Brannigans Building Construction CH.4 Building & Fire Codes Flashcards
this type of special building requires fire alarm & detection system, full sprinkler protection, public address, low level exit signs and Class A rating for all interior finishes
special amusement buildings
it was not until 1873 that this group developed a set of 8 simple fire protection concerns dealing with items such as “inflammable materials” as well as limitations on the excess height of buildings and fire escapes that were actually serviceable for invalids, women and children
National Association of Fire Engineers (NAFE; known today as International Association of Fire Chiefs)
real push for national building and fire regulation’s came in the wake of what?
Great Baltimore Fire of 1904
insurance industry took lead and prepared what code in 1906?
National Building Code of 1906
organized in 1896, started building regulations during this period; issued sprinkler system standard followed by National Electric Code in 1897
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
complete regulatory documents that can be adopted by cities and states as they are written
model codes
prepared by Building Officials and Code Admin. International (organized in 1915) was used in North and Midwest
National Building Code
used in West and Southwest; prepared by International Conference of building officials (1922)
Uniform Building Code
prepared by Southern Building Code congress International (1945); used in Southeast
Standard Building Code
older regionally adopted codes; no longer produced
legacy codes
establish minimum set of requirements that need to be met, not necessarily what should be done in terms of fire protection from firefighting perspective
building and fire codes
in addition to building codes, ICC and NFPA develop what?
fire codes
regulate the construction of a building
building codes
regulate the use of a building after it is built
fire codes
unless building is renovated or modified, what is not applied retroactively?
building codes
applies to all structures and conditions within them, including existing hazards that were created even before adoption of the code
fire code
fire codes and building codes are updated every how many years by the NFPA and ICC?
every 3 years
codes up to date every 3 years need to be adopted by the city or state if not it cannot be what?
building codes rely on what for detailed regulations for installation of building systems, including fire protection systems?
specify WHERE systems are to be installed in building
building code
specify HOW system is to be designed and installed in building
2 most important test standards
- American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) E119, standard test methods for fire test of building construction materials
- ASTM E84, standard test method for surface burning characteristics of building materials
used for testing and assigning hourly ratings for fire walls, columns, and floor
ASTM E119, standard test methods for fire fire test building construction materials
test flame spread characteristics of interior finishes
ASTM E84, standard test method for surface burning characteristics of building material
5 types of construction
- fire resistive
- non combustible
- ordinary
- heavy timber
- wood frame
International Building Code Type 1 =
fire resistive
International Building Code TYPE 2 =
non combustible
International Building Code Type 3 =
International Building Code Type 4 =
heavy timber
International Building Code Type 5 =
wood frame
In the International Building Code, subcategory levels for each class refers to what?
amount of fire resistance provided for that type of construction (Type 1A)
fire resistive construction w/ 3 hour fire rated structural frame
Type 1A
NFPA 5000 uses 3 digit numbering scheme to designate what?
subcategories of each type of construction related to hourly rating of the structure
what does each number stand for in the NFPA 5000 3 digit numbering scheme for construction ? ( i.e. Type 3 (ordinary) w/ 211 rating)
first # = rating of load bearing wall
2nd # = beams and columns
3rd # = floor construction
TYPE 3 (ordinary) building w/ 211 rating
1st # = 2 hour fire rated load bearing wall
2nd # = 1 hour fire rated beams and columns
3rd # = 1 hour fire rated floors
allows buildings w/ mixed construction types such as a 5 story apartment building of type 3 construction to be built on tope of a 2 story parking garage of type 1 construction
International Building Code
building codes classify structures by their
occupancy types
relates the hazards of building and the type of occupants to specific regulations such as allowable area and height
occupancy classification
A1 Assembly examples
movie theaters, concert halls
A2 Assembly Examples
restaurants, nightclubs
A3 Assembly examples
churches, library
A4 Assemble
arenas, tennis courts
“B” buildings examples
offices, educational occupancies above 12th grade
“E” educational examples
grade-schooler, daycare
F1 Factory Moderate Hazard example
bakery, laundries, woodworking
F2 Factory Low Hazard
foundries, ice plants
H1 High Hazard
detonation hazards
H2 High Hazard
deflagration hazards
H3 High Hazard
physical hazards presented
H4 High Hazard
health hazards
H5 High Hazard
Institutional I1
Halfway houses, group homes
I2 Institutional
hospitals, nursing homes
I3 Institutional
prisons, jails
“M” Mercantile examples
dept. stores, drug stores
R1 Residential examples
hotels, motels
R2 Residential
apartment buildings, dormitories
R3 Residential
1 & 2 family homes
R4 Residential
assisted care facilities, residential care
Storage S1 Moderate Hazard examples
books, furniture
Storage S2 Low Hazard examples
cement in bags, fresh fruits, glass
Utility & Miscellaneous “U” examples
barns, carports, greenhouses
NFPA 5000 Assembly Occupancy types # of occupants
> 1000, >300, = 300 occupants
building codes regulate what 2 things depending on the construction classification and occupancy type ?
size and height of structure
building codes regulate size which =
size = area per floor in square feet before fire walls required to subdivide the area
building codes regulate height of structure which =
height = in terms of feet and stories
generally, the more dangerous the occupancy (in terms of life hazard and/ or activities taking place inside) and the more combustible the construction (i.e. wood frame) permits for what size of building?
smaller and shorted building permissible
(I.E. building code wouldn’t allow a wood frame hospital of 12 stories w/ 30,000 ft2 per floor)
installation of what reduces other code requirements for the building, including allowable area and height?
installation of automatic fire sprinkler systems
much larger buildings can be erected, w/ more combustible type of construction simply by what?
installing fire sprinklers
installation of fire sprinkler allow for trade offs not only for allowable area and height but also for reduction in what?
reductions in egress requirements
structural fire resistance
increases in quantities of hazardous materials in some cases
regulate the special types pf hazards present in a building such as atria and high rise structures
building and fire codes
special hazards include
underground buildings
hazardous material use
storage facilities
stages and platforms
covered malls
building and fire codes set the requirements for emergency egress including what
of exit stairwells
travel distance
width of doorway and corridors
number of feet from any point in a building to a fire rated stairwell or outdoors
travel distance
3 components of means of egress
the exit access
the exit
the exit discharge
actual path from any point in a building to a fire rated stairwell (or outdoors)
exit access
rated stairwell or exit passageway and the opening (door) to the outside
the exit
essentially a higher rated corridor that connects a stairwell to the exterior of a building when the stairwell is not located on an exterior wall
exit passageway
simply from the outside door to a public wall (i.e. street, public sidewalk)
exit discharge
of people that the code anticipates can occupy a space given the occupancy type
occupant load
in a building, all rooms must have one what?
once code compliant means of egress
in a building, as occupant load increases, what must be increased as well ?
of doors/paths
rating for corridors
often 1 hour
rating for corridor doors
often 20 mins
rating for stairwells for 3 stories & 4 stories and up
up to 3 stories: 1 hour
4 stories or more: 2 hours
“Step” or horizontal surface of step that foot is placed upon; stairs
vertical portion of the stair that “rises” b/w treads
typical tread & riser dimension
tread: 11 in
riser: 7 in
how far an occupant must travel to get to a fire rated stairwell or outside exit; important limitation/ provision of building and fire codes
travel distance
generally, in a building w/o an automatic fire sprinkler system the max. travel distance limitation should be how much ?
max 200 ft
buildings w/ fire sprinklers may have increased what?
travel distance limitations
a 2 hour fire rated wall typically running from exterior wall to exterior wall on an individual floor of a building
horizontal exit
used when travel distances to a fire rated stairwell or exit discharge are excessive
horizontal exit
means of egress doors for places of assembly. schools and hospitals require the use of what (known as fire exit hardware when used on fire doors) ?
panic hardware
characterized by a bar that opens door with a simple push to avoid a pileup behind the door
panic hardware
are required for all sleeping rooms in residential occupancies (i.e. hotels, dormitories, apartments, 1-2 fam dwellings, group “R” occupancies) below the 4th floor for you to rescue trapped occupants
exterior emergency escape
rescue windows
rescue window dimensions
min. 5.7 ft^2in area
min. 20 in wide & 24 in high
used of what on windows is prohibited by all model codes?
fixed burglar bars
have not been permitted to be installed on new buildings as means of egress since late 1960’s
fire escapes
consists of steeps set of open grate metal stairs w/ tall rises and narrow treads; run zig zag pattern across face of building, connecting windows on each floor
fire escape
some fire escapes have what at the top to provide access to the roof?
vertical “gooseneck” ladder
in large buildings w/ many occupants such as theaters and factories, fire escape may use what to automatically descend to ground as weight of fleeing occupants is placed upon it
counterbalanced set of stairs
fire inspections of fire escapes involve a live load test of how much wt?
100 lb/ft^2
regulate the installation of fire protection systems
building and fire codes
American w/ Disabilities Act of 1990
ADA w/ building and fire codes has lead to variety of provisions for disabled such as
visual and audible signaling devices
ramps for wheelchair
smoke barrier protected rooms located near stairwells and are identified w/ international symbol of accessibility
area of refuge
aside from dealing w/ fire resistive assemblies and fire protection systems, this also covers issues such as fire apparatus access roads (fire lanes), smoke management fans for high piled combustible warehouse stock and flammable liquid storage rooms
fire code
according to the model fire codes, all existing and all new buildings (not only high rises) are required to have complete emergency what?
emergency responder radio coverage
proper fire protection requires what 2 types of features
passive & active(dynamic) fire protection features
in addition to building codes, ICC and NFPA facilitate development of what?
consensus based standards and codes
regulate the construction of a building
building codes
regulate the use of the building after it is built
fire codes
deals w/ ongoing maintenance of building code mandated fire resistive assemblies and fire protection systems (some specific construction type provisions as well)
fire code