matter contain?
Cell bodies, interneurons, dendrites, axons
*Site of integration
What nuclei does the lateral horn have?
Sympathetic motor nuclei
What nuclei does the anterior horn have?
Somatic motor nuclei
What nuclei does the posterior horn have?
Incoming sensory neurons and interneurons
The dorsal root ganglion houses what
Cell bodies of sensory neurons - incoming sensory
The ventral root has
Exiting somatic motor signals
The central canal contains
CSF, lined with ependymal cells
Name the structures indicated by the arrows
Dorsal root ganglion
Dorsal ramus
Ventral ramus
Communication rami
What does the dorsal ramus do?
Innervates skin and deep muscles of back
What does the communication rami do?
Communicates with sympathetic chain ganglia
Name the inward extensions of the dura
Falx Cerebri - separates R&L halves of cerebrum
Tentorium cerebelli - Separates cerebrum from cerebellum
Falx cerebelli - Separates R&L halves of cerebellum
Name the parts of the Spinal cord cell
- Neurilemma
- Epineurium
- Perineurium
- Fascicle
- Endoneurium
- Axon
What does the reticular formation do?
A set of interconnected nuclei that are located through out the brainstem
What do the descending tracts of reticular formation do?
Control somatic motor - Muscle tone to maintain balance and posture
*Cardio and vasomotor centers of medulla
What do the Ascending tracts of reticular formation do?
Projections into the thalamus& cerebral cortex
- Auditory, pain, touch, pressure and other mental activities except during sleep
What does decreased activation in reticular formation mean? What about damaged to reticular formation?
Possible coma
What is habituation?
Prevents sensory overload
Reticular formation in pons contains?
Additional nuclei concerned with sleep, respiration and posture