AR 95-1 Flashcards
Are deviations from AR 95-1 permitted?
Yes, deviations are permitted during emergencies. Any deviations must be reported to the unit commander within 24 hours.
If a pilot is not qualified or current, who must they fly with?
They must fly with an IP, SP, or IE.
Define aviation operations?
Any operation with intent to start the main aircraft engines.
When will the checklist be used?
For preflight through before leaving aircraft checks.
When may required checks be accomplished from memory?
While airborne, when time does not permit use of the checklist or when its use would cause a safety hazard.
When does flying time begin and end?
It begins when the helicopter lifts off the ground and ends when the engines are stopped.
How soon must an aviator turn in their Individual Aircrew Training Folder (IATF) upon reaching a new unit?
Within 14 calendar days.
When may aviators select landing and takeoff areas?
When on lifesaving missions or when further flight is inadvisable.
When must anticollision lights be on?
When the engines are operating except when conditions may cause vertigo or other hazards to safety.
What are the three steps of the mission approval process?
- Initial mission approval — alignment with METL and aircraft available
- Mission planning and briefing — planning and risk assessment
- Final mission approval — risk approval authority accepts the risk with the PC/AMC
When must a mission be rebriefed and reapproved?
If a crewmember changes or a mission parameter changes which increases the resultant risk.
Who may approve individual waivers to aircraft ATP requirements?
The first commander, O-6 or above, in the aviators chain of command.
How long can an aviator go between APARTs before he becomes RL3?
24 months
Who is authorized to conduct EP training?
A qualified and current IP or SP.
When must a post-mishap flight evaluation be conducted?
When crew is involved in a Class A or Class B mishap. May also be conducted for a Class C mishap.
What must be done when ATP requirements are not met?
The commander must begin an investigation within 30 days from the date of notification.
What three actions may a commander take after investigating a failure to meet ATP requirements?
- Authorize a 30 day extension to complete the requirements.
- Request a waiver of requirements.
- Recommend or convene a flying evaluation board (FEB).
May an aviator who failed to complete ATP requirements serve as PC or MBO?
No, until the missed requirements are made up, the aviator may not perform PC or briefing officer duties.
What actions must a commander take if an aviator fails a hands-on performance evaluation in their primary aircraft?
- Reclassify the individual to the appropriate RL.
- Authorize additional training, if necessary.
- Provide a re-evaluation or impose a temporary restriction from flying duties (FEB as necessary).
If a pilot does not fly for __ days they must be administered a proficiency flight evaluation.
The PC will be:
- Responsible and having final authority for operation, servicing, and securing the aircraft he or she pilots.
- Selected in accordance with AR 95-1 and local regulations.
- Qualified, current, and designated RL1 in the aircraft mission, type, design, and series.
- Listed in the flight plan.
- Responsible for crew and passenger briefings.
- At a crewstation with access to the flight controls.
The PI will be:
- At a crew station with access to the flight controls.
- Qualified and current in the aircraft mission, type, design, and series.
- Briefed by the PC.
- Listed on the flight plan.
Army personnel engaged in the operation of Army aircraft shall comply with applicable:
- Federal aviation regulations.
- ICAO regulations.
- Host country regulations.
- Military regulations.
- Applicable Federal and state laws.
- Operator’s manuals, checklists, and AWRs.
What will the aviator consider in his flight planning?
- Aircraft performance.
- Departure, enroute, and approach data.
- DOD FLIP and/or approved non-government FLIP.
What are the VFR flight weather planning requirements?
- Destination weather greater than VFR minimums at ETA through one hour.
- Predominate weather will apply.
- Aviators may file to Class B, C, D, and E surface airspace with SVFR from ETA through one hour. (must still be able to maintain enroute visibility and cloud clearances per table 5-1)
What are the PC responsibilities in regards to weight and balance?
- Ensure the accuracy of computations on DD Form 365-4.
- Ensure that a completed DD Form 365-4 is aboard the aircraft.
- Verify that the weight and CG will remain within allowable limits for the entire flight. (Several forms with various loadings may satisfy this requirement.)
What are the take-off minimums for a pilot with less tha 50 hours of weather time?
100 foot ceilings and 1/4 mile visibility.
What are the Class C and D VFR weather minimums?
- Visibility — 3 miles
- Cloud Clearance
- 1000’ above
- 500’ below
- 2000’ horizontally
What are the Class B VFR weather minimums?
- Visibility — 3 miles
- Cloud Clearance
- Clear of clouds
What are the Class E VFR weather minimums?
- Below 10000’ MSL
- Visibility — 3 miles
- Cloud Clearance
- 1000’ above
- 500’ below
- 2000’ horizontally
- Above 10000’ MSL
- Visibility — 5 miles
- Cloud Clearance
- 1000’ above
- 1000’ below
- 1 mile horizontally
What are the Class G VFR weather minimums below 1200’ AGL?
- Day
- Visibility — 1/2 mile
- Cloud Clearance
- Clear of clouds
- Night
- Visibility — 1 mile
- Cloud Clearance
- Clear of clouds
What are the Class G VFR weather minimums above 1200’ AGL but below 10000’ MSL?
- Day
- Visibility — 1 mile
- Cloud Clearance
- 1000’ above
- 500’ below
- 2000’ horizontally
- Night
- Visibility — 3 miles
- 1000’ above
- 500’ below
- 2000’ horizontally
- Visibility — 3 miles
What are the Class G VFR weather minimums above 1200’ AGL and above 10000’ MSL?
- Visibility — 5 miles
- Cloud Clearance
- 1000’ below
- 1000’ above
- 1 mile horizontally
How long may an aircraft be flown “VFR on top”?
For no more than 30 minutes.
What weather is required to initiate an IFR approach?
An approach may be initiated regardless of ceiling and visibility.
What requirements must be met before descending below the MDA/DH/DA?
- The approach threshold or approach lighting must be clearly visible to the pilot.
- The aircraft must be in a position from which a safe approach to the landing area can be made.
What is the Apache’s weight and balance classification and what does it mean?
The Apache is a Class 2 aircraft meaning weight or center-of-gravity limits can be readily exceeded.
How often must the DD Form 365-4 be checked for accuracy?
At least every 90 days.
When must aircraft be weighed?
- Overhaul or major airframe repairs are accomplished.
- Modifications of one percent or greater of the aircraft’s basic weight are applied.
- Any modifications for which the weight and center-of-gravity cannot be accurately comuted.
- Records are suspected to be in error.
- The period since previous weigh reaches 24 months (Class 2 aircraft).
What are the PC’s responsibilities in regards to ALSE?
The PC must ensure that ALSE comensurate with the mission and operational environment is available and crew and passengers are briefed on its location and use.
When must supplemental oxygen be used?
- Over 10000 feet for one hour.
- Over 12000 feet for 30 minutes.
- Over 14000 feet for any time period.
- Prebreathing must be accomplished for flights over 18000 feet.
What protective clothing must be worn by all crewmembers?
- Flight helmet
- Flight suit
- Flight gloves
- Cotton, wool, or nomex undergarmets
- Identification tags
- Leather boots
What is the minimum required ALSE?
- Extraction device
- First aid kit
- Approved survival knife
- Fire starter
- Signaling device