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Fellowship Exam
> Ch 122 Pinna and external ear > Flashcards
Ch 122 Pinna and external ear Flashcards
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Fellowship Exam
(136 decks)
Evidence Hierachy
Ch 1 Inflammation
Ch 2 Molecular and cellular biology
Ch 3 Stem cells and regenerative medicine
Ch 4 PRP
Ch 5 Fluids
Ch 6 Shock
Ch 7 Haemostasis
Ch 8 Nutrition
Ch 9 Wound healing
Ch 10 Wound infections and antimicrobials
Ch 11 Sterilisation
Ch 12 Instruments
Ch 13 OR
Ch 14 Monitoring for surgical infection
Ch 15 Electrosurgery and Laser
Ch 16 Suture, staples, ligation
Ch 17 Instrument and tissue handling techniques
Ch 18 Haemostasis
Ch 19 Bandages and drains
Ch 20 Biopsy princples
Ch 21 + 22 Anaesthesia monitoring and conditions
Ch 23 Interventional Radiology and endoscopy
Ch 24 Laparoscopy and Thoracoscopy
Ch 25 Onocology
Ch 26 Neuro exam and neuroanatomy
Ch 27 neurodiagnostics
Ch 28 Imaging of neuro
Ch 29 Pathophysiology of CNS dz and injury
Ch 30 Medical neuro conditions
Ch 31 Cervical vertebral column
Ch 32 Thoracolumbar Vertebral column
Ch 33 degenerative lumbosacral stenosis
Ch 34 Vertebral fractures and luxations
Ch 35 Cranial surgery
Ch 36 anaesthesia for intracranial surgery
Ch 37 Neoplasia of vertebrae and spinal cord
Ch 38 Tissues of MSK
Ch 39 Bone biomechanics and fracture biology
Ch 40 open fractures
Ch 41 Internal fracture fixation
Ch 42 ESF
Ch 43 Minimally invasive osteosynthesis
Ch 44 Coaptation, bandaging
Ch 45 + 48 Delayed union, nonunion, malunion and bone graft
Ch 46 ALD
Ch 47 Osteomyelitis and implant-infections
ch 49 Scapula fracture
Ch 50 the shoulder
Ch 51 fractures of the humerus
Ch 52 Elbow disease
Ch 53 Total elbow replacement
Ch 54 radius and ulna
Ch 55 carpus, metacarpus and digits
Ch 56 Pelvis fractures
Ch 57 Hip luxation
Ch 58 Pathogenesis of HD
Ch 59 Surgery for HD
Ch 60 Femur fracture
Ch 61a Stifle: CCL
Ch 61b Patella
Ch 61c Deranged Stifle
Ch 61d Patella bone fracture and ligament dz
Ch 61e Stifle OCD
Ch 61f avulsion of long digital and gastrocneamus muscle, Stifle arthrodesis
Ch 62 Total knee replacement
Ch 63 Tibia fracture
Ch 64 Tarsus and metatarsus
Ch 65 Amputations
Ch 66 Dentistry
Ch 67 Mandibular and Maxillofacial fractures
Ch 68 Arthritis
Ch 69 Dysplasia, Dysostoses, HOD, Panosteitis, capital epiphysis, aseptic necrosis + metabolic
Ch 70 Muscle and tendon
Ch 71 Arthroscopy
Ch 72 MSK neoplasia and limb-spare
Ch 73 OCD
Ch 74 Gait analysis
Ch 75 Primary wound closure
Ch 76 open wounds
Ch 77 Tension relieving techniques
Ch 78 local and subdermal plexus flaps
Ch 79 Axial pattern and Myocutnaeous flaps
Ch 80 SKin grafts
Ch 81 Burns
Ch 82 Tumor surgery
Ch 82 SCC
Ch 82 STS
Ch 82 Mammary tumors
Ch 82 MCT
melanoma, Cutaneous FB
Ch 83 spleen
Ch 84 Abdo wall recon and hernia
Ch 85 Diaphragmatic hernia
Ch 86 Peritoneum
Ch 87 Oral cavity
Ch 88 Salivary glands
Ch 89 Mandibulectomy and maxillectomy
Ch 90 Oesophagus
Ch 91 stomach
Ch 92 small intestine
Ch 93 colon
Ch 94 Rectum, anus + perineum
Ch 95 Liver and biliary system
Ch 96 hepatic vascular anomalies
Ch 97 Pancreas
Ch 98 Feeding tubes
Ch 99 Nasal and sinus
Ch 100 Palate
Ch 101 Larynx
Ch 102 Trachea and bronchi
Ch 103 Lungs
Ch 104 Thoracic wall
Ch 105 Throacic cavity
Ch 106 Cardiac surgery
Ch 107 Pericardial surgery
Ch 108 Vascular surgery
Ch 109 Ovaries and uterus
Ch 110 vagina
Ch 111 Testes, scrotum
Ch 112 Penis and prepuce
Ch 113 prostate
Ch 114 Kidneys
Ch 115 ureters
Ch 116 Baldder
Ch 117 urethra
Ch 118 USMI
Ch 119 Renal transplant
Ch 120 Adrenal glands
Ch 121 thyroid and parathyroid
Ch 122 Pinna and external ear
Ch 123 Middle and inner ear
Ch 124 Basic eye surgery
emergency eye surgery