Ch 4 (Mission Equipment) (Part 1) Flashcards
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What does IHADSS stand for?
Integrated Helmet And Display Sighting System
What does TADS stand for?
Target ACQ Designation Sight
What are the passive ASE systems on the A/C?
AN/AAR-57(V)7 (CMWS)
What are the active ASE systems on the A/C?
M-141 Chaff Dispenser
D-61/ALQ-212(V) Smart Dispenser
Do the Level and Gain knobs/switches retain authority when ACM is enabled?
Yes, although it is limited.
What is the default NVS system for the PLT? CPG?
What are the 4 modes for SYM SELECT (knob is located on the Cyclic, moves North/South)
What is the WAS logic for the weapon systems?
Last person to WAS owns the system.
What does pulling the trigger to the second detent override?
What happens when the PLT selects TADS, either through the NVS Select switch or by linking the TADS to the FCR, while the CPG is sight-selected TADS?
The CPGs sight will default to HMD and any weapons will be de-WASed.
Does the TADS position on the Sight Select Switch located on the Mission Grip of the collective work in the PLTs station?
When is the LINK option available?
When the FCR or TADS is the active sight.
If the active LOS is FCR and LINK is selected, what will happen? What if there is no NTS?
What will happen if the active sight is TADS? Is this cockpit-specific?
The TADS will move to the FCR NTS. If there is no NTS, the LINK command will be ignored.
The FCR centerline will move to the TADS LOS. CPG station only.
What is the purpose of the CUED Search button?
What modes does this work in?
It rapidly orients the FCR centerline to an RFI-detected emitter and conduct an FCR scan to correlate the location of that emitter.
How fast will adjustments be made when adjusting SYM brightness, BRT, and CON switches on the TEDAC:
- Step
- Slow rate
- Fast rate
- Single step change.
- Holding for 1/2 second will cause the adjustment to be made at a slow rate.
- Holding for more than 1 second will cause continual range at a fast rate.
On the TEDAC, what will the “*” button do when sight selected HMD?
It will restore BRT and CON settings to factory defaults.
What will the Display Freeze button on the TEDAC do?
It will freeze the currently selected video.
What will the Display Zoom button on the right TEDAC handle do?
It is used to view FCR targeting information at approximately a 6:1 zoom display about the NTS.
How long will dynamic laser ranges remain dynamic? How do you activate dynamic laser ranges?
10 seconds. Pull the Laser trigger to the second detent and release.
If accepting an RFHO while sight-selected FCR, then targeting data will be provided from the ___ and not the own-ship radar.
Whenever the TADS is linked to the FCR, what FOV will the TADS default to if in DTV? FLIR?
Wide, Medium
If an invalid LOS condition is created, what will your ACQ selection default to if it is not already?
Can cueing be turned off? How do you achieve this in either crewstation?
CPG: Press the SLAVE button.
What are the range sources for the A/C?
Manual Auto Laser Terrain/Nav point Default Radar
What is the min and max range for the Laser range?
500m to 9.9km
What is the min and max range for the Radar range?
0.0 to 9.9 km
What is the min and max range for Navigation range?
0.1 to 32 km
What is the min and max range for Manual range?
100m to 50km
What is the min and max range for Auto range?
0.1 to 50 km
What is the min and max range for AAG range?
0.1 to 50 km
What is the min and max range for UR rang?
0.1 to 50 km
What is the default range for each crewstation?
PLT: 1.5 km
CPG: 3.0 km
In Auto range mode, the last entered ___ range will be displayed on the WPN page.
What will the LNCHR ARM button on the WPN UTIL page do?
It commands the mechanical ARM/SAFE switch on the HML to ARM.
What will the FCR STOW button on the WPN UTIL page do?
Command the FCR centerline to the aft of the A/C
How long can a full SANUC take?
Up to 30 seconds
How long can a One Touch SANUC take?
1 to 2 seconds
What does SANUC stand for?
Scene Assisted Non Uniformity Check
What does the REMOVE MESSAGE button on the Boresight page remove?
The flashing IHADSS B/S REQUIRED or the INTERNAL B/S MESSAGE when sight selected TADS.
If the IHADSS fails when you have the gun actioned, what will the gun do? What will happen when the gun is deactioned?
The gun will remain in the last commanded position. Gun firing will be inhibited.
What are the 7 components that make up the IHADSS?
- Integrated Helmet Unit (IHU)
- Helmet Display Unit (HDU)
- Sensor Survey Units (SSU)
- Sight Electronic Unit (SEU)
- Display Electronic Unit (DEU)
- Display Adjustment Panel
- Boresight Reticle Unit
How fast must you be traveling for the Velocity Vector to fully saturate in Hover/Bob-up? Transition?
6kts groundspeed
60kts groundspeed
When will the LOS reticle flash?
- LOS Inlaid
- LOS at limits
- Gun system has failed and is not following the crewmember’s head.
What are the limits of the PNVS? What is its slew rate?
+20 and -45 in Az
+/- 90 of the centerline
120* per second
What are the limits of the TADS? What is its slew rate?
+30 and -60 in Az
+/- 120 of the centerline
60* per second
What does the Cued LOS Reticle provide?
The location of the crewmember’s selected ACQ source.
What is the physical limit of the radar altimeter? What is the max altitude that will be displayed, in AGL, in the flight symbology?
1428’ ; 20,000’
Will the Bob-up Box drift at a stationary hover?
What are the dimensions of the Bob-up box? When does it become fully displaced?
12’ square area, fully displaced at 40’
If the CPG has WASed rockets, the rocket steering cursor is presented in which crewstations? What if the PLT WASes rockets?
Both crewstations
Just the PLT crewstation
For SAL missiles, the allowable offset is ___* for LOBL and ___* for LOAL.
For RF missiles, the allowable offset is ___* for LOAL and LOBL shots >1km. For shots <1km, it is ___*.
20, 7.5
20, 5
How many targets can the Multi-Target Tracker track?
1 primary and 5 secondary
How do you initiate manual control of the tracking gates for Multi-Target Tracker?
Holding the IAT switch to IAT for more than .6 seconds
What should you do if you just engaged a primary track and the tracking gates move off the desired target?
Drop the track and initiate a new IAT.
Can the MTT primary track be outside of your FOV?
What will moving the IAT switch to OFS for less than __ seconds do?
Move the LOS back to the primary tracker’s gates.
What happens to the MTT gates when the LOS is inside of them?
They become bold
What happens to the MTT gates when there is an obscurant?
It shows the inertial gates, which are four bold boxes.
What happens when the MTT gates become 4 boxes segmented into 4 smaller boxes?
Low Confidence Gates will be displayed after 5 seconds of inertial gates, and will drop the track after 10 seconds.
When will an inertial bar be displayed with MTT?
When the inertial track is outside of the FOV.
When will a Low Confidence Bar be displayed with MTT?
At the edge of the FOV when the inertial track is outside of the FOV for 10 seconds. The track will be dropped after 15 seconds.
When the LST is on and has acquired the appropriate laser code, when will the CPG be able to move the TADS again?
Once the LST is off.
How do you know when to perform a Drift Null?
The aim point of your LOS should remain within the Narrow FOV of the DTV for 30 seconds. If it does not, then you perform a drift null.
Can a TADS internal boresight be performed in FLT?
If the DTV fails to boresight, will the FLIR?
No, because the FLIR boresight is based on the DTV.
What happens when the CPG selects to do an internal boresight?
- Sight select MTADS
- Sensor select DTV
- FOV is narrow
When will thermal drift require anther internal boresight?
If the initial was performed at a temperature of…
Equal to or less than 68F (20C) and the average optics temperature changes by greater than 86F (30C)
Greater than 68F (20C) and the average optic temperature change is equal or greater than 59F (15C)
What are the pitch and roll limits of the FCR?
20* roll
+20* to -15* pitch
What are the 4 modes the FCR operates in?
Terrain Profile
Ground Targeting
Radar Map
Air Targeting
Which mode(s) would you use for moving/stationary ground targets and low-flying aerial targets?
If you switch from GTM/RMAP to ATM on the FCR, what will happen to all target data?
It will eliminate all found target data.
How many scans per scanburst occur for the following FCR FOVs: Wide Medium Narrow Zoom
When a new FCR scan is initiated, the ___ and total ___ count are cleared, re-initiated, and updated during the scan.
Priority, count
Does the FCR have to be a crewmember’s active sight if using Air Surveilance Mode?
What is the purpose of the CUED search button?
To quickly orient the FCR to a RFI detected emitter to conduct a scan.
When a crewmember selects a TGT on the FCR page, what happens?
It becomes the NTS.
How many RFI emitters can be displayed?
How many FCR targets can be displayed on the FCR page for a given scan?
FCR targets will go stale after how many seconds for stationary targets? Moving targets?
30, 5
How are low-priority FCR targets displayed on the TSD page?
Partial-intensity yellow and half-sized
What are the three reasons why the NTS icon will be dased?
A/C not armed
Missiles not WASed
FCR is not the selected sight
What will happen if another target out-prioritizes the NTS target on the FCR page?
The ANTS will flash for 3 seconds
How is a second target displayed on the FCR page? What is this for?
It has a white circle around the target symbol.
The RF missile fired uses this information should it encounter difficulties in acquiring the primary target.
A shot-at symbol is displayed beneath the target symbols ___ or ___ a scanburst and prior to what?
During, after
HF missile launch
The shot-at symbol is displayed on top of a target symbol when?
Following a HF shot
How many PFZs can be active at one time? NFZs?
1, 8
When will you encounter a “FCR COMPONENTS NOT COOL” advisory?
When EFAB temps are >63*F
The FCR footprint is how many degrees wide for the following FOVs: Wide Medium Narrow Zoom
What do the tic marks on the outside of the FCR FOV represent?
A reference point 90* left/right of the scan centerline relative to the display of RFI threat symbols along the perimiter of the sector scan.
What are the available options for Clearance Planes for TPM?
20, 50, 100, 200 feet
What do the following colors represent with Terrain Profile Mode: Yellow Black Red Light Gray
- Potentially hazardous
- Terrain measured below the selected clearance plane
- Terrain measured above the selected clearance plane
- Unknown terrain height
TPM wide format has how wide of a FOV and is associated with what airspeeds?
180* scan sector and when the groundspeed decreases below 45 knots and increases above 55 knots
TPM narrow format has how wide of a FOV and is associated with what airspeeds?
90* scan sector and when the groundspeed increases above 55 knots and decreasing below 45 knots.
TPM is capable of displaying a maximum of ___ symbols may be displayed.
FCR BIT ORIDE selection in extreme cold weather (__* C or colder) could result in damage to the FCR.
What types of targets are associated with Priority Schemes A, B, and C on the FCR?
A: airborne and stationary ground targets
B: stationary ground targets
C: airborne and moving ground targets
When in single DP operations, can a crewmember viewing the opposite crewmember’s format fire a weapon system?
Nope. It is inhibited.
What is the HMD symbology logic when in single DP ops during the following NVS MODE switch selections:
One crewmember to NORM or FIXED
Both crewmembers NORM or FIXED
OFF: PLT symbology
One crewmember NORM or FIXED: That crewmember’s symbology
Both crewmembers to NORM or FIXED: PLT symbology
If the FCR is allowed to operate until the maximum temperature threshold, the FCR will do what? What will happen if you select the FCR TEMP ORIDE button?
Automatically shut down.
The FCR will continue to operate in a degraded state.
How long will the FCR BIT take if the FCR BIT ORIDE button is selected?
25-45 seconds.