Ch 24 SS2 Flashcards
Name three OPEC countries
Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, U.A.E., Qatar, etc.
Name two things that the government did to reduce our dependence on foreign oil
Lower speed limit, odd-even days, closed schools and businesses
The easing of cold war tensions
Name two reasons that the U.S. government built the strategic petroleum reserve
Military emergencies, foreign oil embargos, business emergencies
Since the end of WWII, this has become the most powerful branch of government
Name one of the two reporters who broke the Watergate story
Woodward & Bernstein
Nixon fired the attorney general, and assistant attorney general: the special prosecutor was also fired. This was known as …
The Saturday night massacre
Gerald Ford was nominated as V.P. by Nixon after this V.P. resigned.
Spiro Agnew
This group of people was responsible for “plugging leaks” in the government
This former Gov.. of Georgia defeated Gerald Ford for President
Jimmy Carter
In 1979, the Soviet Union invaded this country
The Camp David Accords was a peace treaty between these two countries
Israel and Egypt
Ayatollah Khomeini took control of this Middle East country
In 1979, the U.S. negotiated to return this property back to its Central American country
Panama Canal
Rachel Carson wrote the book “Silent Spring” which helped to get this chemical outlawed
What does E.P.A. stand for?
Environmental protection agency
The worlds worst nuclear disaster was known as…
Alexander Butterfield disclosed to Congress that Pres. Nixon had a ….in the Oval Office
A telephone recording system
This Nixon program was designed to give power to the states. They would decide on their own how to spend their federal tax dollars?
Revenue sharing
This “Holiday” was set up to address concerns about the environment
Earth day
How many residents were evacuated in the wake of the accident at Three Mile Island?
This is the situation when you have rising prices and rising unemployment
The reporters who broke the Watergate story worked for this newspaper
The Washington post
•Most environmental activists were originally part of other activist groups. Name two of them
- Civil Rights activists
- Women’s Rights groups
- Anti-war groups
What does OPEC stand for?
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Days before sentencing ____ writes a letter to the presiding judge, ____ in which he confesses lying under oath and suggest White House involvement of the burglary
Jane McCord
John sirica