4-2 SOP Flashcards
How long do aviators have to turn in their IFRF and IATF upon arriving in the unit?
14 calendar days. (App. 2, A, 1)
Within how long must new aviators have an RL level designated?
Within 45 days of assignment to the unit. (App. 2, A, 3)
Who is the approving authority for a 30 day ATP extension?
The Battalion Commander. (App. 2, A, 5)
What FAC positions and minimums must be assigned within three years of graduation from flight school.
Aviators must be assigned FAC 1 or FAC 2 positions and will be assessed FAC 1 flying hours minimums. (App. 2, B, 1)
What flight tasks may personnel perform without a flight physical and up-slip?
None. Personnel will not perform any type of aircraft cockpit duties without a current flight physical and an up-slip. (App. 2, C, 1, b)
What are the 4-2 ARB semiannual minimums?
- 9 NVD hours
- 3 hours each NVS and NVG
- 2 hours night unaided
- 3 hours hood/weather
- 2 hours of EP training
(App. 2, C, 9)
Must all tasks marked with a “D” in the ATM be evaluated in day mode?
No. Tasks need only be evaluated in the mode demanding mode, NVD. Those tasks marked N or NVG must also be evaluted in those modes. (App 2, D, 6)
What are the 4-2 ARB closeout procedures?
- Closeout must be completed within 10 days after the end of the birth month.
- The 2408-12 must be reviewed on the 1st of the month and any discrepancies corrected NLT the 5th.
- If the closeout is not completed by the 10th the Aviator will not be able to fly till it is completed.
What type of flashlight must be used to preflight in darkness?
A flashlight with a clear lens. (App. 3, A, 1)
May aided and unaided aircraft fly in the same formation?
No. (App. 3, A, 2)
What visual signals may be used to indicate radio failure at night?
Anti-collision lights to white momentarily or flash position lights on and off bright. (App. 3, A, 7)
When is NOE NVD flight authorized?
On approved NVD training routes, in helicopter training areas, or when a hazard recon has been completed within 72 hours. (App. 3, A, 9)
When may aircraft operate single ship at night?
- When on published routes.
- When in control zones with an operational control tower.
- In the MTFV and TTA.
- When under positive ATC control.
- When transitioning between published routing and approved airfields or training areas.
(App. 3, B, 1)
What are the TADS/PNVS requirements for night flight?
The TADS and PNVS will be on, operatinal, and fully adjusted for use during all NVD flights. (App. 3, D, 1)
May aviators substitute NVGs for an inoperative TADS or PNVS?
No. The TADS/PNVS remain the primary night vision system on the AH-64D. Aviators will not take off on an NVD mission with an inoperative TADS or PNVS. (App. 3, E, 2)
May supplemental lighting by used during NVG flights?
Yes. Use of supplemental lighting (lip lights, finger lights, flash lights, chemical lights, etc.) is authorized provided such lighting does not degrade the NVGs. (App. 3, E, 4)
What lighting is prohibited in the cockpit during NVG operations?
Red or white lighting will not be used in the cockpit during NVG operations. (App. 3, E, 5)
May the PLT and CPG fly NVGs simultaneously?
No. NVS remains the primary night sensor and both NVS systems will be on, tested, and operational for all NVG flights. (App. 3, E, 6)
May IHADSS GUN shots be made under NVGs?
No. Use of NVGs as the sensor when firing IHADSS GUN is prohibited. (App. 3, E, 6)
How does the 4-2 SOP define terrain flight?
Below 200’ AHO day and below 500’ AHO night. (App. 4, A, 1)
When may terrain flight be performed?
Only when it is authorized in the mission briefing (DA Form 5484-R) and when in an authorized terrain flight area as defined in the 4-2 SOP. (App. 4, A, 1)
What is the minimum altitude for CMF?
Combat Maneuvering Flight will not be conducted below 200’ AGL. (App. 4, A, 2)
What are the PC responsibilities in regards to hazard maps?
The PC is responsible for validating hazard maps and ensuring they are carried in the cockpit and used during flight. (App. 4, A, 4)
When may aircrews descend below the 200’ AGL day and 500’ AGL night minimum flight altitudes?
When lower is required for weather avoidance. (App. 4, B)
Before conducting tactical flight operations outside approved training areas what must be accomplished?
- A flight reconnaisance has been accomplished during the day within 72 hours.
- Primary and alternate routes have been reconned.
- All wires and obstacles within 1 km of the route noted.
- Hazards in vicinity of PZ/LZs, BP, ABFs, SBFs, EAs, FARPs, HAs, and any place were hovering operations will occur are identified and plotted.
- Aviators are briefed on hazards prior to flying route.
- Hazards are plotted on aviators’ maps and entered into AMPS if possible.
(App. 4, C)
At what point may the P take the controls if the P* has not identified a wire hazard?
If the P* has not identified the hazard by 100 m he must stop the aircraft, climb for clearance, or the P may take the controls.
What are the PC’s responsibilities when clearing an aircraft after live fire?
- Bolt to the rear and breach empty.
- Carrier observed while cycled for three continuous cycles.
- Rocket pods visually inspected.
(App. 5, N, 1)
How may instrument training be completed?
Either in the aircraft or LCT. (App. 6, B, 1)
What actions should be taken when IIMC?
- IIMC recovery per the ATM.
- Transition to the flight page as soon as possible.
- Comply with local IIMC recovery procedures.
- The P should be prepared to talk the P* through the recovery, copy clearances, assist with the cross check, or take the controls as required.
(App. 6, C)
How will a flight conduct an IIMC breakup?
- Each aircraft will turn 10 degrees times their gun number to the briefed side.
- The formation will stack down in 500’ increments from the lead aircraft.
- The reverse stack (stacking up) will not be used.
- Aircraft remaining VMC will maintain VMC.
(App. 6, D, 2)
When must IIMC prodecures be briefed?
- All multi-aircraft flights.
- Single ship flights anytime the ceiling is visibility are forecast to be less than 3000’ and 3 miles.
(App. 6, D, 4)
What are the Korea transponder requirements?
At a minimum, one aircraft per flight will have an installed, operational, and properly loaded IFF system to include modes 1, 2, 3, and 4. All aircraft entering the P518 will have all modes filled and operational. (App. 7, E, 1, a)
What is the minimum crew to operate engines (no intent to fly)?
At least a PC and an RL2 aviator. (App. 9, A, 6)
May RL2 or RL3 aviators operate the APU?
Only RL1 aviators and RL2 MTPs are authorized to operate the APU. (App. 9, A, 7)
Define multi-aircraft operations.
The movement of two or more aircraft in one or more formations. (App. 10, A, 1)
Define formation flight.
A flight in which two or more aircraft are operating in such proximity that the others must duplicate movement of the lead aircraft. (App. 10, A, 2)
What are the only call-out items that must be acknowledged by a flight?
In flight hazards. Aircraft will respond in gun order. (App. 10, B, 2)
What are the prefered formations for formation flight?
- Above 200’ AHO - combat cruise at 45º with 500-1000’ separation.
- Seperation may be reduced in an ATC environment.
- Below 200’ AHO - combat cruise.
- Below 80’ AHO - combat cruise and combat spread are the only authorized formations.
(App. 10, C)
Who is authorized to fly in the LCT?
Only aviators assigned to the ATP. The Battalion Commander may authorize others when an SP/IP/IE/UT is operating the I/O station. (App. 11, B, 2, b)
What training requirements may be met in the LCT?
- Night unaided.
- Hood.
- NVS currency (IAW ATM).
- RL Progression.
- INST APART evaluation.
- CBRN training and evaluation.
(App. 11, B, 2, d)
Who must attend the pilot briefs?
They will be attended by everyone, excused only by the BN CDR (App. 12, C, 3)
When must aviators read the Aircrew Information Reading File?
Prior to the first flight of the month or by the 5th day of the month, whichever comes first. (App. 13, B, 4)
What are the over-water currency requirements?
- Sea Mk II (HEED) – annually
- Shallow Water Egrees Trainer (SWET) — with annual HEED training
- Modular Egress Training System (METS) — every four years
(App. 14, B, 1, a)
What are the minimum over-water altitudes?
100’ AGL day and 200’ AGL night. The low bug will be set at stated altitude. Rates of descent will not exceed current AGL altitude. (App. 14, C, 2)
What are the over-water weather minimums?
1000’ ceiling and 3 miles visibility. No reduction authorized. (App. 14, C, 4)
How far from a Safe Landing Area may aircraft fly single ship over-water?
No more than five minutes. (App. 14, C, 5)
When is the mustang suit required?
- Water temp:
- < 60º F — suits mandatory.
- 60-70º F — BN CDR’s discretion.
- > 70º F — PC’s discretion.
(App. 14, C, 8)
What gear is required to fly over-water?
- Mustang suit (water temperature dependent).
- Air Warrior extraction vest.
- Flotation collar.
- HEED bottle.
- Life raft (in cockpit).
Where will weather briefs be obtained from?
From the 607th OWS at Camp Humphreys. (App. 15, A)
How often will weather be updated?
Aircrews will attempt to update weather every two hours and at each stop on stop over flight plans. Missions need not be aborted due to inability to update weather while en-route. (App. 15, B)
What actions will aircrews take if a Weather Warning (WW) or Area Weather Advisory (AWA) is issued with weather worse than:
- Ceiling or visibility less than VFR/SVFR minimums.
- Surface wind of 35-44 knots.
- Hail
- Lightning observed within 5 miles.
- Wind chill below -20º F (-29º C).
Aircrews will plan to terminate the flight one hour prior to the effective time unless Battalion Commander approval has been received. (App. 15, C, 1, b)
When will flight operations be suspended and aircraft hangered?
When a WW, AWA, or forecast indicates:
- Tornado watch is in effect.
- Surface wind ≥ 45 knots.
- Hail ½ inch or greater.
- Receipt of a tropical storm COR 2 alert.
What are the minimum items required in the cockpit for flight?
- Uniform IAW AR 95-1, Chapter 8.
- RMM, operational and installed.
- DTC with current BN load.
- 4-2 ARB APG.
- DOD FLIP (PAC VOL 2 App Plate, FIH, VFR Arr/Dep, ROK VFR Arr/Dep)
- 1:50,000 map with current hazard information.
- (for all areas performing terrain flight)
- 1:250,000 JOG
- (with prefered route structure)
- 1:50,000 P518 special map
- (if operating in the P518)
(App. 16, C)
When must a mission be terminated or re-briefed and approved?
- When conditions encountered change the FMAA level originally approved.
- When there is a change in crewmember.
- When there is a change of mission.
- When there are significant changes to the previously briefed mission.
(App. 17, B/C)
When may a VOCO mission briefing or mission approval be used?
VOCOs are the exception not the standard and must be kept to a minimum. (App. 17, C, 2)
What will a PC flight evaluation include?
- Standardization NVD APART tasks.
- Selected instrument tasks.
- Combat Maneuvering Flight.
- Flight into an airfield other than KSG.
- IIMC with full recovery.
(App. 19, F, 1)
When must the recorder be used?
ALL flights are required to be recorded for the entire flight if the video recorder is installed and operational. If the VCR is installed and operational an RMM will be installed and recording the entire flight. (App. 22, 1/2)