C11 and C12 - Earth's Atmosphere/Resouces Flashcards
Gases in Current Earth’s Atmosphere
Nitrogen - 78%
Oxygen - 21%
Other (CO.2/Water Vapour/Argon) - 1%
Early Earth’s Atmosphere
- Mainly Carbon Dioxide due to Volcanic Activity with a bit of Nitrogen and Oxygen
- Its state is similiar to Venus/Mars now
- Main Gas in atmosphere, due to Carbon Dioxide absorbed into Weak Acids when Water Vapour condensed into Oceans
- Not much Oxygen was needed until Photosynthesising Organisms (Algae) occured in the Oceans, giving out Oxygen and taking in Carbon Dioxide
- Oxygen increased as Plants evolved
Fossil Fuels
- Formed over million years and are non-renewable, some Carbon Dioxide (used in Photosynthesis) is used to create them
- Contains some Sulfer
- Made from Trees in Wetlands (as they dont decompose) due to lack of Oxygen or Acidic Conditions
- Compressed with Sediment Rock, high temperature and pressure creates Coal
Crude Oil
- Made from dead Planktons that don’t decompose due to no Oxygen on the Sea bed
- Compressed by Sediment, heat and pressure creating Oil
Green House Effect
Process where Gas in Earth’s atmosphere traps heat from the sun to keep civilization warm/alive
Climate Change
- Amount of Carbon Dioxide increasing in atmosphere
- Burning Fossil Fuels, releasing Carbon Dioxide
- Deforestation, less trees means less Carbon Dioxide taken in
Climate Change Effects
- Increasing Temperature could lead to melting of Glaciers increasing sea levels leading to more flooding
- More frequent Extreme Weather: Flash Floods, Storms
- May kill out an entire species
Green House Gases
Cardon Dioxide - Burning Fossil Fuels
Methane - Agriculture, Cattle
Carbon Footprint
How much Green House Gases something emits over its duration
Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions
- Insulating our homes more
- Use less heating/electricity which uses Fossil Fuels
- Use public transport/walk instead of using cars
Renewable Energy
- Doesn’t get finished up and is more eco-friendly
- Much more expensive, may be less efficient that Fossil Fuels
Reducing Methan Emissions
- Eat less dairy/meat products
- Landfills can be burnt to trap Methane to produce Electricity
How energy is created
- When Fuel is combusted (burned)
- Coal and Hydrocarbon are Fuels, when burnt they react to Oxygen and are Oxidised
Products of Combustion
- Water Vapour
- Carbon Dioxide
- Carbon Monoxide
- Some found in every Fossil Fuel
- When burnt it becomes Sulfer Dioxide
- Can be removed from Fossil Fuels before Combustion
Soot (Particulates)
Particles of Carbon and unburned Hydrocarbons which can harm health, cause Global Dimming (Cooling down the Earth but not letting sunlight through)
Human Uses of Resources
- Agriculture/Food
- Transport
- Shelter
Finite Resources
- Resources that are being used quicker than being made e.g. Fossil Fuels, Metal
Renewable Resources
- Resources that can be produced quicker than being made e.g. Wood
- Keeping the world healthy enough for the next generation
Synthetic Resources
- Can help us use less Natural Resources/allow us to create more efficiently
- E.g. Rubber from Crude Oil, Artificial Fertilisers to make more Yield, Filters out Water
Potable Water
- Water that has minimal Bacteria and Sodium in it, drinking Water
- Rain Water makes up for most of our Potable Water, due to it having low amounts of substances
Sources of Fresh/Rain Water
Aquifers, Lakes, Resevoirs
Production of Potable Water
- Get Fresh Water from a source and pass it through Filter Beds at a factory to remove particles
- Chlorine/Ozone/Ultraviolet Light is then used to Sterilise the water to kill Microbes
Reduce levels of minerals to safely drink water by Distillation, Reverse Osmosis (Very Expensive)