Ch 67 Mandibular and Maxillofacial fractures Flashcards
Mandibular and Maxillofacial Fractures
- Because of the difficulty with evaluation of mandibular and maxillofacial trauma using conventional radiography, computed tomography (CT) evaluation is the preferred method of evaluation.
- Mandibular and maxillofacial trauma is most successfully managed by early definitive fracture fixation as soon as the patient has been stabilized.
- Direct bone healing will occur only with anatomic reduction and absolutely rigid fixation = goals of maxillofacial fracture repair. The result is quicker return of function with no adverse consequences associated with a large callus.
anatomy superficial of head
How does the mandible differ from other bones in regards to bone healing?
It does not have a medullary cavity and has no haematopoietic cells
How do the maxillofacial bones differ from other bones in regards to bone healing?
Very thin bone, therefore has an increased surface area of bone compared to the volume it occupies giving a relatively greater vascularity and rapid healing
Is removal of teeth for fracture repair recommended?
- Shown to have an increased frequency of complications
- Not advised unless teeth are fractured or loose and cannot be stabilised
- Endodontics and/or restorations or extractions may need to be performed if any future problems with the teeth are identified.
soft tissues
- oral fractures are contaminated > peri-op antibiotic recommended
- empiric choice (a broad-spectrum antibiotic, e.g., a first-generation cephalosporin)
- continued postoperative antibiotic use has been questioned
- infection generally is not a problem owing to the excellent vascular supply of the head.
What predisposes a fracture to infection?
Bone fragment motion and subsequent implant loosening interfere with revascularisation and healing and predispose to infection
Periodontal Disease
removal/debridement of the alveolar socket further weakens this diseased bone; therefore subsequent fractures are not uncommon.
- In simple fractures the recommended therapy involves complete dental prophylaxis and appropriate extractions.
- Any attempt of a bony repair in the face of severe periodontal disease must be performed judiciously > complex fractures and severe dental dz/osteolysis commonly resulting in nonunion and fixation failure
- functional mandible, and successful outcomes may include fibrous
Mandible biomechanics
- Bending forces are the primary forces acting on the mandible
- all muscular insertions are located on the caudal part > level of the ramus;
- The rostral mandibular fragment thus displaces in a caudoventral direction
- tensile stresses exist oral and compressive stresses exist at the aboral surface
- ramus, shear forces are maximal
- implant ideally placed on the tension surface = alveolar border of the bone
Maxillofacial Skeleton
- Support of the facial region is provided by a series of anatomic buttresses that distribute the masticatory forces to the head
- incisive bones and nasal bones are not part of the buttresses > therefore may not need to be stabilized
- If the medial buttresses are compromised, malocclusion is likely
- if the lateral buttresses are compromised, the orbit is likely to be affected
- buttresses in three dimensions the basic truss is a tetrahedron
- lateral buttress in the dog and cat may be the most clinically important
What are the three primary buttresses of the maxillofacial skeleton?
- nasomaxillary
- Zygomaticomaxillary
- lacrimal
- palatine
- pterygoid
Facial frame can be reconstructed utilising 2 of 3 buttresses. Caudal buttress is inaccessible
What are the two main goals of maxillaryfacial fracture repair?
Proper dental occlusion
Rigid skeletal fixation
List 2 options of endotracheal intubation when occlusion needs to be assessed intraoperatively
- Pharyngostomy
- Transmyelohyoid orotracheal intubation
What are the recommended approached to the mandibular body?
Body: ventral approach
What are the recommended approached to the ramus and TMJ?
TMJ: Lateral approach (Ramus dorsal to the TMJ does not require repair)
approach to maxilla
first repair the side with the simplest fractures
- directly over the fracture in nasal, maxillary, or frontal areas
- Dorsal midline > avoiding neurovascular structures along the nose and most easily exposing the maxillary buttresses.
- attention first on the lateral, and then on the medial, maxillary buttresses
What are the basic priniciples of mandibular and maxillofacial fractures?
- Mandibular reconstruction first (from caudal to rostral)
- Followed by lateral and then medial maxillofacial buttresses
- Anatomic reconstruction used for simple fractures
- Occlusion used for comminuted fractures or fracture gaps
Intraosseous Wire
- rely on the static forces generated by the tension of the wire and by the frictional forces between corresponding bone fragments
- No stability is imparted in rotation or bending
- most successful if all bone fragments can be anatomically repositioned, thereby enabling the bone and implants to share any applied loads
- effective fixation, intraosseous wires must be placed along the lines of tensile stress
- a second area of fixation must be considered along the ventral bone margin to effectively neutralize shear and rotation
- simple fractures that do not involve buttress support, however, may be treated by wire fixation
How many wires must be placed for effective intraosseous wiring?
At least 2!
- One along tension side
- Second stabilisation wire to neutralise shear and rotation forces
List some general guidelines from intraosseous wire placement
- 18 - 20g wire (1.0 - 1.25mm)
- tension band wire cross perpendicular to the fracture line
- Hand drilling (easier to avoid teeth)
- Holes 5-10mm from fracture
- Orienting drill holes towards the fracture line (facilitates positioning and tightening)
What form of wire tightening is best suited to maxillofacial fractures?
Twist method, maintian at least three twists
List some methods to prevent over-riding of fragments when using intraosseous wiring in the mxillofacial skeleton
- Skewer pin
- K-wire on outer surface of bone as an internal splint
- remains useful for severe trauma (comminuted fractures, large gaps) soft tissue damage and/or infection, or for temporary fixation
- tooth roots > not possible to place ESF in the most appropriate biomechanical position > must be placed ventral to the tooth roots
- thin manible > increased bending and shear at the bone-pin interface
- consider methods to improve stability
- early pin loosening + premature loss of stability of the fixation copmmon
- ESF provides only semirigid fixation, does not provide for anatomic bone reconstruction; therefore healing often occurs by callus
List some methods of attempting to minimise the risk of premature pin loosening in mandibular ESF application
- Fixation pins through both mandibles to engage 4 cortices (only possible in rostral 2/3)
- Type 2 ESF (rostral 2/3)
- Single arched connecting bar lateral to both manibles and rostral to jaw
- Multiple fixation pins (at least 2-3 per major fragment)
- Positive-profile threaded pins
- Acrylic connecting bar
What kind of bone healing occurs with an ESF?
Indirect bone healing
- Only supplies semi-rigid fixation
- Callous formation
- May interfere with occlusion
mini plates
- miniplates must be placed along the lines of tensile stress in the mandible
- ideal implants for reconstruction of the maxillary buttresses
- can be easily contoured to match bone shape; additionally
- small screws have a fine thread pitch that can provide adequate bone purchase within this thin bone
- locking plate fixed-angle construct does not allow the screws to be angled to avoid tooth roots.
- certain situations the tooth root is used for screw purchase > endondentic tx ideally performed
- has been successfully demonstrated that a tooth can be used to secure the implant, and without future complications
What thread pitch is needed for adequate bone purchase for standard screws and for compression screws
- Standard: Pitch equal to bone thickeness
- Compression: Bone thickeness needs to be 2x pitch
Bone thickness of the canine and feline maxillofacial skeletal typically over 1 - 2 mm
Miniplate pitch is generally over 0.5mm and less than 1mm
How many plates are required for mandibular fracture fixation?
What is the general recommendation regarding these plates?
At least 2 plates!
- Mini plate on the tension (alveolar) side. Usually using non-lockign screws to allow angulation of screws to avoid tooth roots
- A second plate on ventral aspect. Can be miniplate or standard plate, locking if available (applying a larger stabilization plate opposite the tension band miniplate)
What are some mini-plate options?
Martin miniplate
- Low-profile, titanium plate
- Speciality plate bender to avoid hole deformation
Synthes maxillofacial system
- Titanium, varying thicknesses and sizes
- 2.0mm system usually used
Advanced Locking Plate System (ALPS, Kyon)
- Titanium
- Can accept both locking and standard screws
- Point contact
What plate options are available for the Synthes 2.0mm Maxillofacial System?
Mini: 1mm thick x 4.5mm wide
Intermediate: 1.3mm thick x 5.0mm wide
Large: 1.5mm thick x 6.5mm wide
Extra large: 2mm thick x 6.5mm wide
Name the following instruments
A-C: Martin bending pliers
D-F: Synthes miniplate benders
G - ALPS plate benders
What is the difference reagrding the drill hole for miniplates as apposed to standard plates?
What drill speed is recommended for a miniplate?
- Miniplate: Drill hole equal to screw core diameter for secure fit
- Standard: Drill hole typically 0.1mm larger than screw hole diameter
- Drill speed should be kept lower than 1000rpm and must remain monoaxial (angle will result in an oval hole)
- Miniplates generally are applied as neutralization or buttress devices (compression on one side may cause distraction on opposite cortex)
What implant is this?
uniLOCK, DePuy Synthes
- locking reconstruction plate which can be a good option as a larger ventral stabilisation plate
What options can be used where there are large mandibular defects? (4)
- Cortical allograft from ulna or rib
with butress/recon plates
(graft no larger than 40mm > central area will exceed its ability to fully revascularize and subsequently will collapse) - locked plating and application of an osteoinductive material within the gap
- locking screws (may last longer)
- Osteoinductive material (demineralised bone matrix)
- rhBMP-2
large gaps may have a prolonged healing time, fixation device tends to loosen before bony continuity is reestablished > cortical graft allow shear and bending loads to be shared between the bone and the implant
A number of successful reports have described the use of rhBMP-2 in the canine mandible to span very large gaps (5 to 7 cm)
In the ramus, what are the locations for the tension plate and the stabilisation plate?
Tension: Coronoid crest
Stabilisation: Condylar crest
What are the fixation options for a condylar process fracture? (3)
- Interfragmentary compression screw
- Fragment excision or condylectomy
- Conservative management
condylar fracture consdierations
- in humans: no clear evidence that open treatment is more effective than closed treatment
- immobilization has been recommended to encourage mobility of the mandible > physio therapy ideal
- surgery risks includes disruption of the vascular supply of the fracture bone fragment that may lead to resorption and remodeling
Maxillofacial repair
- fractures may still result in occlusal malalignment if a fracture line traverses the dental arcade
- dental arcade: Miniplate adjacent to the alveolar border but below the infraorbital foramen and nasal cartilages
- nasal and frontal: (not associated with structural support) repaired to address cosmetic defects > neutralization or buttress devices to span these fractured areas
- facial frame: repaired with consideration for the appropriate buttresses > follow the orientation of the medial or lateral buttresses
Fracture of what bone can have associated trauma to the eye and orbit?
Where do the lateral palpebral ligament and orbicularis oculi muscle attach?
The zygomatic bone
Attach to the zygomatic process (dorsal attachment of the orbital ligament)
Loss of support of the zygomatic process of the frontal bone will result in lack of lateral support of the eye
soft food is used. Chewing on hard objects is not permitted for the first 4 to 6 weeks postoperatively
exposed implant after fixation will not necessarily cause problems with wound healing, provided that it is rigidly fixed
- implant exposure
- Soft tissue necrosis
- implant failure
- dehiscence
- infection (bacteria can be sequestered on loose implamnts)
interosseus wire:
- inadequate reduction, improper wire position, and inadequate wire tightening
- Wires only effectively neutralize tensile stresses, a single wire cannot neutralize the shear and rotational forces present
- gaps preclude this method of fixation because it cannot function as a buttress device
- early pin loosening caused by loss of bone purchase at the bone-pin interface
- primarily recommended as an early method, before definitive repair used
- Tumor resection and reconstruction over a large gap appears to result in a higher incidence of plate penetration through the gingiva
- single ventral plate (2.4 mm Ti locking reconstruction) is in a poor biomechanical position, may help avoid oral plate issues, not good evidence for this literature
- intraosseous wire, across the fracture on the alveolar border recommended with plate
- Application of standard plates, even along the buttresses, is likely to fail because the screws are too large and fail to adequately purchase the bone
- Failure to take the time and trouble to bend standard plates accurately is one of the most common causes of complications
What procedure can be performed to cover exposed implants?
Single-pedicle buccal mucosal advancement flap
conservative options for fractures (4)
Mandibular fracture repair techniques in cats: a dentist’s perspective
Freeman 2023
- composite maxillomandibular fixation (MMF)
- bignathic encircling and retaining devices (BEARDs)
- modified labial buttons
- muzzle coaptation (Figure 12)
rely on the immobilisation of the mandibles relative to the maxilla (or vice versa)
rigid fixation unlikely > rate of longer term complications will therefore be higher (malocclusion, malunion or non-union, delayed to normal eating, increased risk of aspiration)
Use of a novel three-dimensional
anatomical plating system for
treatment of caudal mandibular
fractures in cats: 13 cases (2019–2023)
McFadzean 2024
Ramus Anatomical Plate system
All cases achieved adequate anatomical
reduction, resulting in a functional and atraumatic occlusion postoperatively. No intraoperative complications were reported
The most common postoperative complication was swelling at the surgical site.
intraoral plate exposure in one cat, which required plate removal 10 months postoperatively
cadaver study - TMJ replacement
caudal miniplate bimechanical study
Both the locking and the Non-locking were
inferior to intact mandibles. Type of construct used did not affect the construct stiffness significantly
malleable L-miniplate
TMJ fracture recomemmendation
- closed treatment approach for minimally or moderately displaced TMJ fractures, provided those do not cause difficulties or inability to open or close the mouth
- severe fracture causing an inability to open/close the
mouth or result in substantial malocclusion, an open
approach with ORIF recommended
- if ankylosis, usually require surgical resection and physio
Traumatic split palate
- communication between the oral
and nasal cavities, allowing passage of water
and food into the nasal cavity - Large defects and unstable fragments are
better treated surgically - interfragmentary pin, with or without a figureof-
eight wire, depending on the apposition of
the fragments, is the treatment of choice
mucosal defect can be repaired with
absorbable suture; two-layer closure
temporary immobilsation of unstable TMJ luxation
- BEARD (40 lb nylon leader line between the skin and
the bone around the jaw and maxilla) - ESF (maxilla-mandible)
- dental composite (remove 2-3 weeks, ankylosis of the joint can occur if the material is left in place for too long.)
feline skull injuries
Titanium mesh osteosynthesis for the treatment of severely comminuted maxillofacial fractures in four dogs
R. Vallefuoco 2021
Major goals in maxillofacial fracture:
- restore the dental occlusion,
- stabilise the major skeletal supports,
- restore the contour of the face
- achieve proper function and appearance of the face
all recovered uneventfully from the surgery and no complications were recorded
Titanium implants have lower suscepti bility to infection (0.6 to 4.5%)
delayed (>48 hours after trauma) treatment is pre
ferred to optimise patient care and favourable outcome