Brannigans Building Construction CH.8 Wood Frame Construction Flashcards
T or F: what is a combustible
Wood and thin sections can have very rapid
Flame spread
A building with skeleton of beams and columns in which the walls are only curtain wall
Framed building
Type of Wall that is non load-bearing it carries no weight other than its own weight and is installed only to keep out weather
Curtain wall
In a framed building the frame itself carries the entire
Weight of structure as well as live loads
A structure where the entire structural load is carried on the walls
Wall bearing
Usually referred to as a frame building, is actually a wall bearing building that carries load of the structure and contents
Wooden walled building
To cut off the corners of a Timber to retard ignition
Lumber with tongues and grooves at the end
end matched
In construction trade it refers to laminated Timbers; wood modified from its natural state or Lumber come by to make elements
Engineered wood
Solid Timber that is formed from planks that are glued together
Glued laminated Timber
Lumber that is 8 in or more and its smallest dimensions
Heavy Timber
Floor beams
Of solid wood members as opposed to lightweight wood trusses and wooden I joist
Legacy Construction
Wood that has been Sawn and planed
Tongue and grooved Lumber (usually lengthwise)
Matched Lumber
Made of layers of strands of wood cut from logs with a fairly constant width to length ratio
Oriented strand board (OSB)
Had less expansion from moisture; available in sizes larger than 4 by 8 ft
Oriented strand board (OSB) also oriented flakeboard
Layers of wood veneer laid in different directions glued together under pressure
Lumber that is left as sawn on all four sides
Rough lumber
Wooden strips that fit into grooves in 2 adjacent planks to make a tight floor
Column in frame buildings usually 2x4 in or 2x6 in
Wood lath is found in
older Construction
Narrow rough strip of wood nailed to studs, plaster spread on them
Wood lath
Thin Grooved board use for ceilings and wall panels
Wood wainscoting
Non load-bearing uses of would include
Wood lath for carrying plaster and wood wainscotting
Wood can be used structurally to carry
Building loads
Wood is used to carry major structural loads in many forms of type 5 Construction:
Log Cabin
Post and frame
Balloon frame (Eastern framing)
Platform frame (Western framing)
Plank and beam
Truss frame
Building that has an identifiable frame or skeleton of Timber that is fitted together
Post and frame
Post and frame are constructed using
Mortise and Tenon (socket and tongue) joints, fitted together to transfer loads properly
The joints of mortise and Tenon are pin with wooden pegs called
They are the ancestors of high-rise because they are framed not wall bearing buildings meaning walls are not structural or load-bearing
Post and frame
Many new post and frame buildings are in close with
Foam core panels; foam roof present possibility of failure
in the 1920’s many balloon frame houses were built with exterior finish to resemble post and frame construction called
English tudor
At Walt Disney World and Other amusement parks buildings of Steel construction are decorated to have appearance of
Post and frame
Type of construction that became an almost Universal construction method for multi-story wooden buildings until middle of 1900s
Balloon frame Construction
In this construction studs run two or more stories high from Foundation to the eave line; channels between studs may be open from Cellar to attic and Joist channels are open to stud channels
Balloon frame building
Space between joist
Joist channels
In balloon frame building at the floor line a horizontal board called what is nailed to the studs; joist rest on these
Ribbon board
In balloon frame construction interconnected voids can be considered to be
One large balloon
When balloon frame buildings are remodeled what may or may not be installed
Fire stopping
Reasonable to assume that any wooden building built from 1940 and more than one story high was probably of what type of construction
Balloon frame
Who is often the culprit for starting fires in walls of balloon frame buildings
Where is the worst place for fire to start in a balloon frame building
When dealing with a balloon frame fire it is imperative for firefighters to anticipate spread and send companies with hose line to
Upper floors and attic
In a balloon frame building fire you should consider designating
Extension sector and Fire officer to observe building on all sides
Signs of fire spread in balloon frame building
Blistered paint
Smoke from Eaves
Sudden increase in volume of smoke below operating forces
Any sign to evacuate
Sand like material found inside wall stud channels of balloon frame homes for insulation
In this type of construction first floor is built as a platform; sub flooring laid on the joist and frame for first floor walls is erected on first floor
Platform frame Construction
Typically the limit for platform frame Construction
3 stories
In a balloon frame building their structural continually from top to bottom versus what that has no continuity from top to bottom
Platform frame building
In what type of construction do inherent barriers exist to limit spread of fire through walls; confining fire to one portion of structure even if fire gains access to concealed space
Platform frame Construction
The one common vertical means of fire spread and both balloon frame and platform frame buildings
Open stairwell
In single-family homes what is the fastest way for smoking heat to rise to the top of the home
Open stairwell
False space above built-in cabinets usually in kitchen or in under sides of stairways and projecting Eaves
Provides a connection generally without a fire stop between wall and joist spaces
Often feel back-to-back and multi-family dwelling so far makes then immediately to a Jason occupancy
Once a foundation in basement have been built what are the platform frame may begin
Rough carpentry
First floor seal is laid on the foundation wall followed by floor joists usually spaced
16 to 24 in on Center
After floor joist are placed what is placed in the form of plywood or OSB on top of the joist
What is placed between joist to keep them erect and to help share the loading placed on the floor
Bridging or (cross-bracing)
Floor openings are created for stairwells and the like throughout the use of what
Header (along end of opening) and trimmer (along length of opening)
Wood Walls consisting of studs spaced how much have a bottom plate and a top plate
16 in on Center
Once all of the walls have been erected and tie together the bracing is removed and what is placed over the studs
Sheathing panels (sometimes insulating)
in in platform Construction The top set of walls receives roof framing consisting of
Rafters and Ridge board (ridge pole)
Using what gives the roof a variety of sloped shapes
Hip or Valley
In a platform frame stairway what supports the risers and treads
Vertical stair components between treads
Horizontal stair component on which people place their feet
The taller the Riser and smaller the tread
The steeper set of stairs
And this type of construction instead of using multiple floor beams play 16 in apart have your beams are used and are spaced much farther apart
Plank and beam
In Plank and beam construction instead of thin rub so flooring or plywood what is used
Thick finish tongue and groove planks
In Plank and beam construction the Finished plank surface is
ceiling of floor below
What is a positive benefit of Plank and beam Construction
Reduces volume of concealed spaces in which fire can burn shielded from hose stream
Many churches and similar buildings with high Open Spaces are built of
Rigid laminated wood frames or arches and heavy plank roofs
Any intermediate structure such a sacristy or robing room should be what because of their particular hazard
Sprinklered or built of non-combustible construction
Hammer beam Truss is used in
Churches and other Monumental Gothic structures
Trusses are most often used as
Composed of 2x4 in pieces of wood, piece together and subsequently joined together with light gauge galvanized steel gusset plates
Lightweight wood truss
Contains a series of small 3/8 in teeth that are pressed into wood surface
Steel gusset plates (gang nails)
lightweight wood truss that uses finger joints and adhesives such as phenol and resorcinol formaldehydes, are mainly held together by
Friction and glue
Built of small cross-section of wood with high surface to mass ratio characteristics of kindling
Lightweight wood truss floors
Lightweight wood truss floors can not only collapse early but the void is also a reservoir for
Carbon monoxide (CO)
During a fire the presence of truss floors may be disclosed by smoke or fire pushing through
Wall at the floor line (less likely in a brick veneer building)
Wood truss floors lack what that is present in a legacy Construction meaning that fire department’s roof ladder hooks will hang on the roof deck sheathing rather than beam
Ridge pole
During construction of lightweight wood truss roofs the roof trusses must be temporarily held a wrecked by use of wood slats to tie them together meaning
Roof itself holds roof trusses up right
When attempting to ventilate a lightweight wood truss roof it must be performed using
Aerial device such as Tower ladder
Floor sealing void not high enough to be called an attic
Truss void or trussloft
Joisted floor found in Legacy construction has one tremendous advantage over the truss
Each joist acts as a fire stop; area of void is limited
Uses of trusses provides a huge increase in the volume of
Concealed voids in structure
General rule is that any exposure in which product of concentration (PPM) x duration (mins) equals what is likely to be dangerous
= 33,000
A 10-minute exposure to how much of CO would be hazardous and possibly incapacitating
3500 ppm
12,500 ppm of CO can be
Fatal after a few breaths
flammability range and ignition temperature of CO
Flammability range= 12.5-74%
Ignition temperature= 1128*F
When an ideal mixture of CO an air is present a detonation can result; usually appears as a huge sudden burst of flames known as
When trusses are extended out either as cantilevers or as continuous beams to support balcony that is the only exit for occupants and only access point for the fire department where the trust passes over exterior wall fire stopping or draftstopping is in the form of what
Sheet of gypsum board buttered into place
Standard for the installation of sprinkler system and low-rise residential occupancies
Purpose of the system is to prevent flashover save lives and permit occupants to escape; partial systems and should not be expected to provide fire suppression or control
Residential sprinkler systems
Residential sprinkler systems only cover selected portions of occupied spaces such as
Bathrooms under 55 ft^2
Closet under 24 ft^2
Balconies are not protected
What places found in lightweight wood frame structures are not protected by residential sprinkler systems
Unoccupied attics and floor void spaces