Ch 82 MCT Flashcards
most common tumour
- precursors originate from CD34+ progenitor cells in bone marrow, migrate to peripheral tissues and differentiate into mature mast cells.
- involved in inflammation and immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated immunity.
- granules: histamine, heparin, proteases, chemotactic factors, cytokines, and metabolites of arachidonic acid.
- granules stain with cationic dyes.
- visceral form (disseminated or systemic mastocytosis)
- trunk (42% to 65%), followed by the limbs (22% to 43%)
- Extracutaneous sites: conjunctiva, oral cavity, salivary gland, larynx, nasopharynx, trachea, gastrointestinal tract, ureter, and spine
What breeds are predisposed to MCT?
multiple cutaneous mast cell tumors?
Boston Terriers
Bull Terriers
Cocker Sp
multiple: Boxers, Pugs, Staffy, Golden Retrievers, and Weimaraners
- largely unknown and is probably multifactorial
- genetic factor is likely, considering several breed predisposition
- Stem cell factor (stimulator of differentiation) binds to the growth factor receptor KIT (CD117)
- KIT = tyrosine kinase receptor involved with biologic activities (proliferation, migration, and maturation)
- KIT is encoded by the protooncogene c-kit
- 15% to 50% of mast cell tumors are affected by c-kit mutations
- significantly associated with tumor grade, recurrence and death
WHat mutation is seen in up to 50% of canine MCT?
significantly associated with tumor grade, recurrence and death
presentation, degranulation, systemic dz
- Up to 25% of dogs are presented with multiple tumors
- growth rate and clinical appearance associated with histologic grade and prognosis
- dermal or subcutaneous
- size fluctuation, edema, erythema, and inflammation (Darier sign, associated with a worse prognosis)
- provoked by manipulation
- paraneoplastic syndromes
- histamine > gastrointestinal ulceration (gastric acid production [H2] receptors, vascular damage, and hypermotility) general GIT signs
- Postoperative delayed wound healing: several studies not found a difference
- heparin > increased bleeding
disseminated (systemic) mastocytosis
- systemic spread of primary cutaneous mast cell neoplasia
- lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, and hepatomegaly
- Involvement of bone marrow and peripheral blood
- Primary visceral and bone marrow involvement poor prognosis
- regional draining lymph nodes and later in the spleen and liver.
- lungs is highly uncommon
- Multiple cutaneous: may be mets or de novo (px still determined by grade]
- well-differentiated (grade 1),
- intermediate (grade 2),
- undifferentiated (grade 3).
- metastatic rate (to lymph nodes or distant sites)
- low-grade (grade 1) <10%
- intermediate (grade 2) 2-20%
- high-grade (grade 3) 12-96%
problems with Patnaik
- tumor invasion = dermis and expanding into the subcutis.
- Strict application of this system does not consider well-differentiated tumors originating from the subcutis (which have a better prognosis)
- Large variation in outcome and grading amongst pathologists > inconsistency between grade 1 versus grade 2 among pathologists together with the relatively good outcomes of many grade 2 tumors suggests those grade 2 tumors are “low grade’
- low grade (85% of Patnaik grade 2)
- high grade
- high interobserver consistency
- significant prognostic relevance: MST 690-1452 days versus 110-208 days for low- versus high-grade tumors
significant prognostic factors:
- invasive growth pattern
- Mitotic index
Dx and staging
- diagnosed > 96% through cytology
- Romanowsky-type stains (diff-quik)
- Some undifferentiated mast cell tumors have no clearly staining granules
- grade of malignancy, and thus prognosis, only by histologic grade
- Lymph node status is a prognostic factor for survival, independent of tumor grade
- 15% Kiupel low-grade
- 30% Kiupel high-grade
(WHO) clinical staging scheme
- Controversy about its validity, concerning multiple cutaneous tumors and the term dermis
- Multiple cutaenous automatically categorized as stage 3 and thus poor px (not supprted by literature)
- grade 2 and 3 tumors are by definition not confined to the dermis and could therefore be categorized as stage 3
- FNA/biopsied l.n. even if they are normal in size
- Determination of lymph node metastasis can be tricky because mast cells are present in normal lymph nodes (look for sheets, atypia)
- extirpation recommended for definitive dx and therapeutic
- abdominal ultrasonography with emphasis on evaluation of liver and spleen +/- FNA regardless of appearance
Grade 1/2 low-grade: 700-<1300d
Grade 3/high grade 100-380d
1yr survival 1 100% 2 90% 3 50%
recurrence rates
- known or unknown margin status were 1% for grade 1, 5% to 11% for grade 2, and 19% for grade 3 mast cell tumors
- reported recurrence (or occurrence) of mast cell tumors at other sites in the skin after resection of a primary mast cell tumor 22% to 38% overall (all grades)
Tx considerations
- depeneds on clinical stage, histologic grade, anatomic location
- most important prognostic factor is histologic grade
- Patnaik 1-2 or Kiupel low-grade best treated using wide resection surgery or marginal surgery combined with radiation therapy
- High-grade, high-risk (stage 2), and irresectable tumors treated best using a multimodal approach (wide exicsion or margina with radiation plus chemo)
- improved survival compared to only primary tumor excision with lymphadenectomy of metastatic nodes
surgical margins
- tend to invade and spread into surrounding tissues
- Surgical excision is the therapy of choice for all grades
- Historically, 3 cm of macroscopically normal tissue with the deep margin (fascia > dense collagen/vascular poor tend to behave as biologic barriers)
- lateral margin reocmmendations have been challeneged
1. grade 1 with 1 cm margin (100%) and grade 2 with 2 cm (85-100%) excised
2. A modified proportional margin approach with lateral margins equal to the size of the tumor diameter up to maximum 2cm > 95% excised regardless of grade
Prognostic Factors
Clinical Presentation (-ve)
- darier sign
- Systemic signs associated with viceral
- large tumors >3 cm (vs slow growing, present for >6mths +ve)
tumor location
- unpredictable nature based on histologic grade alone, grade 2 mast cell tumors may be further classified
- nuclear proliferation marker Ki-67 was significantly related to decreased survival time,
- Mitotic index is significantly related to recurrence, metastasis, and survival time
Clinical Stage
- stage 0 or 1 has a better prognosis compared with higher stages (stage 1 usually several years)
- lymph node metastasis at the time of diagnosis significantly shortens survival
- stage 2 treated may have comparable MST to stage 0 (multimidal approach)
- grade 3 carry a poor prognosis (survival < 3 months) after incomplete resection).
- MST of complete not different compared with incomplete resection of grade 2
- only 5% to 23% local recurrence has been reported for grade 2 dirty margin
- 4% local recurrence after complete excision of Kiupel low-grade with no difference bwteen wide and narrow margins
- Kiupel high-grade tumors have a higher chance of local recurrence.
- overall data suggets incomplete margins = higher rate of local recurrence + local recurrence is significantly related to decreased survival time
- low recurrence incompletely excised grade 1 and 2 > cells less atypical than those of high-grade tumors, making it more difficult to distinguish between normal and neoplastic mast cells, tumor chemotatctic agens recruiting normal mast cells
What MCT locations may be associated with a poorer prognosis?
- Preputial
- Scrotal
- Subungal
- Oral and other mms
- Perineal and inguinal sites
- Perioral/muzzle
- Visceral or bone marrow involvement
What special stains can be used for MCT which may help to prognosticate?
IHC of Ki-67 (nuclear proliferation marker)
AgNOR using silver-based stains
Radiation Therapy
- most effective therapies for incompletely excised low- to intermediate-grade tumors without metastasis are scar revision or radiation therapy of the wound bed
- median survival time was significantly increased after wide reexcision (2930 days) or radiation therapy (2194 days) compared to no additional local therapy (710 days)
- distal extremity grade 1 and 2 best treated by a combination of marginal resection and adjuvant radiation therapy (alternative to radiacal amputation)
- lymph node irradiation improved outcome for grade 3
- most studies evaluating chemotherapy lack a control group, lack standardization, include patients with incompletely excised grade 2 mast cell tumors, and include patients that also received other treatments (e.g., radiation).
- high-risk grade 2 mast cell tumors (high mitotic index, lymph vessel infiltration, incomplete margins) for metastasis of grade 3 may warrent chemo
- Oral prednisone > reduce the size of tumors in 20% to 75% of the cases
- generallt poor resposnse rates for singe agent (<27%)
- response rates 47% to 65% for vinblastine/prednisone, vinblastine/cyclophosphamide/prednisone > MST macroscopic disease may be shorter than for microscopic disease
- prolong disease-free interval and survival, it did not prevent development of mast cell tumors at distant sites in the skin in 25% of the cases.
- Chemotherapy-induced toxicity was moderate to severe in 22% to 41% of patients treated with CCNU
histologic grades 1 to 3 were treated with intratumoral application of bleomycin followed by local application of biphasic electrical pulses. The overall response rate was 85%, and the mean estimated time to recurrence was 53 ± 7 month
Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors
- mutation of the receptor tyrosine kinase KIT, found in 15% to 50%
- methods of testing for such mutations, which in general are relatively insensitive and probably cause an underestimation (so dogs without mutation may repsond to tx)
- masitinib and toceranib
- increased progression-free interval and MST compared to placebo for grade II and III tumors
- Response rate was higher (69%) for tumors with c-kit mutations
- Adverse events (mainly mild to moderate gastrointestinal signs)