Aircrew Training Program Flashcards
Who approves BN SP/IP/IE/ME appointments?
BN Commander
Who approves Company SP/IP/IE/ME/MP appointments?
Company Commander
Who approves P-518 and P-73 UTs?
BN Commander
Do all Company level RCMs have to be designated FAC1?
Within less than three years from graduating flight school what FAC level must be assigned?
FAC1 or FAC2 with FAC1 minimums
Who can be designated FAC3?
No one lower than BDE level
Can a FAC4 designee preform crewmember duties?
Can you perform any cockpit duties without a current flight physical?
Can you fly with overdue ALSE inspections?
What does a Commander’s Evaluation consist of?
Records review and PFE (CBRN if not done in previous 12 months prior to RL1)
How many days are allowed to turn in flight records?
14 calendar days
How many days are allowed to complete a Commander’s Evaluation?
45 calendar days from sign in to the unit or flying status orders whichever is latest.
Can a RCM on their first duty assignment be designated RL2 or RL1 based on a solely on a records review?
Where are P-518, P-73, and Overwater qualifications annotated?
DA Form 7122-R
What requirements must be met prior to the ACM’s first flight in country?
Map Orientation, P-518, P-73 as required, HIRTA and EMI briefing, and ALSE issue and inspection
Can you take ordinary leave during RL progression?
Who determines LAO requirements?
Unit Commander
No Notice procedures?
ACM once per ATP year
Companies 2 per year month
Minimum tasks for Commander’s evaluation PFE?
ATM table 2-4 (NS/NG) required tasks
How often should you receive ALSE training?
How often should you receive fratricide prevention training?
Can you do an auto rotation with turn? Requirements?
locations IAW AK 95-1
Not on preferred routing
Area free of obstructions no hazards to persons or property
recovery complete/established climb 200’D/500’N
Are you required to be recording video in flight?
Yes. Any 2CAB aircraft with operational recorder will have medium installed and recording.
Who is the wavier authority for ATP requirements?
BDE Commander
Who is the approval authority for ATP extension?
BN Commander
Can you perform PC duties while on ATP extension?
Who approves 300 series tasks?
BDE standardization office