AK 95-1 Flashcards
What are the ROK P-73 (East/South) weather minimums?
- Day — 500’ / 1 Mile / Clear of Clouds
- Night — 1000’ / 1 Mile / Clear of Clouds
(Table 3-1)
Is underwire flight permitted in the ROK?
Not during armistice operations. (3-10)
May transponder codes be left in the aircraft?
Only mode 2 may remain in the transponder. Mode 1 will be reset to 0000, mode 3 to 1200, and mode 4 zeroized. (3-8, b)
May aircraft operate in the ROK without an operating transponder?
Aircraft with an inoperative transponder are restricted to traffic pattern flight or multi-ship operations (within 10 rotor disks). (3-8, c)
When may terrain flight below 200’ AGL (Day) and 500’ AGL (NVS) be performed outside an approved terrain flight area?
When a day reconnaissance of the route has been performed within 72 hours and all obstacles within 1 KM of the route have been annotated. Aviators flying the route must be briefed on all hazards by the pilot that performed the reconnaissance. (7-2, a; 7-3, d, (3))
What are the transponder requirements for all flights within the ROK?
All U.S. Army aircraft must squawk the correct codes in modes 1, 2, 3, and 4. For multi-aircraft operations, the lead aircraft shall squawk modes 1, 2, 3, and 4; subsequent aircraft shall squawk modes 1 and 2. (3-8, a)
What are the standard minimum flight altitudes in Korea?
- Day — no lower than 200’ AGL and 200’ above obstacles within 200’ horizontal distance.
- Night — no lower than 500’ AGL and 200’ above obstacles within 200’ horizontal distance.
(May descend below these altitudes in terrain flight training areas, if a recon has been done within 72 hours of the planned flight, or when on a published route with published altitudes.) (3-2, b-c)
When must lead change procedures be briefed?
When the mission briefing authorizes night/NVD multiship operations. (7-3, d, (5))
What are the ROK controlled airspace VFR weather minimums?
- 3 Miles / Basic Cloud Clearance
(Table 3-1)
How much may Battalion commanders reduce day Class G airspace VFR visibility requirements?
Battalion commanders may reduce VFR visibility requirements for helicopters to no less than 1/2 mile on a case by case basis. (3-1, b)
What are the ROK P-518 VFR weather minimums during the day?
- Below 700’ AGL — 500’ / 1 Mile / Clear of Clouds
- Above 700’ AGL — 3 Miles / Basic Cloud Clearances
(Table 1-3)
When may an aircraft operate without an ELT?
Only in the traffic pattern. All aircraft that operate outside the traffic pattern must have an operational ELT. (5-7)
After transitioning more than _ ____ _____ a crewmember shall not be scheduled for flight within __ _____ of arrival in-country.
5 time zones, 96 hours (4 days) (May be waived by the first Aviation O-5 in the chain of command based upon Flight Surgeon’s recommendation (5-1)
What are the ROK P-518 VFR weather minimums at night?
- Below 700’ AGL — 1000’ / 3 Miles (1 Mile if Aided) / Clear of Clouds
- Above 700’ AGL — 3 Miles / BCC / Visible Horizon and Ground
(Table 3-1)
What are the flight following requirements in Korea?
The aircraft must maintain internal flight following with another aircraft, accomplish flight following with a Korea FOC/FCC, or flight follow with an ATC facility. (3-15)
What requirements must be met before operating on the P-73.
A rotary wing aviator must complete a day and night qualification prior to operating within 5 km of the P-73 as a PC. (3-14, a)
How many survival radios must be in each aircraft during flight?
Each rotary-wing aircrew member will be equipped with a survival radio during flight. (5-6)
When should the PC select a suitable recovery airfield?
Whenever the weather is below 1000’ and 3 miles visibility. (B-2)
What are the AK 95-1 mooring requirements.
All unhangered aircraft will be moored with chains except when being prepared for immediate flight or maintenance requiring ground run-up. When possible, aircraft should remain overnight (RON) at locations that can provide tie-down or hanger service. (2-9)
What should the PC consider when conditions are conducive to IIMC?
- Fuel status
- Distance to recovery airfield
- Weather conditions at the recovery airfield
- Status of navigational aids
What are the ROK uncontrolled airspace VFR weather minimums?
- Day - 500’ / 1 Mile / Clear of Clouds
- Night - 1000’ / 1 Mile / Clear of Clouds
(Table 3-1)
Where must a weather briefing be obtained from?
They must be obtained from a military weather facility; from 607th OWS, either in person or telephonically. (3-5)