Book 100 Chpt. 4-6 Flashcards
What two basic types of high rise buildings?
Residential or commercial
What general characteristics do residential high rise buildings have?
Center-hall Corridors, numerous interior compartments and 24 hour occupancy
What general characteristics do commercial high-rise buildings have?
Center core construction, circuit corridors around the core, larger and more open spaces. Larger population but only during the day
A high-rise buildings at least how many feet tall?
75 feet
How is that measured?
Ground level access to floor level of highest floor intended for occupant use
What ten features do high rise buildings that were constructed since ‘74 have?
Completely sprinklered,
Class lll combination standpipe system (with an on site water supply and pump)
At least two means of egress from each floor
Local fire warning system
Building communication system
Building control station
Fire department lockbox
Standby and emergency power systems
An emergency helicopter landing pad on roof
Stairwell numbering system
What size outlets are on the class III system?
All our 2 1/2”with a 1 1/2” reducer
What will be found in the lock box?
Keys to elevators, fire alarm system and to gain access to floors from stairwell, and maybe building inventory plans
What six features do high-rise buildings that were constructed before 1974 have?
At least two approved exits for each floor,
Enclosed stairwells (except a few, very old)
Some type of smoke control
Floor level numbering signs at each floor and stairwell
Some type of standpipe system
A building communication system (if over 150 feet)
What are some of the types of smoke control? For buildings constructed before 1974
Openable windows
Tempered break out glass panels on at least two sides
HVAC smoke exhaust system
What info is required on the floor level signs in the stairwell at each floor?
Floor level
Stair number
Floors served by the stairs
Roof access or not
What are the types of water systems found on pre-60 high-rises?
Class l dry (2 1/2”)
Class ll wet (1 1/2”)
1960-1974 and over 150 feet in height? Type of water system
Class III combination system
1960-1974 and less than 150’ water system?
Same as pre-60
Will a building built before 1974 have a building address system if over 150 feet in height?
How many drills per year are required for a high-rise buildings?
One (hotels exempt)
Our hotel employees exempt from the annual training?
Each high-rise must have one person to serve as a what?
Fire safety director
The fire safety director shall maintain a list of what?
Physically challenged individuals In the building
What are the two highest priorities during high-rise operations?
Fire attack and evacuation
High-rise buildings in the city are designed with what fire rating between floors and a vertical openings?
2 hours
What are the three dangers to building occupants in a high-rise fire?
Fire, panic, smoke
What has been shown to be the most effective means of saving lives and facilitating Rescue in a high-rise fire emergency?
Aggressive attack on the fire
In the event of a working fire, which stairwells should be pressurized with blowers?
All access stairwells
Some high-rise buildings in Los Angeles house more than how many people during peak hours?
A minimum for a working fire, Occupants from which floors must be relocated or evacuated?
Fire floor, 2 floors above and 2 floors below (5)total floors
What document is required for each commercial high-rise occupancy?
Building emergency plan
Our success in control in the fire and protecting the occupants will depend on our ability to what?
Control the stairwells
If firefighters cannot move in the stairwell due to the press of occupants evacuating, what other option may be used?
The use of airborne engine company deployed to the roof
What two designations shall be given to respective stairwells?
Fire attack stairwell
Evacuation stairwell
Who may be utilized to handle all calls from occupants in the building to MFC?
Communication technical specialist
At what point can the fire attack team initiate tactical operations?
After a size up has been made and apparatus has been safely position
What is the only practical means of moving personnel and equipment? In a high-rise fire
The Buildings stairwell at ground level
What shall the additional fire attack team acquire from the lock box before going to loft?
One set of keys and a building inventory sheets
Keys provided should allow access to what?
Recall elevators and unlock the stairwell at ground level and at all floors
What telephone number should be obtained before going to loft?
Number to Fire control room or Lobby
Once going aloft, how shall Command be maintained?
By passing to the next engine on scene or to a higher ranking officer if on scene
Who sets the pace for the fire attack teams ascent?
The officer in charge
What have been proven to be the safest and most reliable route to the fire floor?
What are scissor type stairwells?
Stairwells that may skip floors or may exit at opposite end of building
What is the primary purpose of stairwell pressurization, wether done by the buildings systems or by the fire department?
To greatly reduce heat, smoke and products of combustion from entering the stair shaft when a stairwell door to the fire floor is opened
What other type of blowers have proven beneficial at high rise fires?
Water pressure driven blowers (typhoon)
Why are they beneficial? (Typhoon blower)
They do not emit carbon monoxide
How can stairwell doors be distinguished from other doors on the outside of buildings?
By their double door width and key cylinder lock
What other mechanism may hold the door closed?
A magnetic device
How many pounds of pressure may be needed to overcome the magnetic holding device?
25 pounds
What is the normal rate of ascension for fully equipped fire attacked teams utilizing stairwells?
One minute per floor
If the fire is reported on or below the 6th floor, what method of ascent shall be used?
At what point maybe a elevator without emergency service or a freight elevator being used?
Once determined safe by fire personnel on fire floor and approved by the IC
Prior to entering the elevator, what shall be determined?
The location of the stairwell is in relation to the elevator
What is the maximum number of personnel that can go on Aloft in the elevator?
Assessment of conditions found in the stairwell should be related to the IC or incoming companies every how many floors?
When elevators are used, precautionary stops shall be made every how many floors?
Once you have located the fire floor, what must be done before opening in the stairwell door?
Check floor above to determine vertical extension, potential hazards, or available openings
When preparing to advance two lines simultaneously, how should they be prepared?
Flick the larger lined up and the smaller line down
Standpipe pressure in a high-rise is controlled by what three means?
Pressure regulating devices, pressure restricting devices, and orifice plates
What is the normal set limit for pressure regulating devices?
300 GPM
Orifice plates are designed to supply what GPM?
200 GPM
If a gated wye is part of your hose lay, how must it be addressed?
It must be attended or strapped open to prevent inadvertent closure
When a line is connected to an outlet with an orifice plate, what must be done?
Remove orifice plate and have a member remain at the outlet
If an orifice plate cannot be removed, what shall not be done?
Completely shut off nozzle and
A complete shut off at the nozzle may raise the pressure in the line to the much higher static pressure and the hose could rupture
The fire attack team effort’s should be directed to what?
Protect the hallways Corredor’s, stairs, elevators and other vertical openings
If it is necessary to reposition your hand line for a more affective attack, how shall this be accomplished?
Go down a floor, cross to the other side and reconnect your lines. Keep incident command informed
How can wrap around potential he be prevented?
By coordinating two hose lines
Which member(s) must be alert for fire above suspended ceilings, Backdraft and flashover conditions?
Each member on the fire floor and communicate with other companies on the floor
An area above the ceiling is sometimes referred to as what, if part of the HVAC system?
Plenum space (for returning air)
What must separate open stairwells interconnecting floors have?
Two hour protection which is accomplished by drop down rolling steel doors
What is a good indicator that a building may have separate interconnecting stairwells?
If in the lobby you notice that one business occupies two or more consecutive floors
What temperature can be a flashover point in a high-rise?
As low as 700°F
What are indicators of a flash over?
A free burning fire
A cumulative heat/smoke in upper part of the room
Increased in smoke and density (bank down)
Fire flickering in the ceiling smoke
What may cause oxygen deficiency in a floor on a high-rise?
It’s the buildings HVAC system is shut down
Stairwells in buildings constructed after what year are required to employees stairwell ventilation system?
The fans must provide at least how many CFM?
50 ft.³ per minute
What is the maximum pounds of pressure they can place in interior doors?
25 pounds
What is positive pressure in the stairwell designed to prevent?
Smoke from entering the stairwell from the fire floor
What does a Sealed building refer to?
External glass panels not openable
Smoke movement in a high-rise windows HVAC can be affected by what?
Construction Mushrooming and stratification Doors Windows HVAC systems Stairwells Emergency smoke control system
What is the largest difference between mushrooming and stratification?
Stratification is caused by the products cooling as they arise, preventing further rising.
Mushrooming is caused by products that have risen as high as possible and now our banking down
Windows on a pre-60 high-rise are what?
Post 60?
Tempered glass on at least two sides of the building at corners and 50 feet intervals or less
Post 74?
Tempered glass on all sides of the building. At corners and 50 foot intervals or less
How are tempered glass windows identified?
3 inch luminous or reflective decals in a lower corner which indicate they are fire department use
What may the building have instead of tempered glass to satisfy the requirement?
Openable windows or mechanical smoke removal systems
Post 1996?
Requirement of smoke control systems has illuminated the requirement of installation of the tempered glass
What shall be done before breaking any glass?
Radio notification shall be made indicating the need and intention to break glass, and the specific side of the building
HVAC systems should be left alone and in the on position unless what?
They are contributing to the spread of fire or smoke throughout the building
For ventilation purposes, stairwells can be placed into work two categories?
Open to interior of building, W/roof access
Open to exterior of building W/roof access
Ventilation efforts in stairwell that open to interior of the building with roof access will need What means to ventilate?
Mechanical means other than utilizing natural airflow only
On stairwells that open to exterior with the roof access, simply opening a door at the bottom and a roof level can’t create natural vertical air currents up to what speed?
What advantages do you water turbine driven positive pressure vent to later’s typhoon blower I have over a gas engine powered blowers?
Much less noise, no carbon monoxide and proven twice the CFM
Buildings built after 1974 are required to employ an emergency smoke control system which is comprised of what components?
Pressurize stairwell mechanical smoke removal system temper glass or openable windows
Who shall be responsible to ensure stairwells are pressurized?
Lobby control
When pressurizing in stairwell utilizing blowers, how should they be placed?
4 to 6 feet back from doorway
Angled back at least 5°F In a “V”configuration rather than in series
If windows must be opened/broken for cross ventilation, which side of the building should be used?
Leeward side. Hose line must be in place
Cross ventilation is affective up to how many floors in the high-rise building?
25 floors
If cross ventilation is needed above 25 floors, what may be used?
An additional blower in the pressurized shaft