Ch 65 Amputations Flashcards
Indications to perform an amputation include
contraindications (2)
(1) soft tissue or bone neoplasia
(2) severe trauma to the bones, joints, or soft tissues of a limb
(3) peripheral nerve problems (e.g., neoplasia or trauma leading to avulsion)
(4) ischemic necrosis
(5) intractable orthopedic or soft tissue infection
(6) severe disability (osteoarthritis or congenital deformity)
- severe orthopedic or neurologic disease affecting the other limbs
- extreme obesity
pre-op consdierations:
- The other limbs are assessed orthopedically and neurologically.
- trial temporary sling
- omplete blood count (CBC), chemistry panel, and urinalysis
- Educating owners before the surgery
What local anaesthetics can be used for blocking nerves during amputation?
What is the maximum dose?
0.5% bupivicaine or 0.5% ropivicaine
Maximum 2mg/kg
General Principles and Considerations
- Leaving excessive length to the limb without use of a prosthesis can lead to pressure sores and results in an unnecessary mass
- only extrinsic muscles of the limb need to be transected
- Paralysis helps minimize muscle fasciculation during transection
- Major arteries and veins are divided and ligated individually to prevent the formation of arteriovenous fistula
- arteries are double ligated. When vessels are large, the second ligature can be a transfixation ligature for added security
- been suggested to ligate the vein first in order to limit the possibility of metastasis during surgical manipulation (contraversial)
- Electrosurgery is also helpful in performing midbelly myotomies
- wound soaker catheters can be placed
What are the options for thoracic limb amputation?
- Removal of the scapula
- Disarticulation (cons: bony prominences of the scapula, particularly the acromion, to create pressure sores)
What vessels and nerves are encountered during amputation by removal of the scapula?
- Omobrachial and cephalic vein
- Branches of superficial cervical artery inclusing suprascapular artery
- Lateral thoracic artery, vein and nerve
- Thoracodorsal artery, vein and nerve
- Brachial plexus
- Axillary artery and vein
- External thoracic artery
Where can the superficial cervical and axillary LNs be located during forelimb amuptation?
- Superficial cervical LN: Located along prescapular branch of superficial cervical artery at its cranial aspect, deep to brachiocephalicus muscle
- Axillary LN: Located along lateral thoracic artery, caudal to axillary vein, medial to latissimus dorsi and deep pectoral muscles
- axillary artery and vein lie ventromedial to the caudal portion of the brachial plexus
- closre: trapezius, the omotransversarius, and brachiocephalicus muscles are sutured to the latissimus dorsi muscle. The pectoral muscles
- drain usually not required
List the options for pelvic limb amputation (4)
Osteotomy of the femur (mid-femoral)
En bloc with acetabulectomy
Em bloch with hemipelvectomy
Why does osteosarcoma more commonly cross the hip joint?
Ligament of the head of the femur is though to act as a bridge
What blood vessels and nerves are encountered during a pelvic limb amputation via disarticulation?
Femoral artery and vein
Saphenous nerve (cranial/lateral to femoral artery)
Medial circumflex femoral artery (caudally in femoral triangle)
Superficial circumflex iliac artery and lateral circumflex femoral artery and vein may need to be ligated if femoral artery and vein are ligated distal to these branches
Caudal gluteal artery and vein
Sciatic nerve
Femoral nerve
- medial aspect to expose the femoral triangle
- caudal edge of the sartorius muscle and cranial to the pectineus muscle. The saphenous nerve is found
- sartorius, cranial and caudal parts, gracilis, and, at a deeper level, adductor magnus et brevis
- Moving cranially, the rectus femoris muscle can be transected midbelly
- laterally:tensor fasciae latae muscle, cranially, and biceps femoris muscle
- superficial, middle, and deep gluteal muscles
- caudal gluteal artery and vein and also the sciatic nerve
- internal obturator, gemelli muscles, the external obturator muscle
- branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery
- caudal aspect of the limb, the abductor cruris caudalis, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus muscles
- cranial: liopsoas muscle is identified and the femoral nerve
What osteotomies are required for an acetabulectomy?
Ilial body, ischium and pubis
- Studies have reported that virtually all owners are very satisfied with the function of their pet after amputation
- Obesity appears to have a negative impact on mobility and stamina of the canine amputee
- he vertebral column, carpus, and ipsilateral hip and stifle joints had significant biomechanical changes after amputation of a thoracic limb.
- Behavioral changes are uncommon after an amputation, but such changes have been reported in 9% to 32% of canine amputees.
- mild and even moderate degree of degenerative joint disease in the remaining limbs is not a contraindication to amputation.
- Double amputation (one thoracic limb and one pelvic limb) is possible in dogs