Ch1 Flashcards
The truth springs from arguments among friends
David hume
Who used all the toothpaste
That is not the point, is it? The question is how we are going to keep this from happening again
Push it to the future tense
expressing doubt about idea in the meeting
okay let’s tweak it-this puts the audience as if they accepted the original idea
concession-rhetorical jujitsu uses your opponent’s moves to your advantage
reframe the argument
not manipulation but instructions
rhetoric call: commonplace
Matrix reference that uses supreme software that drives our social lives
Whose side are you on? Webster or this punk guy
3 pillars of persuasion
Virtue, disinterest and practical wisdom
but wait there is more…
not only do we have this, but we also…
argument from strength
If something works the hard way, it is more likely to work the easy way
details in proposal
Describe the success in vivid detail as though the audience experienced it and then use a clique”it is a slam dunk”
my wife is a babe
Let her be a babe /by letting her act like a babe to be persuading
Get your audience to lust after it by painting a picture
Shared faith in a choice-not agreement but compromise
Logic vs desire
Logic alone won’t work they have to desire the act
Lesser of two evil
You have all the time in the world and your choice is the lesser of two evil-functionaries like water follow the path of least resistance
either we control the expenses or the expenses control us
You can take a boy out of country but you can’t take the country out of boy
Persuasion logic
Because B follows A, A caused B