Ch 3 (Avionics) Flashcards
What is the range limitation of the VHF radio?
22nm for frequencies below 145MHz.
What is the range limitation of the UHF radio?
Approximately 30nm below 300MHz and approximately 35nm above 300MHz.
What is the range limitation for the FM1 radio in cypher text? Plain text?
Cypher: 22nm
Plain: 29nm
Between 40-80MHz:
Cypher: 16.5nm
Plain: 23
What is the range limitation for the FM2 radio?
22nm, except for frequencies of 32, 40, or 80 MHz, where it can be as low as 13nm.
How do you know the UHF radio is in the FH mode?
There is an “F” followed by the net number.
The Zeroize switch on the EMER panel will not erase classified data in what components?
Does the UHF radio simultaneously monitor GUARD frequency?
What are the requirements for HAVEQUICK?
Time of Day
Word of Day (w/ segments)
Net Number
What component provides security for the UHF radio?
How long can it take the FM radio to tune/configure to a COM preset? The radio becomes available after ___ seconds, but transmissions may be broken.
10, 2
What is required for Frequency Hopping? Which radio is capable of FH?
Lockout Set
VHF radio
What is the purpose of the IFM and what radio does it support?
Improved FM
It varies the RF power of one of the FM radios.
Transmitting IFM in ___ while both FMs are tuned to the same freq can cause damage to the FM__ radio.
What will happen if you fail to put the IDM into standby before removing aircraft power?
May corrupt or damage data files/IDM.
How many chances do you have to log in to the TI?
3 chances within 3 minutes
Will digital messages be delayed if that particular radio’s mic is keyed at the same time the SEND button is pressed?
How many TM members can you have? PRI members?
16, 8.
What two types of aircraft can communicate between Longbow networks?
64s and JSTARS
All aircraft must have the same ___ ___ to send/receive the AUTO PP update.
Broadcast ID
What is the furthest distance that can be entered into the TI AUTO SA DISTANCE field?
What causes a FAIL message whenever loading COMSETs?
A failure to tune any of the radios.
How many tactical and nontactical presets can you have on your COM page?
6, 5
What are the three settings for RETRIES when on a Longbow net?
2, 1, and 0
How long do you have to receive a MICKEY when the RECEIVE TIME button is pressed?
60 seconds
What is the difference between plain and cypher transmissions?
Plain: no security
Cypher: Encrypted communication
Does the IDM inhibit button totally inhibit BFT radio transmissions?
Nope. The dedicated power switch must be turned off.
How many messages will be displayed on the SENT ITEMS page (MAIL -> SENTBOX)
If you send someone LASER CODES on the MAIL -> FILES page, how many are you sending?
What data is derived from the EGIs?
- Heading
- Acceleration
- Angular rate
- Attitude
- Position
- Position error estimate
- Velocity
How many channels does the GPS receiver have?
If you put the A/C in “SEA” mode and shut down the aircraft, what mode will you be in when you turn on the A/C?
If GPS position is given to the EGIs to align to, the EGI position confidence will read approximately ___ km on the TSD UTIL page initially.
If a stored point is given to the EGIs to align to, the position confidence will read approximately ___ km on the TSD UTIL page initially.
When a position is manually entered for the EGIs to align to on the GND, the position confidence will initially read ___ km.
.05 km
How long does it take the EGIs to align on the GND? In FLT?
4 minutes
35 seconds
What is the purpose of the keys in the GPS?
They allow the GPS to remain useful in the event GPS satellites are not available for public use.
Is the GPS classified if keys are installed?
If no GPS keys are installed, position information will remain good, but ___ information will continue to grow over time.
If the GPS is keyed, it can take up to ___ minutes to verify the key with satellites.
Whenever you make changes to waypoints or routes, the ___ will automatically update the ___ with those changes.
What are the two independent air data subsystems linked to?
The FMC and the HADS.
Which AADS probe is the only one to provide temperature information directly to the SP?
What data does the FMC provide?
- PA
- DA
- Barometric ALT
- Static air pressure
- Sideslip angle
- Lateral true airspeed
- True airspeed
- Calibrated airspeed
- Longitudinal airspeed
- Static temperature
- Air density ratio
How does the aircraft calculate its altitude in MSL?
Using the ADS and the Radar Altimeter
If you display all 1000 points in your database, the TSD will not be able to maintain display rate. What is the reason for this?
The DP
If the DP is unable to keep up with the number of points you have chosen to display, what do you do? (two things)
Only display the first 300 points and do not display point text.
When will a HDG button be displayed on the TSD?
When heading error is greater than 10*
What are the two methods for updating the position of the aircraft?
Manually enter the position on the KU or select a known point.
In what TSD mode is the Next Waypoint Status Window displayed?
How do you know your TSD map is frozen?
The TSD Map is frozen until what?
Dashed box along the outside and a frozen ownship symbol.
The primary EGI becomes aligned.
The large SA Status Window will tell you what about the icon?
- Course and speed
- UTM Coordinate data
- Latitude and Longitude
- Altitude (MSL)
When will winds be displayed as “CALM”? When will windspeeds be displayed in yellow?
Windspeed is less than 5kts
When Nr 45kts
Which points in the 1000 point database are shared data points?
100 thru 950
Which points in the 1000 range database are reserved for targets?
1 thru 50
Targets over ___ cannot be edited nor can new targets be added/stored into targets.
The route line becomes partial intensity when the active destination point is other than what?
The next point in the current route.
How much space is between ground track dots?
What points in the 1000 point database are reserved for waypoints/hazards?
1 to 50
How many points can you have dedicated as a “safe set”?
What points in the 1000 point database are reserved for control measures?
The green line originating from the ownship icon that represents the TADS LOS changes to what color to signify LASING?
What are the max number of FCR targets to be displayed on the TSD page?
How many spot report symbols can be stored and displayed?
How many shot-at files can be stored in the A/C?
When will a WAYPOINT APPROACH and PASSAGE advisory be displayed?
When neither crewmember has a dynamic TSD and the A/C is within one minute of passing a waypoint or upon waypoint passage.
What are the available selections for ASE AUTOPAGE?
What does the POSITION CONFIDENCE status window represent?
95% probable radial position error of the position estimate altitude and longitude
SAT, CHART, and DIG maps can take up to ___ seconds to load.
How far should the ADF needle deflect when it is being tested?
90* to the right
Will any common selections on the NAV page be the same for the ATK page?
What are the available selections for Terrain Profile Mode line numbers?
When entering LAT/LON coordinates into the KU, the Latitude leading numbers have how many digits? Longitude?
2, 3 (must lead with a 0 if the number is less than 100)
Can “Safe Set” control measures be edited? Can they be overwritten?
Yes, no
The first 16 shot-at coordinates are reserved for what?
The ownship
If you receive more than one farm report from a team member, what will happen to it?
It will be overwritten.
How many PFZs and NFZs can be displayed on a TSD?
8, 8
How many PFZs and NFZs can be active at one time?
1, 8
Will FCR targets inside a NFZ be prioritized?
What is the range for Target Reference Points? What is the default setting?
1-3, 2
What is the default number of zones for a PFZ?
One for each zone members designated plus one for the ownship.
The active PFZ will be displayed on which FCR mode pages?
How is a NFZ depicted on a TSD and FCR page?
Can the OBS SFTY inhibit for the HF Engagement Status Window be overridden by the second detent?
Why do we select the MODE 4 HOLD option on shutdown?
To enable the computer to save the last MODE 4 codes for utilization on the next power-up.
What does Mode 4 on the transponder provide us?
A crypto-secure mode of identification by relying on an encrypted interrogation.
What does Mode 3/A/C on the transponder provide us?
A: Airspeed
C: Altitude
Mode 3 is used for ATC.