2CAB SOP Flashcards
Who is permitted to fly in a 2CAB simulator?
Only aviators assigned to the unit ATP. Any exception requires the authorization of a commander, O-5 or above. (2-2, d)
For the purpose of ATP requirements, who is defined as the Commander in regards to AR 95-1 para 4-10?
The Battalion Commander. (2-3)
Who is the waiver authority for individual ATP requirements?
The Brigade Commander. (2-4, a)
Who must be immediately informed of any non-medical suspensions from flying?
The Brigade Commander. (2-5)
What is the Brigade SOP’s guidance on battle rostering?
It can be useful for short periods such as training exercises or gunnery, however, long-term battle rostering may produce complacency, overconfidence, and non-standard procedures. (2-6)
Who may not have their semiannual flying requirements reduced?
Aviators on their first tour as an aviator or after an aircraft qualification course. (2-9, b)
May personnel take ordinary leave during their RL progression or during their APART period?
No, unless a case-by-case approval is given by the BN Commander or they have completed all elements of their APART and their annual flight physical.
What are the 2CAB uncontrolled airspace special weather requirements?
- Below 1000’ / 1 mile is a moderate risk.
- Overwater minimums will not be reduced below 1000’ / 3 miles.
(2-19, b)
May 2CAB aircraft use SVFR minimums?
Yes, traffic pattern flight may be conducted down to the minimum SVFR as ATC allows. (2-19, c)
How often will weather be updated?
Every two hours. Additionally, at each stop when operating on a stopover flight plan. Inability to do so will not be reason to end the mission - weather will be updated as soon as communication with a weather facility is possible (2-19, c)
What are the DVR requirements for Apaches?
If the aircraft has an operational video recorder it will have the appropriate recording medium installed and recording during flight operations. (2-27, b)
Who must attend the pilot brief’s?
Attendance to the pilot brief’s shall be mandatory, excused only by the BN Commander. (2-29, b)
What are the 2CAB bird strike procedures?
- If no damage is evident or detected, land as soon as practicable.
- If damage is suspected or detected, land as soon as possible.
What is the five step process to produce a PC?
- Identify the PC candidate.
- Convene a PC selection board.
- Conduct training and complete the PC checklist.
- Conduct an oral and flight evaluation.
- Conduct an interview.
Are telephonic briefings/approvals permitted?
Yes, though VOCO approvals should be used only when absolutely necessary. The PC will annotate “VOCO” followed by the rank, last name, and DTG of the briefing/approval officer. (4-1, a, (4), f)
Who are the 2CAB risk approval authorities?
- APU/GSE — Platoon Leaders
- LOW — Company Commanders
- MODERATE — BN Commander or O-4 and above in his absence
- HIGH – BDE Commander or DBC in his absence
What weather should be briefed on the RAW?
The PC will indicate the worst weather to be experienced during the mission. (4-3, e)
If weather decreases below what was briefed on the RAW, what actions must be taken?
None, as long as the weather does not decrease below any restrictions placed by the MBO or below the minimum weather for the overall risk level (below 1000’ / 1 day [2 CAB SOP, 2-19], 1200’ / 2 night aided, or 1200’ / 3 night unaided [AK 95-1, Table 3-1] becomes a moderate risk). (4-3, e)
How does 2CAB define terrain flight?
Below 200’ AHO day and 500’ AHO night. Terrain flight will not be performed unless authorized in the mission briefing. (5-1, b)
Lower altitudes are permitted for weather avoidance. (5-3)
What precautions will PCs take to prevent maneuver damage?
When hovering or at low airspeeds the PC will ensure the aircraft remains 500’ slant range from buildings, livestock, cultivated fields, or anywhere damge may occur due to rotor downwash. (5-6, d)
Define formation flight:
A flight in which two or more aircraft are in such proximity that the others must duplicate the movements of the lead aircraft. (6-1, a)
Define multi-aircraft operations:
The movement of two or more aircraft in one or more formations. (6-1, b)
Are attack aircraft considered part of the flight they are escorting?
No (6-2, c)
What considerations should be made when planning NVG routes?
Routes will be planned and flown so rates of climb and descent will not exceed 500 fpm and to avoid heading changes of more than 60 degrees enroute and more than 30 degress from the SP/RP to the LD or PZ/LZ. (10-5)
What are the NVD NOE airspeed restrictions?
- NOE flight (below 25 feet AHO) — 40 KIAS
- Countour flight (25 - 80 feet AHO) — 70 KIAS
- Low-level flight (above 80 feet AHO) — airspeed as appropriate
(10-5, g)
What color flashlight will be used to preflight during hours of darkness?
Clear lens only. (10-7, a)
What supplemental lighting is authorized in 2CAB aircraft during NVD flight?
Finger lights, lip lights, and blue or green chem lights. (10-7, b)
What lighting is allowed in the cockpit during NVG operations?
Blue green lighting only. No red or white lighting is allowed. (10-9, b)
When is the simultaneous use of NVGs authorized?
Only if one crewmember is using a symbology display unit (SDU). (10-10, d, (2))
How much night unaided flight is required semi-annually?
One hour for each RL1 and RL2 crewmember. (Two hours per BN SOP.) (10-10, d, (5))
What equipment is required for any flight within 2 km of the P-73 trace or P-518 NFL?
Must have a fully functional GPS/precision navigation system tracking at least three satellites. In formations, at least the lead aircraft must meet this requirement. (12-2, b, (1))
What constitutes a moderate risk for overwater missions?
- 5-45 minutes (cruise) from nearest safe landing area.
- Mission requires flight in the “avoid” region of the height/velocity diagram.
- Mission requires flight below 100’ AWL.
- Flight along the NFL.
- Anticipated rescue times are less than minimum expected survival time.
(13-4, c)
What constitutes a high risk for overwater missions?
- Single ship (unless meeting low risk criteria).
- More than 45 minutes (cruise) from nearest safe landing area.
- Aircraft or crewmember not meeting 2CAB SOP requirements.
- Anticipated rescue times are greater than minimum expected survival time.
(13-4, d)
What constitutes an extreme high risk for overwater missions?
- Anticipated rescue times are greater than maximum expected survival time.
(13-4, e)
What are the overwater equipment requirements?
- Air Warrior extraction vest.
- Life preservers (when not single-engine capable and beyond gliding distance of land).
- Life rafts (if water temps are below 60º and/or the aircraft is futher than 5 minutes from a safe landing area).
- Anti-exposure (Mustang) suit per table E-1).
What are the overwater training requirements?
- Completion of METS (Dunker) and recertification every four years.
- Completion of SWET/HEEDS annually (except year of METS recertification).
How often should a unit conduct live fire training?
At least once a quarter, alternating between basic crew qualification with advanced tables and service ammunition live-fire training. (14-1, c)
When must tables III and IV be completed?
If the crewmember has not qualified table VIII in the last 12 months. (14-1, f)
How often must CBAT be completed?
Prior to designation as RL1 (if not completed in previous 12 months) and during the APART evaluation period (15-3, a)
How often must an ASE scenario be completed?
Two iterations annually. (15-3, f)