Ch 24 Vocab Flashcards
mactiō, factiōnis,
f. political party, faction (faction: a small organized dissenting group within a larger one)
inimīcus, inimīcī
m. personal enemy (enmity: feeling of being actively opposed or hostile)
iūs, iūris,
n. law (jurisprudence: philosophy of law)
ōs, ōris
n. mouth (oral)
praemium, ī
n. reward; loot (premium: something given as a reward, prize, or incentive)
vigil, vigilis
m. watchman (vigilant: keeping careful watch for possible danger)
when masc. pl. firemen
exstinguō, exstinguere, exstīnxī, exstinctum
to put out, extinguish (extinct)
interficiō, interficere, interfēcī, interfectum
to kill
postulō, āre, āvī, ātum
to demand (postulate: suggest or assume the existence, fact, or truth of (something) as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief)
reflectō, reflectere, reflexī, reflexum
to bend back (reflect; reflex)
dives, dīvitis
3-3 adj. rich (dives: used to refer to a typical or hypothetical rich man)
meus, -a, -um
2-1-2 adj. my, mine
mītis, mīte
3-3 adj. gentle
senior, seniōris
3 adj. older, elder (seniority: the fact or state of being older or higher in position or status than someone else)
suus, -a, -um
2-1-2 adj. his, her, its, their (suicide)
tuus, -a, -um
2-1-2 adj. your, yours