AK 95-3 Flashcards
AK 95-3 establishes procedures under what three conditions?
- At or below 600’ AGL
- During armistice
- Within the P-518
PCs flying in the P-518 will:
- Be responsible for the planning and execution of the P-518 flight.
- Ensure the flight is appropriate, planned, and submitted.
- Know their exact position within the P-518 at all times.
- Ensure all crew members understand the audiovisual warning signals used to advise an aircraft that it is in danger of violating DMZ airspace.
- Monitor the UHF and VHF guard frequencies while in the P-518.
- Will maintain two-way communications with the appropriate FCC.
- Avoid overflight of towns, congested areas, and areas of concern.
(1-4, b)
What are the P-518 map requirements?
All flights in the P-518 must utilize a 1:50,000 map with applicable aviation overprint.
What are the P-518 equipment requirements?
- An operational GPS (at least the lead A/C in a flight).
- An operational RMI and standby compass.
- Two operational radios, one FM and the other either UHF or VHF with guard.
- An operational intercom.
- Transponder with Modes 1, 2, 3, and 4.
If any required equipment malfunctions during flight, the aircraft may not continue to operate in the P-518.
What are the P-518 weather requirements?
- Day — 500’ / 1 Mile
- Night — 1000’ / 3 Miles (1 Mile Aided)
BN CDR may reduce to no less than 500’ / 1/2 Mile on a case-by-case basis.
(Table 2-1)
What altitidue are rotary-wing aircraft to be at in the P-518?
At or below 600’ AGL with 600’ - 800’ as a buffer zone. Except for momentary excursions, flight above 600’ AGL must be coordinated with MCRC through FCC Guardian. (2-10)
What are the P-518 lost communications procedures?
- Abort mission
- Transponder 7600
- Return to home station
- Calls in the blind
- Notify AMCC or FCC Guardian upon landing
What are the P-518 disorientation procedures?
- Turn 150º to 170º
- Notify the FCC and maintain coordination
- Note time of turn, exact heading, time on selected heading, and location where exact aircraft location was determined
(Use caution to avoid flight into the P-73)
(Reentry will not be authorized until exact position is known and FROKA or TROKA AAD has determined no airspace violations have occured)
When must a P-518 night flight plan be submitted by?
NLT 1500 the day of the flight.
(Submit to Humphreys Base Ops NLT 1400 or Dealer Flight Ops NLT 1300)
(Night flights in the tactical zone exemption area and on the P-73 trace are exempt from the P-518 night clearance requirement)
(4-3, a)
What information must be submitted with a P-518 night flight plan?
- Lead aircraft call sign
- Type and number of aircraft
- P-518 entry point and entry time
- Route of flight
- P-518 exit point and exit time
- Name of pilot
- Mission type
- Initials of submitter
(4-3, b)
How late may changes be submitted for a P-518 night flight?
NLT 2 hours before takeoff.
What are the DMZ visual warning aids?
14×17 m “T” markers 2000 m south of the DMZ and 2000 m apart on south slopes and crests of prominent terrain features. (6-1)
What are the DMZ visual warning signals?
Red smoke, red or white star clusters, and red or white star parachutes. 5.56 tracer rounds in front of the aircraft will be used as a last resort. (6-2)
What are the DMZ aural warnings?
HOT DOG — used to evacuate the NFA due to impending or actual violation of the NFL and/or MDL.
JACK RABBIT — used to clear the NFA and P-518 for emergency situations. (6-3)
What are the HOT DOG procedures?
Upon hearing a HOT DOG broadcast for their sector or using their callsign:
- Turn heading 150º to 170º
- Confirm present position
- Proceed south until clear of the NFA/NFL
- Proceed south until confirming the broadcast was for another aircraft or until the HOT DOG broadcast is terminated
(6-3, a)
What are the JACK RABBIT procedures?
- Exit the P-518 by the fastest route available
- May return to home base if:
- North of home base
- Able to return to home base more quickly than able to exit P-518
- No aircraft will fly north until JACK RABBIT is terminated