capafons et al Flashcards
what did the capafons et al study believe ?
systematic desensitization works for the fear of flying
why did capafons et al believe systematic desensitization worked for fear of flying
1- people who travel in aero planes still have fear so flooding doesn’t work
2- sd allows for an element of control
3- patient can go at their own speed
4- it is practical as it involves imagining the feared situation and the live situation isn’t necessary
what were the aims ?
- offer some conclusions about the assessment of success of systematic desensitization applied to the phobia of flying
what was the sample
-41 people with a flying phobia
-20 assigned to the treatment (8 males and 11 females)
-21 to the waiting control groups (9 males 12 females )
how were participants recruited ?
volunteer sampling via a media campaign
this informed them of the opportunity to take part in a free intervention programme aimed at treating the fear of flying
what diagnostic scales were used to assess participants fear of
flying ?
what was the IDG-FV ?
spanish general diagnostic information tool on the fear of flying
obtains data about patients life history
what were the EMV scales ?
measures pre and post treatment:
- fear displayed during flight
- fear of flight preliminaries
- fear without involvement, e.g seeing a plane
what are the EPAV scales ?
- scales of expectation of danger and anxiety
- measured occurrence of catastrophic thoughts
what was the procedure ?
- participants watched a video of a plane trip
what happened 3 minutes prior to the participants watching the video ?
- habituation session, where patients heart rate, skin surface temperature, temperature and muscle tension was measured
how was the room in which the participants watched the video in controlled ?
- room of 5x3.5 m
- at 22.5 degrees celsius
- sat 1.8 m from television
what happened after the patient watched the video ?
- a new appointment was made either for presenting the treatment or for the next assessment session
how long was the interval between the 1st and 2nd session in both groups ?
- 8 weeks
what was the treatments group treatments ?
- 2, 1 hour sessions weekly
- standardized individual desensitization
- involved breathing relaxation and imagination